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Everything posted by GameCzar

  1. I hope you have better luck with Monte Carlo than we did, ours was all but dead in a month. Looks great so far!
  2. I dont see a ton of fish corpses, but I do see tons of Nerites with shell damage in chain stores.
  3. Love the scape in the nano-tank! What fish are in there?
  4. Definitely a couple of plants, and maybe throw on some multi-test strips!
  5. Welcome to the forum, looking forward to seeing your tanks!
  6. I think they are specifically trying to eliminate vitriol about current politics. In the historical context it's generally a lot more peaceful.
  7. Really cool fish! One day I'd love to try my hands at the Xenotoca doadrioi, San Marcos.
  8. If it were me I'd float em in a bucket or stick them in your tank and leave them in the pot. Just get them in the water.
  9. You will have skittles before you know it! 😉 I personally love the neocaridinas in all colors.
  10. Surprise fry are best fry! We've got about 35 (guppy) fry right now, its about to get crazy in my fishroom.
  11. I can't lie, Minecraft is fun. I think I heard Cory say in a livestream that someone was making aquascaped aquariums in Minecraft. (Jimmy or Robert maybe?) Steve is speaking wisdom here though, great job kiddo!
  12. Welcome! I have pygmy cories too, and we love them. They are getting plump and cute!
  13. I'm working on learning this too. Following.
  14. We have one of those places, Sunrise Records on 11th Street in Beaumont Texas. Many memories of visiting that place.
  15. Big Mamma wasn't done, babies babies everywhere.
  16. If you're old, I'm ancient! Welcome Michael! All the best people are named Michael. (Like myself) 😉
  17. Blue Dragons or Blue Moscows I think. Hard to choose! Below is the moscow.
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