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Everything posted by GameCzar

  1. Try turning the lights down low and putting on some Barry White. 😉
  2. For my money, one of the funniest men to have ever lived has left us. Norm Macdonald Dies: Influential Comedian & Former ‘SNL’ Weekend Update Anchor Was 61 Im devastated, shocked, and pray for his loved ones.
  3. Hmm, flashy. Well entertaining to watch could be something like Zebra Danios who are VERY active, and I think the long finned ones are really pretty. As someone else said, Chilis are great for a tiny fish. Fun to watch. You could also give Platies a try if you like the livebearers.
  4. Yeah, I have a feeling it wont be long before Lil Mamma will be delivering more gifts 🤣
  5. First batch has moved out into their new home.
  6. Welcome! Looking forward to seeing what you put in the tank!
  7. I really appreciate that you shared your struggles getting started. It has allowed me to focus on the light at the end of the tunnel!
  8. I'm using a mix of https://www.aquariumcoop.com/products/sera-micron-growth-food https://www.aquariumcoop.com/products/easy-fry-and-small-fish-food https://www.aquariumcoop.com/products/instant-baby-brine-shrimp As they have gotten bigger Im mixing in ground micro-pellets and fancy guppy.
  9. I just remove it during my water changes. Occasionally we break out the turkey baster and suck up the excess mulm.
  10. From @Guppysnail's advice, I do twice daily water changes in my fry growout tank, and I feed them a small amount every 3 hours or so. This is guppy fry, so cories might not be quite as ravenous. Not sure about that!
  11. Definitely not just you, we got some really pretty ones from Petco and they died one by one, I did get a batch of fry out of them so I'm hoping they will be healthier!
  12. They should be fine as long as you get them in some water. Hope your mom feels better!
  13. YAY Guppies! Welcome to the forum. Cories make great tank mates for Guppies!
  14. We got some Nerites from one of the big box places and one had some slight shell damage, we've been keeping wondershell in the water, and they have access to Hikari Crab Cuisine, and I haven't seen any further damage.
  15. If you're reading this @Cory, I would totally be willing to beta-test one! A reliable heater that keeps it at the temperature it says it keeps it at would be a true gem! EDIT: Of course I'd be glad to pay for one as well.
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