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  1. Thanks, I will definately look there. I keep a fish log than charts all of the important parameters, and it would be good to consolidate. I have a small community fish tank, but I would like to add some rare plecos like an L-046 zebra plecos, but its health is mosre important than having him.
  2. I am sure this has been asked before, but what are the paramters of your tap water? You might be over correcting. Do you have prime? That can reset things to give you time to take a step back and let things resolve themselves. Remember, you can over correct a situation.
  3. I am running a 75g community aquarium consisting of Roseline Sharks, Celestial Pearl Danios, Neon Green Tetra, otocinclus, kuhli loaches, and forktail rainbowfish. I am in the process of adding fish that are on the $$$$$$ side of the spectrum. When looking at fish, water quality and parameters are all over the place depending on where you look on the internet. My question, is there a reliable site, or a favorite site by the forum, that I can use to make sure I am not purchasing fish that will thrive/or not, due to pre- existing water parameters. I would hate to put a fish into a hopeless situaion.
  4. Wanting to fix problems that need time to fix themselves.
  5. My daughter wants Kuhli loaches so it looks like a community tank. otocinclus catfish Yo Yo loaches (have snails for some reason) Roseline Shark Galaxy Rasbora Green Neon Tetra Clown Kill Scarlet Badi etc,,, Some might be too big for the tank, so I will have to compromise.
  6. I have been in and out of the aquarium hobby for most of my adult life. My new setup is: 75 gallon (48 long) Marineland 360 canister filter Fluval 3.0 light -heater, lilipipes, thermometer, air pump with two airstones on high for the time being. I have had the tank up for a little over a week cycling with plants, but no fish as of yet. I am using eco complete substrate, dragonstone hardscape, and two bonsai ornaments. I plan to add some driftwood in the future. Presently the aquarium is planted and I am waiting for water quality to stabilize before I start to add fish. I still have some floating plants that need to be placed in the photo. The skeleton legs in the upper left are my daughters contribution.. I look forward to getting advise from the forum as I start this tank. Thomas
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