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Everything posted by GameCzar

  1. Welcome! I follow a few fish YouTubers from India, and Cichlids seem to be REALLY popular there! Also some of the prettiest Angel and Discus I've ever seen.
  2. They're a lot more comfy in a school of their own, usually a minimum of 6 is recommended but more would be better. You can keep them with other peaceful fish.
  3. I'm really liking the ones we put in our pond/planter. We got 2 and are up to 4 now!
  4. Not falling for this trap again, I don't want the overstocking police to scold me again! I'll talk some ideas next time you stream.
  5. And THIS is why I tend to keep my mouth shut when people ask for stocking ideas. I think I'll return to that policy.
  6. Well ours is in a 14, but I think one Bristlenose would be fine in a 10 with chilis. They only get about 4 inches or so I believe.
  7. I don't have any problems in my 10 gallon with eco complete, and the plants seem to really love it. I do have some tannin leaching in my water with mopani wood, but PH has stayed pretty stable.
  8. Baby update! Another week or so and some will be ready to move I believe!
  9. We haven't in a while due to schedule craziness, but we do occasionally play on Roll20. I'll let you know if anything kicks off again!
  10. I've often considered a microscope, I am fascinated by microbial life. Journey to the Microcosmos is a great YouTube channel I've been begging to look at aquarium life.
  11. Welcome Max! Big fan of CPDs myself, so I'd love to see your tanks!
  12. You're welcome Evan! We've all been where you are. 🙂 I still have issues cycling tanks and figuring out what the heck is going on!
  13. Ravenloft is a really neat setting, I feel like it almost deserves it's own separate game system with even more gothic elements.
  14. I prefer original AD&D, but our group is 2nd edition THACO grognards. I used to play MtG, starting around when Legends came out, and I stopped ...sometime after Oasis? It just got to be too much to keep up with. But I'll still build a deck from friends' cards and play from time to time.
  15. Looking at some of @Zenzo's old vids I fell in love with the Lumpsucker!
  16. Right now Im using co-op fry food, sera micron, and ocean nutrition instant baby brine. https://www.aquariumcoop.com/products/instant-baby-brine-shrimp I've been scared to jump into hatching my own, but this works great so far!
  17. And floaters! Water spangles, frogbit, etc. They'll grow quick and eat up those nutrients.
  18. GameCzar


    Tri-Tip is something I want to give a try! I've seen some videos of people making some seriously good stuff with it.
  19. For those going down the guitar god rabbit hole, here's a artist not everyone is familiar with. His technique is a sight to behold with him hammering the bass line with his left hand while he hammers out the lead with his right. He sometimes does this on multiple guitars at once.
  20. All the cool kids hang out here. 😉
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