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Everything posted by GameCzar

  1. I've had luck buying from breeders. Since we seem to be allowed to name drop on this thread check out Michael's Fish Room, he's a brand ambassador for Co-Op and I got some gorgeous mutts from him, but he also breeds pure strains.
  2. I only test PH, Ammonia, Nitrates, Nitrites, GH and KH. Chlorine is also on my strips but I've never had any. Once I got used to when my tanks need changing for nitrate control or cosmetics, only about once a week unless I'm making changes or see behavior changes. New tanks I test daily.
  3. Best thing to do is just test your tap water and see exactly what parameters it has and try to match livestock to it rather than try to fix your water. There's lots of fish that prefer hard water, so your tap might be just what you need. Also, 3 gallons can be your quarantine tank, but as @CalmedByFish pointed out, the dosages are usually listed for 10 gallons so you'll have to do some math. I personally don't quarantine plants I get from trusted sources, but you should probably check for snails and eggs unless you want a lot of friends. 😉
  4. Welcome! We all make mistakes, but you are in the right place to learn from them. There are some great, experienced fishkeepers here to offer lots of great advice.
  5. Nope, not going to do it. You guys aren't going to make me get into saltwater. No sir, you can't make me!
  6. Shrimp! When I was growing up, you never heard of people keeping shrimp really, but they really are super popular now!
  7. I'm with @lefty o, I don't keep marine fish...but I'm a card carrying curmudgeon.
  8. He's a turd. He definitely thinks he's the alpha male. 🙂
  9. Trust me, she's going to love the goodies too...and film the opening of course. 😉
  10. GUPPIES! I have a serious addiction to guppies and information pertaining to them. My answer could change in the future, but I love my guppies.
  11. GameCzar


    From our two drops so far, we've only gotten 10 males, with about 20 or so females. Not sure what that means, if anything. Never heard of a a drop being all one sex, but I guess it's possible.
  12. First honeymoon suite is populated, 2nd one is cycled! Which leaves (mostly) the boys in our 10 gallon, last 2 girls are coming out tomorrow dangit!
  13. I've heard it works for calcium, but I've never tried it personally.
  14. Yeah I like to supplement my snails with wondershell.
  15. Welcome, love the AT-AT! I would love to get one of those Vader masks and set up a tank someday.
  16. That's how the Snailmageddon starts!
  17. I would never pay that much, personally. But I'm just a poor boy. 😉
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