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  1. Did you ever use any copper medication in that tank? Copper is poisonous to invertebrates. What ph was the tank? Did these shrimp come from another aquarium, if so how similar were the water parameters? If they didn't come from another one of your aquariums where the parameters where the same then I would say yes you need to drip acclimate them. If the ph was different dripping also is good.
  2. My betta has the same blue shimmer spots @Flumpweesel. They are more blue than white especially when the light hits him just right.
  3. @JamieB513 Wow that blue is so bright! I have a koi plakat male betta! Can't wait to see the tank fully stocked!
  4. Tank looks great! Welcome! What type/color is your betta?
  5. You could try the frosted back look. Where you apply the film to it. But that will be semi-transparent so it will show whatever is behind the tank a little.
  6. No problem! I am sure someone here has experience with the eggs. But as far as I know the only way to prevent it is to only buy male nerites.
  7. They can still lay the eggs in freshwater but they will only hatch in brackish.
  8. Since you have Nerite Snails I would say it is from them. Only the female Nerites lay the eggs.
  9. If the privacy aspect is something you are looking for I would recommend looking at the differences between Android and Apple.
  10. The best information you can learn is from experience. Sometimes you can only be so prepared for a new fish!
  11. You can also move the affected fish into a 5 gallon bucket and treat the bucket, not the tank if it is a big tank.
  12. I am unfamiliar with his setting's but I believe it is recommended by most to have around 8 hours of light. I'm sure someone else can chime in here who is more experienced.
  13. @Coludo you think aquarium salt would help? If so, how long would it be good to treat him with salt since I would have to relocate him to a 5 gallon bucket. I may try the leaves, but I will have to get some more first.
  14. @Zenzo thanks for responding! I think that may have been what happened, there are some holes by the smaller rocks so that makes me think he went in there. But I was thinking at first Columaris or a disease with swelling since he is plump but the scales don't look like they are sticking out rather they look like they have been damaged.
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