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Everything posted by GameCzar

  1. We'll be getting another 10 gallon tank for (sigh) more guppies soon, and I'm trying to trim cost by sharing plants. My 3 gallon cube has 2 Amazon swords that are really getting super bushy and full. My question is can an Amazon sword be cut and split into 2 or more plants? I honestly don't know too much about rooted plants, as I've just kinda root tabbed them and let em go. I've got other things to use as well, but I'd love to kill two birds with one stone. Thanks!
  2. I wish my photography as as pretty as my guppies 😉
  3. Yeah, as @Guppysnail taught me, fry feeding fouls up water, so don't be scared of water changes!
  4. I feed them a small amount every 4 hours or so, I've been using a mix of Sera Micron, Co-op Easy Fry, crushed flakes, and Ocean Nutrition Baby Brine Shrimp. Today I will start hatching my own BBS.
  5. He's stunning! Love the colors. Looks like he's going to love his new home!
  6. I change water for parameters mostly, but some tanks (like our 5 gallon) are super stable, so it gets water changes to clean up poop, plant waste, etc. Just keeping it tidy. We also use that time to trim back plants or do any hardscape changes.
  7. I've never used tissue cultures, I wish I could help. They are beautiful plants though, we don't do anything special other than make sure they get plenty of light.
  8. The white and black spotted fish might be Mollies. Have you tested your other parameters, ammonia, nitrates, nitrites, etc? What is the PH of your tap water if I may ask? I'm sure if you have pros on the way, they will be able to see what steps you need to take, but most likely the first step will be to get your PH down a bit and get your tank properly cycled. I can't speak of spraghnum moss, but a planted tank will make your life a lot easier and make the fish happy!
  9. I usually rinse them good to get the ferts off of them and put them in. Some folks quarantine plants, but I never have.
  10. Sure wish I was local, I'd try to make it! You guys take pics, shoot some video, and eat some pizza for me!
  11. Im with you, Affleck did better than I expected, but nothing special. I don't even want to think about Pattinson! What were they thinking?
  12. Exactly, it wasn't that Keaton was the best Batman really, I thought he was better at being Bruce than Batman, but the movie was just great. And yes, Mark's voice is what I meant. Just outstandingly insane!
  13. I'm partial to Michael Keaton, but mostly because of the first Burton flick. But I still think Mark Hammill was better than Jack.
  14. Every filter isn't right for everyone. I have 2 of the Co-op sponge filters, one does a stand alone job in a 5 gallon, the other works in combo with a HOB filter in our 10 gallon. I love them, but I also like the more fine sponges in some tanks. Regardless, I'm glad you found your solution.
  15. I had no idea! No wonder Mister Freeze is a villain, I called him a bladder snail!
  16. Some of her snail inhabitants! We have the Flash (and apparently baby Flashes), and although she refuses to name bladder snails, I call this one Mister Freeze.
  17. Don't see them locally, but I've found some decent deals on ETSY.
  18. Nice to have you back to the hobby! My uncle's oscars when I was a kid was my first exposure to fishkeeping!
  19. Very sorry to hear about your loss. This is a beautiful gesture and memorial.
  20. Welcome! Looking forward to hearing how you restock!
  21. I think it sounds like a great first tank! As for a centerpiece fish, maybe a dwarf gourami? Possibly a female betta? Whatever you choose, remember chili's are small fellows, so a cichlid might not be the best match. Have fun!
  22. It's fine, check out Dean's idea for a 3 gallon setup in this vid.
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