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Everything posted by GameCzar

  1. I think she's still kicking them out, I'm spotting more.
  2. We started off buying a pack of mutt guppies from a breeder, and that worked out well. They've been really healthy so far!
  3. I'm still bumbling with the whole "medtrio" thing. The 3 meds you are to use have conflicting instructions. Change the water, don't change the water, etc. Good luck!
  4. Right now our quarantine tank is a storage container, it seems to be working well so far. Its actually the laser pointer on my IR thermometer. I just noticed when I was checking temps one day that they chased the dot.
  5. Our Betta, El Diablo Azul for sure. Our guppies are more like water cats, they like to chase laser pointers. 🙂
  6. I find Amazon Swords to be really easy in my water, also.
  7. I dont THINK paracleanse has any antibiotics that would effect helpful bacteria, I think that's the maracyn that brings that danger. I could be wrong.
  8. Are you trying to find a place to order them online? Just looking through vendors I trust, they seem to be sold out. I did see one seller on eBay selling some, but none on AquaBid.
  9. We'll get there. I think we have at least 3 pregnant females right now!
  10. @Georgiapeach88 We have two females with that exact power blue black spot coloring! We think the surprise fry came from one like her.
  11. We managed to get a few pics, the orange-ish one we've taken to calling Lady Bug, she had a rough trip as she was shipped with another female that was in pieces when we got them. Ebony seems to like her a lot 🙂
  12. We're going to piggy back our latest project on this journal because lets be honest, its ALL about the guppies. Both pots have water lettuce, water wisteria, duckweed, water sprite, and pothos. The round pot has a big amazon sword, the square pot has the water lily that was in our 3 gallon tank (it was taking over). We'll be adding moneywort and rotalla today too because we have a bit extra.
  13. I dont really need a dechlorinator, but Prime has saved my fishies from my stupidity from time to time.
  14. The Nerites might be okay, but yeah that probably would not be a good idea.
  15. Assassin snails perhaps? We got a pair of Assassins to help combat the bladder snail Armageddon in our guppy tank.
  16. Gorgeous guppies! My guppies love hornwort, water wisteria, and guppy grass a lot so far.
  17. Well, my vote would be easy. You've done Endlers, so why not Guppies!?! I've also always wanted to breed some Zebra Danios.
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