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Everything posted by GameCzar

  1. My guess is maybe its biofilm that doesn't build up in the shrimp tank because them's good eatin' to shrimps? Not sure though.
  2. Technically a carp, but I always loved the look of the Red-Tailed Shark. They used to be SUPER popular when I was a kid.
  3. That cube is amazing, and you really can't beat the price.
  4. Looks great, and plants are easier than you think! Once you start using them it gets almost addictive as fish keeping. Welcome!
  5. Maybe that's why they were cheaper, they are the misprint versions. 😉
  6. Congrats Irene! Well deserved, she gives great info.
  7. I have a love/hate relationship with it. It gets EVERYWHERE, it sticks to EVERYTHING. It looks quite pretty, and I assume eats nitrates. As long as you don't mind cleaning your tank out constantly, its okay! My go to has been water sprite.
  8. I've always heard to add other species before the betta because he won't see the tank as "his" territory as much. We never had luck with our betta and tankmates.
  9. Hot dang that's a pretty boy. I'd name him Hot Tamale.
  10. I'm mostly into prog (progressive rock) these days, old and new. One of the new albums I'm most excited about right now is Big Big Train.
  11. Used to be pals with the guys in a Texas band, Blue October. They used to play with BFS a lot, and the after parties were legendary. Super nice guys.
  12. I was using Windows Media maker or Clideo, but this looks WAY better. Thanks!
  13. Your solution is obvious, you simply have to re-name your tanks. 😉
  14. Hornwort, floaters, and a pothos are a few of my favorite nitrate suckers.
  15. Ours used to have a couple of leaves (usually the ones that are more horizontal) that would get the same thing. Nerites cleaned them up!
  16. Let us know your experiences with it. Is it prohibitively expensive?
  17. The light is an Aquarium Clip on Light for Small Borderless tanks made by XY-Firestar (this one only works on rimless tanks because of the mount) The filter is an AquaNeat nano filter as I find that co-ops nano filters are just too large for anything under 5gallons The pump is one of co-op's USB nano pumps. We have two amazon swords, a dwarf lily, and some floaters with fluval plant and shrimp and its a jungle in there! The CPDs love it. What are you planning on stocking?
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