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Everything posted by GameCzar

  1. If you are new, I would recommend less is more. Give yourself a little flexibility so you can learn how to deal with parameter changes slowly if they occur. If you decide on a tank size, there are many of us here that can help you figure out your best stocking options.
  2. Sounds like great projects. Good luck! Share baby pics when you can 😉
  3. Great looking tanks ya got there! Welcome!
  4. Check him out, he raised gar from babies and just recently moved them into a pond. He hand feeds them, its a great channel.
  5. We nabbed their 14g frameless cube for 39.99. Its back up to 79.99 now! Jeesh!
  6. Not to sound like a broken record, but Celestial Pearl Danios don't require a heater.
  7. Beautiful too. My first pet shop as a kid had one and he was awesome. To a kid he seemed like such a monster size!
  8. I'm loving our CPDs in our 3 gallon. We have a group of 5 and they are loving the jungle.
  9. AquaHuna has a nice price, but they've been out of stock quite some time on quite a bit of stuff.
  10. My favorite nanofish currently are Celestial Pearl Danios aka Galaxy Rasboras. We also have green neon tetras, but the CPDs have more personality in my opinion. Also can be kept in unheated tanks.
  11. Contributing with the Fish of the Week pics. 🙂
  12. I agree. They can tolerate a large range of parameters, but seem to be prone to illness.
  13. Totally agree with your statements, We try to support them whenever possible. Welcome by the way!
  14. I like Texas' version! Boudin Kolaches are the BEST!
  15. Good call, Rainbow Shiners are striking lil guys.
  16. I think I looked at that same kit, so let me know if you end up recommending it! Our scape tools are kind of a hodge podge right now, but it's getting us by.
  17. Wow, that's a great full life. Sorry for your loss.
  18. Purple Dragons are gorgeous, there's also a Royal Purple Discus, but I think that one's tough to get. Lots more purple options in saltwater, sadly.
  19. I personally really like the Pisces line of substrates. Very natural, great size, one of my favorites! My favorite of theirs is Midnight Pearl.
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