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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. I owned one for a couple of years, and it did what it advertised to do. It messed with the DNA of some free floating bacteria and algae in the water and caused them not to be able to reproduce. That can help with water clarity, but in the end it wasn't worth it and water clears up rather nicely on its own eventually. I like gadgets and will buy just about anything, but what I continue to use in the long run is a different story. I just purchased some really cool looking gadgets that will probably turn out to be disappointing, but more on that later....
  2. My experience in the big retail stores has been positive*. Most of the employees in the fish section are enthusiastic about fish keeping.
  3. As bacteria in the soil decompose our ex-fish, potassium, phosphorus, etc. become ionized and are taken up strongly by the soil. As part of the nutrient uptake process nutrients are depleted by the roots in the zone closest to the roots, a concentration gradient between the soil over to the root zone develops and allows for a diffusion of these ions to the roots of the tomato plant. Fortunately, during this process the fishy odor, trimethylamine (N(CH3)3) is released as a gas and is not available to the tomatoes as part of the nutrient uptake process. So although your garden may smell fishy, your tomatoes will not taste fishy.
  4. It might be stress from being sick with the added elevated temperature and medication. Hopefully the your treatments work and thereby relieve the source of the stress.
  5. Concrete floors Multiple dedicated power circuits from main service panel 1 bazillion outlets Backup battery and power generation capacity Pythons, many furlongs of Pythons Wide separate door to outside of house More outlets especially in the ceiling Multiple wired Ethernet connections Fishroom is located on ground floor of house Symmetrical internet fiber connection Tool chests Good natural lighting
  6. Patience, extreme patience. I have found ignoring a problem sometimes results in the problem going away. pea soup green water - Had to ignore this for 10 long weeks before the tank eventually cleared Extreme hair algae - Usually ignoring this for 8 weeks or so will do the trick detritus - eventually reaches some sort of equilibrium in the aquarium, I am not sure why but I have never had this completely overtake an aquarium
  7. So many C.F.I. request have come in! Fishing line, bad for fish? What color is water? pH - how do you spell it and how much do we need? How to hide aquarium related spending from your spouse*
  8. @Terry Ellacott I believe your are correct! I know everything I learned about biology has pretty much gone down the crapper* since I got my degree 25 years ago. However, I think I read somewhere that because sex linked chromosomes typically evolve once recombination is halted, the transfer of genes between the two sex chromosomes is suppressed, but in guppies the male-heterogametic sex chromosome (Y) has shown little or no degradation. This apparently allows for occasional recombination of guppy X and Y chromosomes which would explain why extremely colorful females are possible, but because of the rarity of this event it has taken decades to select for these colorful females. In a nutshell guppy X and Y chromosome ain’t that different and very occasionally recombine during meiosis resulting in female guppies with male color genes. I will search the literature and let you know if I find anything.
  9. In the days before pasteurization, they would frequently appear "spontaneously" in barrels of apple cider vinegar. So if can find some unpasteurized apple cider vinegar you have shot at acquiring some. But it would probably be less effort if you could acquire a culture from another aquarist.
  10. My day job is beekeeper. Bees have parasites too, just like fish. The one beekeepers fight the most is Varroa destructor and it is a mite. You think killing a parasite on fish is hard, try killing a bug that is on another bug. Formic acid (a chemical in ant stings) is the only approved organic treatment for Varroa. But it is still nasty stuff that you do not want to breathe or touch. I normally work my bees in shorts and t-shirt with no veil, but not today! The 2 pads you see on top of the honeycomb frames are the formic acid. My goal is to send the colony into the winter with very few mites to maximize winter survival. Last year, I took 51 hives into winter, and by spring I still had 51 hives.
  11. @ForestJenn did any of the Nannacara anomola babies survive?
  12. Not a sexy plant, but if I could only have 1 plant, it would be hornwort. Because: Easy to grow (or hard to kill), absorbs nitrates like a sponge I never cycle my aquariums - my method is to fill a new tank with water from established tank and throw in hornwort and voilà, instant aquarium! I don't run tops on my aquariums because I am too lazy to be bothered opening the lid, and hornwort represses jumping Hornwort provides a place for fry to hid while they mature Bubblenest builders like bettas and sparkling gouramis readily build bubblenests in hornwort Can be found growing in most road side ditches in the coastal areas of North Carolina, so is a native plant at least for me Holds blackworms at the surface for days at time so surface feeding fish can partake in the blackworm feast.
  13. This story is too good not to repeat*. When my said "Don't do it, son." But I did it anyway and put the baby sunfish in my 10 gallon aquarium with my lovely neon tetras. I told dad, "Don't worry dad, neon tetras are the fastest fish in world!" Turns out dad was right.
  14. Would love to see a video if you have the time to create a YouTube account.
  15. Jumpy clumps of 3 dots sounds a lot like cyclops, otherwise known as delicious fish food. @TheDukeAnumber1 posted this photo earlier:
  16. I am with @Paul , it is still discus for me. Watching a breeding pair in a big tank is pretty cool. But, now that @RovingGinger has mentioned it...maintaining a breeding colony of dwarf seahorses could be...dang this forum for putting ideas into my head!
  17. The range is anywhere from 0 - 100%. First time breedings often result in no fry. With angelfish fish in a community tank, about 1 - 2% would survive to adulthood because of predation by their fellow tank mates. With Convict cichlids, sometimes it seemed every egg hatched and grew up to juvenile size. Same with hatching the eggs artificially, maybe they all fungused over, but sometimes they all made it. A very poor and nearly useless rule of thumb would be 25%, maybe. In the end though, the best course of action is don't count your eggs before they hatch.
  18. The water can only get to a certain height and then....overflows down the standpipe and out to the pond.
  19. Turns out fish do pretty well on just live food. But it can quite a commitment on your part. Raising live food is its own hobby, but fun. Buying live food is convenient but expensive. Depending on your location, collecting wild foods can be seasonal. Depending on the size of wallet buying live foods can be painful. I buy live blackworms, and I raise mosquito larva, baby brine shrimp (BBS), Daphnia and algae. I start a new batch of baby brine shrimp every 12 hours so that I have baby shrimp in the morning and evening. I collect Daphnia in the afternoon and feed immediately. I feed blackworms and mosquito larva throughout the day. Algae grows in my aquaria and is grazed upon as needed. I also grow scuds (amphipods), seed shrimp, and green water but this only forms an incidental part of my fishes diet. Baby brine shrimp is a silver bullet and is the only live food most aquarist will ever raise. Why? Relatively inexpensive in both time and money Convenient - can be stored and used only when needed Widely available - Aquarium Co-Op and almost every local fish store carries it Universally accepted by fish - Fish up to about 3 inches in length eat BBS greedily Fish need what we need ourselves in a diet. Protein, fats, fiber, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. The way to achieve this is through a varied diet. Find out what your local fish store carries, and consider raising baby brine shrimp, and you will have happy fish.
  20. I can't remember any bad advice I was given back in the late 1960s or early 1970s. I sure I was given bad advice, I just can't remember. On the other hand, I do remember some really good advice my old dad gave me in 1969. I wanted to put a baby sunfish in my 10 gallon tank with my neon tetras and his advice was... "Don't do it, son." I said, don't worry dad, neon tetras are the fastest fish in the world! There weren't neon tetras in the aquarium the next morning. Pretty good advice from someone who never kept an aquarium.
  21. Wow! Very tasteful. I love the long low dimensions on the tank.
  22. Update: That bug, turned out to be a feature. My wife said "Your never going to be able to get to the upper row of tanks." Hah! I said, and rearranged the spot where the missing tank would be to allow me to stand on the stand. She says "You are going to kill yourself falling off that." She did take this photo for me 🙂.
  23. Yeah, the Rhineland as a biotope! But I think they are trying to promote that even your own backyard can be a biotope or at least an inspiration for one. If I did a biotope based on the creek in my backyard I certainly would all the materials needed and at very reasonable prices!
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