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Everything posted by Streetwise

  1. It has been a couple of years since I setup a new tank. My style is organic topsoil with a thin cap, gravel more recently, but I have used sand. I tend to drop in a central piece of wood, and then plant around it with medium-height plants. Then I will add taller plants in the back, helping to conceal Aquarium Co-Op Sponge Filters. I will add shorter plants to the front. I like to add tons of Anubias and Java Fern to my wood, just jamming it into crevices, and letting it grow. The roots find their way down to the substrate. I especially like Cryptocoryne in the substrate. I am studying more about Alleleopathy, and I am not sure that I want to keep Amazon Sword, and Vallisneria in the same tanks as these low-light, smaller-root plants.
  2. How do we do a group watch of Aliens? The version without Wilfred Brimley.
  3. My guess would be copepods, smaller invertebrates.
  4. They must be upset about the lack of an aquarium in the Yarn room!
  5. @Manny, turtle keepers might have some interesting ideas for balancing a dry area in a wet tank.
  6. I am no expert on testing, but I have learned to be careful about how I place my test strips so that the pads don’t leach fluid to each other.
  7. This sounds really interesting, and is something that I have never heard of before!
  8. I am obviously biased but this would be a fun opportunity to try organic topsoil with a thin gravel cap in a pot or two, even if you try other techniques in other pots. Diana Walstad provides a useful reference book for all freshwater aquarists.
  9. The Sharper Image, Hammacher Schlemmer, Brookstone: How to waste money on an airplane, in an airport, or bored in a mall.
  10. I miss running marine tanks. @Brymac1 gave us an update on saltwater lighting:
  11. Some tanks are setup for photos. I like to setup for stability.
  12. That reminds of something from the sailing forum I’m on: ”If I die, don’t let my wife sell my boat for what I told her I paid for it!”
  13. You all know the routine: Ignore your Co-Op emails, and share your unboxing. Maintain privacy with your printed label and packing list. Cheers and thank you for being positive members of our community!
  14. We did a forum upgrade tonight that warned about all but the default theme, so the other themes were disabled.
  15. Are Purigen units microplastics?
  16. @dmurray407, Your light will stay on schedule, unless there is a power outage, in which case it will consider the power-on time as midnight for the schedule. It will continue in this offset schedule until you touch it in the app at home, which will update the time on the light. You can use a UPS to provide continuous power if this is a regular concern.
  17. I thought that I recharged Purigen properly, following the posted instructions, but I must have messed up, and it was tragic. I tried to use it to remove tannins, before I understood and appreciated them. Would filter floss work for your needs? It is nice and boring.
  18. I like to use air or spare sponge filters in plant-staging tanks or buckets if I don’t have a plan decided.
  19. I’ve asked a sailing buddy about adhesive tape with fiberglass or carbon fiber for boat repairs. If you look at my Askoll 20 in my indoor journal, it is a rimless tank, but has tape (without fiber), where the top and bottom frames would be. It plays a cosmetic role to hide the original tech, but it may also provide some extra strength.
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