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  1. Yes it is time, the journal where I post everything for my 20-gallon long!!!! I bought the tank, an empty 20-gallon long Marineland tank. I ordered these items for my tank, down below. From aquarium coop. AC sponge filter. Edit: also bought baby brine shrimp for my WCMMS, not related to this topic tho Amazon buys, Standard airline tubing for sponge filter. Heater, going for a tropical tank instead of what I did with my 10g WCMM tank with no heater. Air pump for sponge. Spiderwood 7 pc set. Thermometer. Nicrew 20 watt 30 inch light. 20lb bag of sand (black galaxy) And maybe i forgot something else but idk if i did or not. For my stocking, (again, tank is not setup and there is nothing in it and has not been cycled, going to do the fishless cycle) 8 panda corys. 6 guppies or rasboras cannot decide which schooling fish i want yet. And 3 honey gourimais. And it will be heavily planted, going for that natural look. And that is it, thanks for reading! Pictures as soon as i set up!!!!
  2. I had a bunch of small tanks around the house and decided to downsize keeping a 10 and 5g with plans to set up a 20l in my room. Bought that at the PetCo 50% off sale then it sat empty for a few months. In addition to the tank I ordered the glass lid, Hygger light & heater, and got a second Easy Flow started in my 10g. Didn't want to paint the back or go with black so I found a background on Amazon I thought would work. Typically in the past I'd get a tank, throw it together in a hurry, and then either get bored with it or-more likely-it would have some sort of problem(s). So during that time I did hours of research...watched YouTube videos, read forums and blogs, etc. Finally got started late August. Majority of the substrate was from the tanks I took down plus a bag of Aqueon Plant and Shrimp Aquarium Substrate and Aqua Natural Midnight Pearl. Got the tank filled, heater on, filter and additional airstone running. Put in a bunch of EG root tabs. Initial plants were from Buce: vals, dwarf sag, crypt wendtii & lutea, and a dwarf water lily bulb.
  3. Hey all, I started setting up this 20gal long tank a couple weeks ago. Just added some dwarf mondo grass (just noticed some of those need to have roots inserted into substrate better in my photos- I'm in bed, I'll do it tomorrow) and crypt pink flamingo this evening and figured I'd get photos to document it. The water is a little cloudy- awaiting a Water Polishing Filter Pad that I will cut to size and attach to the sponge filter to help with that. I'll continue to update. Running a semi scaped tank - plants may get a bit crazy. We'll see. I'm still not entirely sure what's going to go in this tank but I'll probably grab a couple ramshorn snails from the 40 breeder and throw them in here to help clean up as some of the plants melt back and regrow. Beyond that I am thinking this tank will either be a single species tank for some kind of tetra or ... who knows. Open to suggestions, of course, as always. Definitely fish that like natural(ish) stone river bottoms and some driftwood and lots of plants. Keep an eye out for updates over the coming weeks, months, and beyond on this tank.
  4. I'm having the darndest time trying to choose my next tank & stand for a heavily planted platy tank (& hopefully cherry barbs as well). I have a spare Imagitarium Brooklyn 40 breeder stand & I LOVE the footprint so I thought I'd finally decided to get another 40 breeder-however, I've read that the quality of Aqueon tanks has gone downhill & that they leak!! I'm terrified of that!! From what I can see, these are my options: 1) Buy another Aqueon 40B, assuming a tiny majority leak. (Definitely the cheapest & easiest option!) But I know some people have concerns about the Brooklyn stands only supporting the corners of tanks, so maybe I'd need to find a new stand, too 😞 2) Find a 40 breeder from a different manufacturer (maybe someone local sells Seapora?) The LFS today had Visio and the silicone was bad so that's out. 3) Splurge on a Landen/UNS 75P (30x17x17) or 90P (36x17x17) & UNS stand. Definitely high quality & beautiful but they're $$$ and heavy. I live on the 2nd floor & will be moving in a couple years most likely, & I worry about moving a big rimless tank!!! I adore these tanks & stands; I'm just worried that this isn't the right time for one. Or maybe moving it wouldn't be that bad! 3) Get a 20 long or 29 gallon (Aqueon or otherwise) & an undetermined stand-I worry the platys are going to outgrow it quickly though! I COULD go with the 22 gallon UNS 90L (36x12x12) which would give me a lot of surface area, just half the volume of the 40 breeder/90P. Water changes are definitely easier on the smaller tanks but I worry about maintaining water quality. The downside of this is I have a spare Fluval Plant 3.0 that's 36 in long, so I'd need to buy a light if I went with one of the 30 in tanks. What would you do? Frankly worrying about leaks is making all of this so stressful. Maybe a rimless 22 long (36x12) is a good compromise between the Aqueon 40B & the high quality rimless 44 gallon tanks, though I don't know if having a tank that's only 12 in deep & 12 in high will limit me in terms of plants/mean I need to trim a ton, which I know I won't do. Any insight is MUCH appreciated! Thanks!
  5. i'm set on 6 corys and a bolivian ram so far... i gotta pick mid/top dwellers that would vibe well, but i can't make up my mind. so far i've looked at: zebra/leopard danios platys emerald dwarf rasbora glowlight danios chili rasbora rummynose tetras green neon tetras marbled hatchetfish the tank needs to be at around 75F, is heavily planted, and is low-flow (sponge filter).
  6. Stocked with 5 whiteclouds 5 silvertip tetras 8 male guppys 11 females 4 panda Cory's 1 tiger Cory 4 otocinclus feel free to ask questions 😃👍
  7. Hello All! I am setting up my first community tank, and just looking for somewhere to keep my progress. I have kept a few Bettas in 5 gallon cycled tanks, the last of which I had for 4 years. For plants I had moss balls and java fern. After a 3 year hiatus, a few moves and some general life getting in the way, I started to concider getting another fish. As I started looking at a new setup since I had gotten rid of my old one I started to be very interested in a larger tank, and have spent that past few months deciding. I picked up a 20g long, glass lid, nicrew 24/7 light, sponge filter, and a tetra ex30. I packed the filter with sponge, floss and some purigen (to remove tannins I don't care for the black water look). Here is my hardscape, I am just waiting on plants. It is a dirted tank, capped with hth pool filter sand. Manopi wood, river rock, terracotta pot, and a random driftwood stick that I think I might remove if I can find another way to hide the heater tl/dr: first community tank 20g long. Have experience with Bettas and cycling a tank. Here is my hardscape.
  8. I have a long 20 gallon tank with 3 dwarf frogs; will the USB Nano Air Pump be able to sufficiently filter it on its own? I purchased the pump originally for my 10 gal with the nano sponge, but due to many factors, did not use it for that tank. If it is able to filter the tank sufficiently, should I get a different sized sponge than the nano? If so, what sizes of sponge is the nano compatible with?
  9. I took down a 29 gallon tall tank I had setup. The substrate was gravel and sand on the bottom with a few plants. They never grew well, possibly due to the tanks height and weak lighting. The nitrates had risen to around 80ppm even with regular water changes, but it doesn't help that our tap water has 40-50ppm already. The fish were not doing as well as they should be and one tiny cory had died. Above are the test strips for both anoxic tanks, the top is the 20L the bottom is the 5.5 gallon. I moved 4 mystery snails and 6 neon tetras to the 20 gallon long where they joined our 5 black neons, 7 Julii corys, a betta, and 2 snails. The 20L was my first anoxic test and is running at under 20ppm nitrates, zero nitrites and ammonia, very hard, low KH, around 6.8pH, around 340ppm on the TDS meter. It has a slow plenum under gravel filter, an intank filter, and an airstone. It has some basil growing in the top as an experiment. I clear the center duckweed every other day, I just slide the foam dividers together and scoop it out. The top is a foam box with a reflective fabric made for hydroponics boxes this helps get the light onto the tank. The cutouts are terrible, I should have made them before I assembled it, but they work. I can tilt them to open them up and let it breathe. Now onto the nano tank with essentially zero nitrates. It's a 5.5 gallon with 6 green corys, 2 female guppies, and a mystery snail which all came from the 29 gallon. It uses a slow moving plenum, an intank filter, and an air stone. Its currently around 350ppm on the TDS meter. I filled it 75% with the old tank water the rest fresh, along with the plants, a big rock and a tiny section of the old tank's filter sponge. The next day I drained 25% and used water from the 20L anoxic tank and added the small pot which has a few scoops of the 20L substrate. The nitrites and nitrates registered for the first 3 days and have been clear for 3 days now. It has a deep bed of Safe T Sorb over an under gravel filter made from plastic fabric that has 7 holes per inch. I pushed the UG plate to the back so I can see inside a little. This picture isn't to scale, but the substrate is about 3 inches on average. The plenum is 7 squares tall (about 1 inch/25mm) with a 3/8" ID vinyl uplift tube (in the picture above it goes from over the 75mm down to under the 25 mm) it then goes to the surface, to monitor the flow. The plenum has some support plates holding it up but is otherwise open. It also has a small cheap intank filter. I blocked most of the lower inlets and cut a weir into the side. There is also a surface divider around the filter and the plenum uplift tube, it has some foam blocks to keep it floating. It's kind of ugly but it keeps the duckweed out of the filter and makes a nice clean surface. it seems a bit overstocked but so far they are all doing very well. I plan to add a male guppy and possibly a new betta.
  10. $15. Mostly because I like the idea of a fish tank that, in accordance with natural law, allows me to shout "WOODCHUCK!" and bruise someone's shoulder. Seriously though, it's in pretty good shape. The glass was pretty stained, but I got that sorted out no problem, good enough for me anyway. Not sure if it's been resealed, but it held water overnight. I'm still gonna reseal it anyway, just in case though. There are two reasons I'm even bothering to post it though. The first is that it's signed, and I'm curious who Pat. B. is. Tried to google it and didn't turn up anything at all so I don't think it's some old company or anything like that, but I could be wrong. I'm assuming it's someone who decided to make a fish tank at some point and put their name on it. Figured I'd see if any of you NERMs had any idea. The other thing is the vinyl 'wood' paneling here is cracked, and other than super gluing it into place I don't really know what to do about that. What would be my best option?
  11. How much should I use to keep my ph stable after using RO ? I ordered a Pound from Aquarium Co Op want to use it in my filter or is it better under the sand in the substrate
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