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Everything posted by FlyingFishKeeper

  1. Hi, I've heard of an alum dip for plants to deal with snails, although I'm not sure how the snails would feel during it? (I haven't tried it, although I've heard from Irene at Girl Talks Fish that it works for snails without a trapdoor, however those with one seem to just close it, and they manage to survive so it would probably depend on the species of snail.)
  2. Hi, mine is pretty much ready for posting. I'll be following the schedule that @James Black came up with. My threads will go up on Monday around 12 AM UTC, then people have 48 hours, to post pictures of their tanks. After that ends the next 3 days/72 hours people can vote for their favourite tanks with reaction points. @James Black I was also wondering if you particularly wanted, or don't want to post the home Competition thread with all links to the individual threads? Thanks! Also side note - Should we have two tags, "NERM Week" and "NERM Week 2021" So if in a few years people have the option to see all the previous years together as well as looking for a particular year/post without having to dig through pages of search results?
  3. Hi, to me it looks similar to nerite snail eggs? If they are they won't hatch in freshwater as they require salt.
  4. Ooh, I like that idea. Not really any others from me, although I don't know a whole lot of coins so there might be some other currencies out there that sound like good names too.
  5. It's Friday so everyone gets a healthy serving of treats! Yay! My red cherry shrimp get a pinch of Krill flakes (after I discovered they like them yet my betta barely touches them lol.) And two sticks of Crab Cuisine. Plus my betta gets some freeze dried brine shrimp. He injured his eye (somehow after I leave for the day and don't change anything in the tank.) However he's healing well, and eats a disturbing amount (as usual lol)
  6. Hi, maybe something like nickel, dime, quarter, loonie, toonie, etc? Since he's coin sized? Idk, just my two cents lol!
  7. Hi, I thought I'd share something that I've noticed on the new website. On the wishlist page it says sold out whereas on the page for the individual product it appears to be fully in stock. I'm using Google Chrome as my browser while signed into the store.
  8. Hi, I second the idea of hardscape from ACO, although I remember in one of her videos @Irene mentioned that it can help to try to spread the food around the tank since the fish can't be everywhere at once?
  9. Hi, as far as I know the only metal on the hoodie is the zipper, and some metal rings that surround where the drawstrings of the hoodie come out of the hood. Personally I haven't heard of any variants other than the misprints with the ACO logo on the front.
  10. Just find your style. It's a bit like fish keeping where everyone has their own special seasoning. They also don't need to be made with anything expensive. Pretty much all of mine have just been using the default photo editor that's pre installed on my computer (Apple Markup).
  11. Hi, I think that that would be pretty much perfect! From what I've heard some of the problems with bowls is the low amount of area for the gas exchange to happen and since a lot of them don't have nearly enough water in them. 5 gallons is already quite enough, and you could add plants &/or an airstone/sponge filter to get more oxygen into the water.
  12. Hi, I was thinking maybe at some tier you can get the opportunity to enter into a raffle where you could get the chance to purchase or get credit for fish from the retail store to be shipped anywhere in the world provided that the species is legal in the country. This could happen every few months rather than monthly so that the retail store doesn't loose all it's fish?
  13. Hi, I just finished a blackout for green water close to a month ago, @James Black's advice works really well. Pretty much everything for me survived with a small amount of dying on the leaves, however I had to blackout the tank for 2 weeks. (after leaving the light on for too long yet again lol.) My advice is to wait until the algae is almost completely or entirely gone rather than leave some since the algae can reproduce quite quickly even when the water column appears fairly clear.I've since lowered the photoperiod to 6.5 hrs to prevent it coming back in the future; a timer is definitely a good investment. (My tank yesterday, apologies for the slanted camera!)
  14. Hi, I've enjoyed looking through the "Fish identification thread!", personally I think it's really useful and is really good for beginners.
  15. Hi, I was researching a new desk and was wondering if the weight of a fully planted 5.5 gallon would be too much for this this one from Ikea or something similar? https://www.ikea.com/us/en/p/arkelstorp-desk-black-10354128/ If I could put my tank there would there be any weak areas that I should avoid putting anything heavy on? Thanks!
  16. Hi, it’s a personal question for everyone, but for me at least I would use other fish. That way someone is “benefitting” from the death of another fish in the form of a meal rather than just having dead fish.
  17. I personally love Pogostemon stellatus, it grows really quickly and fits a 5.5 gallon really well (it grows to the surface while still remaining fairly "bushy"). I second the idea of hornwort too, personally I think they compliment each other really well, although I have had issues with it randomly floating out form the substrate. (I'm not sure where but I think somewhere I remember reading that since hornwort is naturally grown floating. Then when planted into the substrate it doesn't produce roots and the bottom might rot) I also like planting Pogostemon stellatus, Ammania gracillis, & water sprite together since for me they look really good in a sort of "salad"/mix
  18. I would have to second @Betsy, the bladder snails in my aquarium have a much more "teardrop" shape to their shell then yours?
  19. Hi, so last week he finished his treatment! Thank you everyone! I've noticed that area below his gills still seems to be "folded", I'm hoping it's not causing him any lessening of his quality of life. As of now he's still in his qt bucket since I have some baby shrimp that I'm hoping to get to a good size since the colony is still small. He seems to be eating well, although I'm assuming he's been biting his left ventral fin since I can't see any symptoms of finrot/melt, and the edges are clean. I'm hoping that as long as I keep the water quality clean and probably some enrichment he'll heal without any infection. Thanks!
  20. Hi, I've heard that they use Fluval 3.0's on their tanks with Co2 and auto dosing ferts. I think that they usually try to keep the plants at the same height so that they can fit them into the boxes and bags so it might not be too bad? Plus the plants might not spend too much time in the warehouse. Someone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong!
  21. @H.K.Luterman I hope you're okay with me sharing this? @Catfish_Lover_Jane you can tell the difference between the species both through how H.K.Luterman described, and how the shell is shaped, bladder snails have a clockwise shaped spiral whereas pond snails have a counter-clockwise shaped spiral on their shell.
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