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Everything posted by FlyingFishKeeper

  1. I like API’s mostly since it’s just what I started with, and since it has a really nice cap that’s good plastic, and has measurements in ml labeled on the cap which is really useful. Especially in the small quantities (1 gallon for top offs) that I need to treat. Measuring out a third of a milliliter just seems easier than a 1/10 squirt of something else. (That being said I haven’t really tried other dechlorinators. If API stopped making dechlorinator tomorrow I wouldn’t panic, dechlorinator is dechlorinator, and as long as it works I’m happy) For food just a good variety works for me, then in a lot of cases just plants for filtration. All you need to do for plants is give them light, a trim every once in awhile and keep them fed. Best all around product for me is a pair of aquarium tweezers. ACO’s work great, and are like an extension of my hand (which is great since I tend to drip A LOT if I get wet.)
  2. My colony has been doing really well in the past few months with quite a few new shrimps.
  3. Hi, they look like fertilizer pellets to me? I’ve found them within the rock wool that the plants that I’ve gotten from ACO come in. According to Aquarium Coop they should be safe, I’m not sure where these ones came from but they’re probably fine if they’re from a reputable source.
  4. Does the first one have a rhizome? If it does could it be a species of Bucephalandra? (Just thought the leaves looked similar)
  5. Hi, to me this looks like Pogostemon stellatus "Octopus" it's one of my favourite plants. It grows fast, and looks great. Just treat it like any other stem plant and it'll do well.
  6. I think either through KG Tropicals, or one of the video's showed up on my home page after watching a KG Tropicals with my video in it. I went to the store for the plants for my first planted tank and have ordered from there multiple times since. The quality's always been great, and the YouTube gives a lot and is free. I found the forum through the store page, and browsed without an account for at least a month. After that I signed up and haven't regretted since. ACO and the community surrounding it really benefits my hobby.
  7. I put some hooks on my stand to free up some space and to be able to hold my tools better. (The clip and wire in the background is for a light unrelated to the hooks)
  8. Hi, I noticed earlier today that my betta seems to have injured his left eye again. It's swelled up and cloudy. It was injured once in January when netting him out of the aquarium. He injured himself again a few months later in a way I don't know the cause of. (I came home and noticed his left eye was cloudy and swelled up). Then I've noticed the same thing again today. I'm starting to wonder if there's something in his tank causing it. I've noticed him sleeping close to the heater so I'm wondering if that could be the cause, although I don't have anything definite so any other ideas are welcome. Thanks!
  9. Congrats! Neocaridina are really fun to take care of. I really like Shrimp King Complete. Snowflake food is also really good, especially since it puffs out into a lot of really small bits. However they'll eat pretty much any food that makes its way to the bottom, I've seen them eating krill flakes (I'm guessing any high protein fish food will work), and Crab Cuisine. I'm pretty sure they've eaten algae wafers, boiled summer squash, and frozen brine shrimp, however I can't remember exactly if I've seen them while eating them. Honestly I'm not sure I need to feed them most of the time, there's usually a bunch of algae on the walls, and probably biofilm everywhere, however it's usually really fun to watch them eating, especially in groups.
  10. I really like my 16in Finnex Stingray it just works well and you don't have to do anything with it beyond plugging it in and attaching the supports. I have it plugged into a timer (not WiFi connected) for 6 hours a day. I'll happily buy and use any LED that works well enough you can forget it after setting it up, and can grow plants reasonably well. I really want to try the app adjustable lights in the future and see how they work as well.
  11. It's always amazing to see the story of someone's hobby! Happy birthday from me and my fish!
  12. Thank you everyone! I don't really buy much used stuff, and I didn't see anything that stuck out to me so I'm probably going to go for the tool chest unless something really good comes up. I've seen this one on Home Depot that I like, plus it seems to have a better value for the price compared to most aquarium stands since it has an integrated outlet, a bunch of storage space, and is portable (I assume useful if/when I have to move). My question about the chest is will it be able to support the weight of the aquarium given that it's not directly over the points that the load is put into the floor. I would likely place it on the corner of the chest in the highlighted section:Would this support it? Thank you!
  13. This is what happens when a friend and I decide to have a conversation about pizza...
  14. Hi, I was wondering if anyone knew a good way to support a 38 gallon (Length: 36.25 in Width: 12.625 in)preferably 3 feet off the ground? I've looked all over the internet and not really found anything that's a reasonable price and I like the features of. I'm open to DIY however considering I haven't built anything out of wood other than a few small structures made of popsicle sticks I'd prefer not to especially considering this would be holding 38 gallons of water. Thanks!
  15. I've heard a lot of good stuff about chili rasboras. They have a lot of red colour that from what I've heard develops a few months after getting them. I really want to get them when I get the tank space. (Although they are kind of expensive from what I've seen online)
  16. A lot of nerm's (probably) vocabulary: (I used Ikea's "Magic Window" feature which is why there's the dot's on the furniture. (Really cool webpage))
  17. Congrats and thank you for the hours of great content!
  18. Agreed with @Patrick_G from what I've heard organic soil is usually used since manufacturers aren't able to add ammonia into their soil and still call it organic. As for gravel and soil I personally haven't tried that. However Fluval Stratum has been working great for me which has a diameter of about 2-4mm so I imagine if you went with gravel it would work well at least in terms of size. @Streetwise has a lot of experience with dirted tanks so he might have some better answers.
  19. Absolutely! My 5.5 gallon is Miracle-Gro "Nature's Care Organic and Natural Potting Mix with Water Conserve" just from the shelves of a Home Depot. My plants love the stuff. I've capped it with an aquasoil (Fluval Stratum) but I've heard that capping it with sand works as well.
  20. Hi, with a lot of my plants growing quite quickly I was wondering how to dispose of plants that I can't place back in the substrate (such as dwarf aquarium lily leaves). I've read about freezing as an option, but I'm not sure that it would also deal with the bladder and ramshorn snails/eggs in my aquarium. Thanks!
  21. I've been listening to TheFatRat a lot recently (listening to one of his songs as I'm writing this part of this post actually.. ) I really like Willie Nelson as well. I don't really stick with a genre, instead just whatever sounds good to me.
  22. I love the Orville, although it's been a few years since I've watched it since it moved to Hulu (Still really excited for the new season). Star Trek is great as well! My favourite series being Deep Space Nine with O'Brien or Sisko being my best liked characters. (The Defiant looks kind of derpy a lot of the time and I love it for that lol) Lower Decks is hilarious as well, Picard started off the season pretty slow, but got really interesting towards the end can't wait for their next seasons!
  23. Awww, mine does most of the time when he doesn't have his head buried in plants lol, although if I cause some of noise he comes out. At this point I'm pretty sure he knows that the sound of me putting the jar of fish food onto the stand means to get excited and he starts to get excited and look intently at the surface lol.
  24. I'm really sorry to hear that. It's always a bad day when a pet passes.
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