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Everything posted by FlyingFishKeeper

  1. Hi, I haven't had any problems with using paper towels to wipe down my glass, however I would just make sure there isn't anything like cleaning spray on the towels that could end up in your water. (I personally don't use the part towards the center that has the adhesive on it just as a precaution (although I don't have any formal reason for why not to, I just don't))
  2. Ah, okay, thank you! I think the color might be a bit drab, and they aren’t schooling since I don’t have a large enough school (why I was wondering if it’d be a problem to add more fish). I’ve heard about some parasites affecting fishes nervous system, but can’t find much on that so I was wondering if anyone thought it was that. Thanks!
  3. Ack, apologies, hit the wrong settings on YouTube, it should hopefully be working now? My parameters are 0 ammonia, or nitrite, barely readable nitrate (the tank is cycled however), 300+ ppm hardness, around 40 KH, I'm guessing somewhere around 6.6 for pH (between 6.4 and 6.8 on the chart), and 0 chlorine with a temp of around 76º (Sorry again, forgot to get the parameters posted)
  4. Hi, I noticed this behaviour in my tank and was wondering if this is something I should be concerned about. (I have a 5.5 with some chilis and a colony of shrimp and snails.) Occasionally one of the rasboras (not sure if it's always the same one) does this "flicking motion". (This was a less "extreme" occurrence, sometimes it can be much more pronounced.) I'd also be interested in knowing if I could add some more rasboras without wondering if this will spread to them. Thank you!
  5. Tinkering around with my profile. This is a status? 

  6. Bit late to the party, but I could print some items if I had the files. I'm not sure if I could design it (I can use some very basic design software, but not much else), but I could almost definitely get something within reason printed if wanted.
  7. Hi, at least in my experience covering the tank to completely darken for at least a week (as well as turning off the tank light) seems to work to treat the algae, although there is a root cause (in my case it was too much light I think) that should be addressed. The blackout did mess with some of my plants I believe (although that may have been because I had gone for a bit longer than recommended). I haven't tried a UV sterilizer, so I can't comment too much on them, but I've heard them recommended positively. Best of luck!
  8. Mine was probably filling a brand new 10 gallon somewhere around half of the way, seeing what looked like cracks, then draining the tank before finding out that it was excess silicone, and then refilling the tank again.. Glad they weren't actual issues, but still AGH-
  9. For Nerm Week a few months back @FrozenFins and my photo contests worked where the person running the competition would post the thread for people to put pics on, then people could post their pictures below. To vote people would react to the posts they liked. After a week the post with the most points would win. It worked reasonably well, so just throwing the concept out there if anyone wants to use it. Love the idea!
  10. @lefty o Thank you, I just did that and it scraped off instantly!
  11. Update: So I just noticed more what look like cracks or scratches in the top left corner again which worries me, so I think for now I'll drain it. Thank you!
  12. Thank you! @Vanish I'm not sure. I can feel it from the inside surface of the glass, but as far as I can tell not from the outside (although the stand makes it hard to feel)
  13. Hi, I was setting up a new 10 gallon and noticed these cracks near opposite corners corners, is this something I should be concerned about? Thank you!
  14. I really like bettas, or labyrinth fish in general now that I think of it. They are generally able to go in smaller tanks, are reasonably hardy, and have personality (plus bettas are pretty easy to find). Schooling fish are a really close second, it's fun to get to watch them swarm some food, and play follow the leader.
  15. Hi, in my opinion it should be fine to put the new substrate in with the tank as is. I've added more sand, and plant substrate in my display tank with chili rasboras, snails, and shrimp (the tank already had an amount of substrate in it). I put the new substrate into a cup, and put the cup into the aquarium right side up so it could fill before pouring the new substrate to the bottom. As far as I can tell I haven't had any side effects, although I didn't rinse the substrate before hand which definitely clouded the water.
  16. Hard to pick! Probably chili rasboras (or a really nice cherry shrimp).
  17. What do you think the largest uses for 3D printing in the hobby are?
  18. Thank you! I think I figured out that air might not have been the problem as I've noticed that some shrimp seemed to have their antennae nipped off (which soon after I learned they provided orientation information to the shrimp) which I assume is the reason for the odd swimming. I'm definitely planning to keep the air stone in for now as the situation has shown that I probably need more oxygen, at least while the plants grow in. I've since removed the fish who I think was nipping of the antennae.
  19. Thank you for the reply! @T. Payne my tank is a 5.5 gallon Walstad tank (just a light and heater until recently) that I hadn't had any oxygen issues with prior, however I did just rescape the tank earlier this month. My tank has no ammonia, nitrite, or nitrate, off the test strip hardness, 80 kh, temperature of 78ºF, and a pH around 6.8.
  20. Hi, so I recently figured out that I think my tanks needs an air stone (shrimp swimming awkwardly, being flipped in odd positions), but the tank is located in a room where the (already quite quiet) noise of the USB nano air pump, or the bubbling from the tank wouldn't be great, however could be lived with. Would connecting the pump to a WiFi timer have any downsides due to the daily cycles between powered on/off? Thank you!
  21. Hi, at least in my experience (not sure it'll work for everyone) but I've had luck with organic potting soil capped with Fluval Stratum/aquasoil (I recently redid the tank, and ran out of Stratum, so I used Brightwell soil) in a tank that rarely gets water changes (from what I can remember I've done 2 since I initially set it up in January of this year), so deaths after adding new water don't seem to be too much of an issue (I top off with regular tap water). So far the shrimp have been doing well with some die off when I initially got them, however I don't think I've seen a dead shrimp since. They seem to be breeding well too. Note: I do also have some crushed coral towards the side of the tank which probably helps, as well as a recently added path made out of sand
  22. Probably a good sized school of bluefin tuna, I love how streamlined they look (and their colour too!) Source: https://www.worldwildlife.org/species/bluefin-tuna
  23. Hi, I was doing maintenance on my tanks and noticed I had a small (maybe 1-2 mm dot) on my tweezers that I'm pretty sure was a bladder snail. I dipped my tweezers back into the tank to try to put the snail back into the water where the snail fell off and my rasboras swarmed it. A few picked at it before one of the larger ones swallowed it. Could this be dangerous for the rasbora, if so is there anything I should do to treat/watch out for? Thank you!
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