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Everything posted by FlyingFishKeeper

  1. Hi, ask as many questions as you'd like! That's one of the main things forums like this are for! 🙂 As for the plants, pretty much any plant with a rhizome, or the horizontal stem that the leaves sprout off of vertically. Anubias and java fern have these, as well as plants from the Bucephalandra genus. Mosses can also be glued on as well.
  2. Ooh, I love the feeling of opening up a new jar of food, everything feels super crisp and fresh! I really want to try kelp or seaweed sometime, my LFS sells dried sheets of it, kind of like what you can find at the grocery.
  3. Hi, from my experience not really, although my tank could be an anomaly. I got some from my LFS that had small about 5/8th's of an inch long needles, and an online supplier with needles that are a bit larger and that feel a bit more tender (might just be me though) than the LFS hornwort. Neither's needles have gotten eaten by the large population of bladder snails, or a few tiny ramshorns. Both have been there since March, with pretty much no reduction in size, or bite marks. Hope this helps!
  4. Hi, I don't really know anything about cat care, but with Aurora and your corydoras you'll probably need to make sure that they're fed at least once during the trip. You could hire or ask someone to feed him midway through your trip, or get an autofeeder. ACO wrote a really helpful blog article about this recently, hope this helps. Enjoy the trip! https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/how-to-care-for-aquarium-fish-while-on-vacation
  5. First of all, aww, cute betta! Second, good luck with the Walstad aquarium, I love mine!
  6. Hi, I really liked the "Getting Started with Aquascaping", "3 Best Beginner Shrimp for Freshwater Aquariums", and "These Three Discoveries Changed My Aquarium Hobby" livestreams among others. Safe travels!
  7. Hi, I really liked Ecology of the Planted Aquarium by Diana Walstad. It's a really good dive (excuse the pun lol) into aquariums and the benefits plants provide. It also gives some data that backs up some of the advice I hear on YouTube. Another one I really liked was the My Side of the Mountain series by Jean Craighead George. The book is written beautifully, has a ton of interesting plant/nature trivia, and is just a joy to read.
  8. Hi everyone! So... I went to my LFS, for some red root floaters annnnddd... I may have gotten some... Other stuff. I first of all got this beautiful piece of rock it's an about 3 pound bit of ohko/dragon stone with really good texture, and some darker colours that I personally think would go really well with a lush mass of plants. I also was passing by the tank with dwarf aquarium lily bulbs, and couldn't resist this really vibrant lily. I know these get really big, for a 5.5 gallon, but I just couldn't pass the opportunity up. I'll probably have to do a lot of trimming to keep it from shading other plants, although if it keeps even a fraction of the red it currently has I'll be more than happy for that tradeoff.
  9. Hi, thank you to @Hobbit for helping to organize everything! Here's a list of the photo competitions that @James Black and I have come up with:
  10. Hi, sorry for the sudden disappearance! Wow, metal props? Never heard of them on rc, how often do they break? After trying (and failing) to teach myself how to fly for the first few months I've ended up with a lot of broken 6x3 props. Also: I've gotten to fly a small UMX Radian that runs off a 1 cell. Flies great, although the winds push it around a lot. (The gyro is constantly making tiny adjustments you can hear from the ground which are pretty cool to listen to.
  11. Hi, it could be. From what I've read they can get nippy, more so if they aren't in groups.
  12. Hi, welcome to the forum! To me it looks like a silvertip tetra since it has a similar shape and markings to pictures on the internet.
  13. Congrats everyone! We passed 100,000 posts, as a community hitting the "Submit Post" button 100,000 times! 🥳
  14. @CosmicAshhole as far as I know anyone can set a signature. It's in the "Account Settings" in the dropdown menu next to your username, then you go to the "Signature" tab to write it. Hope this helps!
  15. Already posted but if I may I really wish there was a programmable light with an amount of control similar to the Fluval 3.0's in a similar price range to the Finnex Stringrays. The Stingrays are amazing, however I really want to be able to have the ramp up/down, and customizable intensity/colours. Might be impossible given the price limit but I can dream lol. (Or wonder what the ACO light has in store.) (P.S. Haven't read the thread in awhile so my bad if I'm repeating someone else's idea! If I am repeating something sorry about that!)
  16. Hi, as I understand it as long as you have a good amount of healthy roots you should be able to grow them back. As long as the lights aren't burning the leaves you should be fine.
  17. Awhile ago (before I had planted my tank) I was doing a water change, using a 2.5 gallon bucket to hold the water. I either wasn't paying attention and overflowed the bucket, or the hose came out of the bucket (which it has a tendency to do unless you put it in a specific way.) The water started going onto the floor, and forming a 6in/15cm wide, stream that extended 9-10 feet across my WOODEN floor. Thankfully no damage from that, although it DEFINITELY wasn't my last time spilling water everywhere. (I overfill my tank during top off's way too often..)
  18. Oof, yeah, the graphics look really good, but it can take a toll on the hardware. If you get the chance to play feel free to DM/PM me, I love seeing other people's cities!
  19. Ooh, I love the ingame music. Mine are the background tracks for Minecraft. It's a PIG STEP up from other background pieces I've heard lol. I also play this city builder called "Cities: Skylines" That has some really good songs on the in game "radio". Some of them are really good instrumentals. There's also some really good songs with clean lyrics, that sound normal at first, but as you spiral down and spend WAAAY too much time playing you find that some of them are sarcastic, or lowkey by choice. Same! I really want to try it eventually. I watched a let's play, it looks amazing.
  20. Question: Biggest accomplishment you've seen in awhile? A Lot of People: The use of electricity A Lot of Other People: The latest computer Me: *5 minutes later* Also Me: Help! Someone post something! Please?
  21. Hi, when I was treating my male betta for parasites he lived in a 5 gallon bucket the whole course of treatment, and was fine. As long as water stays fine, probably indefinitely. However as large as you can get will probably work best, especially considering that you have multiple fish you need to transport. Good luck with the move!
  22. The MTS/malaysian trumpet snails would probably just seal their trapdoors and make it through the treatment. I like @ARMYVET's idea of boiling.
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