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Everything posted by Garren

  1. Welcome back to the Hobby and this amazing forum. Would love to see a picture of the tank.
  2. Welcome to the forum. Everyone here is very helpful and there is a lot of information to read. Also, many aqaurium co-op videos and blogs to learn from as well.
  3. Here is my thoughts and experience as kinda a science nerd. In soft/acid water fish tanks, the ammonia load not to high. The nitrifying bacteria can do an adequate job even at pH below 6 more so when the tank has stayed in that range for a long time. Bacteria are adaptable and have many genetic strains. If you maintain low pH long term you will be selecting and growing a mix of strains that are adapted to the low pH. So to answer your question I personally think on a scale 1 to 10 it is 1 not that crucial as the bacteria will adapt.
  4. Thanks for the comment and cannot wait to see it fill in. No more mollies for me. I have them in other tanks but the Apistogramma is definitely a idea. I still deciding on stocking but right now the plan is slow grow. My first thoughts are nano fish so I am able to stock more and have some cherry shrimp as well.
  5. Thank you for the post. I have been reading multiple reviews on both and have seen multiple people say the same thing with Tidal HOB. I personally like Aquaclear because of all the room to customize the media. The only down fall I have had with Aquaclear is the priming. They would capture the market if they made a filter with a in tank pump.
  6. I wanted to personally thank @Streetwise for the tip on sponge filter setup. Turned out way better than I imagined.
  7. I have heard of people capping stratum with small rock substrate to help hold down plants. I did a small cap on my Eco-complete and it helps.
  8. Starting a Journal on my new 20gal high aquascaped planted tank. Equipment: - 20gallon High - Finnex 24" - Timer plug - Thermometer - Fluval 100w Heater - Background vinyl cling 100% blackout - Aquarium Co-op black airline - Aquarium Co-op USB nano air pump - Aquarium Co-op nano sponge filters - Seiryu rock - Drift wood - Ecocomplete Black - Black gravel - Sand Plants: - Red Melon Sword - Moneywort - Cryptocoryne Wendtii Green - Dwarf Chain Sword - Montecarlo - Anubias Nana Petite - Bucephalandra Buce Godzilla Kedagang Red First Day Setup: - Layed out rock and driftwood before putting in substrate. - Put substrate in, rock, and driftwood - Planted and filled with water - Added Beneficially Bacteria and now the cycle begins 🤗
  9. Not sure if you are aware that tetra does make a ammonia only test strip.
  10. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B073TVRQ5D/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_fabc_kmVcGb3APG6K2?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
  11. What is that plant that is coming out of the second bucket?
  12. I have a few fish that are my dream fish but just not ready for. First is Blue Rams Second would be Apistogramma. For sure the one I the picture.
  13. I am no expert but it looks to me like a baby channeled apple snail. Scientific name is Pomacea canaliculata
  14. As far as a background goes you can paint it as someone else stated. However, there is the option of using static cling 100% blackout vinyl film as well. Just used it on my new setup that I started. Really like that if I ever want or need to remove it all I have to do is peel it off. It is reusable as well. Not expensive at all. I really think that making the background black will take your tank to the next level as far as looks go. Good luck in whatever you decide.
  15. My Amanos when I first got them hid all the time. They still do from time to time and move slow until I feed then they all come out of hiding. Nothing seems out of the ordinary for me with the behavior your seeing.
  16. I got to admit...I had to take a second look at the first picture. I thought aqaurium co-op came out with a clear sponge filter..🤣🤣🤣 Really nice tank!!
  17. @Karen B. Wow looks amazing. Had a few questions. What size tank? What plants did you put on the spider wood in the center? What substrate do you have? Thanks in advance.
  18. I agree with James as well. I normally get my fish into the qt, then feed. Wait 24hours and start the med treatment. I don't feed them again for 7 days when I do the water change. It has worked for me twice now.
  19. My grew really fast even in just gravel. Root tabs are a must in my opinion. I do dose easy green as well.. Just remember where ever you trim it will produce several more branches out from it.
  20. I have had dalmatian mollies for about 10 months. Never had a issue with aggression. All my other fish are much small as them as well and they always left them alone. If you do have a male and female they breed like crazy. The male is very dominant only towards the females. Never seen him chase any other fish.
  21. Got some triming done, water change, and added some red root floaters. Also, added a sponge to the outflow of my HOB to slow down the water flow. Hope it helps with growing my floating plants.
  22. I tried looking for some on a few sites but did not have any luck. Even looked for other manufacturer light riser to see if they will work. If you find some please let me know.
  23. Mine stuck just fine without anything added. I cut the slit a little over have way through the square piece of foam. May it a tight fit at the edges as well. You may be able to use a day of super glue but may be a pain to remove later.
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