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Everything posted by nabokovfan87

  1. Barbs want to swim and are extremely, extremely active. I'd recommend a 60-75G tank if you can. 40B works as well. At bare minimum I think having a few in a 20L might be on. Just really depends on the look. I'd say you're going to run into some aggression due to tank size. Bear that in mind. Let me see if I can find a video for you to show their day to day behavior. If you have them in a 10, maybe 3-5. But they will fight. Especially the males. 20L or 29G I think at most you are looking at 6-8, but that might not be optimal still due to how they socially go after each other for dominance. 40 gives them a lot more space. 60B/55 is a longer tank but doesn't have the depth of a 40B or 75G.
  2. Cool water species. So plecos and corydoras are very good to pair with them. Also is very good as a shrimp cull tank, amanos, loaches (check temps) and a few other things. I had panda corydoras, clown pleco, BNP, RLP, and Borneo loaches. All of my tanks usually have amano shrimp as well. Barbs did fine with em as long as you give the shrimp cover. Definitely an important question as well as setup. Barbs like to swim around and through things.
  3. If you are having a lot of algae it could be excess nutrients. Most of the time it's not going to cause an issue. Similar to easy green in some use cases and we all use that with eggs as well as other ferts.
  4. Gotta do it 2 more times. 😉 I give you King shrimp. ^^ basically the most active and out in the open one in the tank. 🙂
  5. Yeah. It's fishkeeping yoga for sure. That's why I often don't use them because I just feel like it's much easier to clean the HoB than the prefilter. Given that the pump is in-between that and all the pump issues, now I have to.
  6. I use 4-5 buckets to move a tank. One for fish. One for filter + rocks One for plants. One for wood. Just remember.... Plants have to stay wet and don't forget about them. Substrate goes in another bucket. Maybe two. If you need to, a tote works to move water as well. Buckets + lids are incredibly useful.
  7. In the middle of a few things today, finally sitting. Of the things I tested here are the results. I wanted to do a sanity check on things. Temp: 71.6 Nitrites: 0 Nitrates: 5-10 (I'll dose ferts tomorrow) KH: 70-80 GH: 150 gh PH: 7.0
  8. How do you like this thing!? I have the Oxo one. Eyeballed this one about 50 times. Sidenote: Going through this journal trying to see if you have any photos of oto eggs. I see a ton of amazing photos. 🙂
  9. That gel stuff isn't great either. It is what it is.... If plants aren't in pots too long the rock wool isn't too bad. When they sit in the planted tank for a little bit and grow in, they get pretty gnarly and hard to remove it. That's when I struggle, when things are grown in and it's a fine rooted plant.
  10. How to move a Tank Step 1 - Drain some tank water into buckets or a tote. Step 2 - Put the filtration media into that bucket, add an airstone, and then add the fish. (Easier to net everything if the tank is 80% drained) Step 3 - Cover the bucket and set aside so the fish don't jump and can de-stress. Step 4 - Move the plants and hardscape if need be into the tote of tank water. Keep the plants wet. Buckets work well. Step 5 - Dig out a section of substrate and make sure that water can flow to the siphon as low as possible. Step 5B - Make little channels in the substrate to drain any pools towards this open section of the substrate to maximize how much water you can drain. Step 6 - Disconnect all equipment and remove it from the tank so it cannot be damaged when moving the stand and/or tank into place. Step 7 - Move the tank to the new location. Step 8 - Make sure it's level Step 9 - Add some water (25% is fine) Step 10 - Check it's level again Step 11 - Add back in hardscape and water that was reserved Step 12 - Add your fish / shrimp back Step 12 - Top off the tank Step 13 - Make sure the equipment is on and working. Time to update things on the "Name" of the tank for the light app. End of an Era. I counted 6-7 shrimp. There's probably more somewhere and hopefully they're doing well with all the stress of moving the tank and my method of care for them. My hope is the care is very low stress for them! Phase 2 done, tank moved..... Now I can slide the 75G into place and decide how that's going to fit.
  11. "So Cal Chill" is definitely in affect for some, but I understand what you're saying. It's not about being stuck in their way, about being told you're not doing something "correctly", or a variety of other reasons people react negatively to certain things. It's just one of those things I always get stuck on, plato's cave, about how some hobbyists just don't know and there's this magical world outside the cave / big box store. I'm not upset by it, I hope the manager wasn't either. I know what it's like to bust your butt working 16 hour days 7 days a week just to get something done. I feel for store employees and some of the things they go through, good or bad, it's not an easy job.
  12. Use a turkey baster for a lot of things. Even a smaller pipette does wonders. I would use the pipette to gently push the junk to one side and then use the turkey baster to siphon it out into a specimen container or something. If you're moving fry, especially smaller fry, then you can just use the turkey baster. They will try to swim up river so to speak and escape, but it's pretty easy once you get used to it.
  13. Went to the store again.... Had to get dog food for the pups. I am glad the fish food isn't $90 per bag. Walked through the fish section because I wanted to see if they had finished "cleaning up" and their endcap with the plants was back in place. Didn't have the bags of planted substrate out, probably all due to be under new labels and whatnot. I make my way to the dog food section and I see a dad talking to his daughter about their tank and all I can hear is "well, let's go ask". By the time we get the food, get in line, it's backed up a few spots. The manager comes up to the front and is helping to check us out. Over the radio she's listening in to the conversation and trying to answer questions via the radio and asking clarifying questions. "What size is the tank, 20 or did you say 29 gallons?" She asks. "Tell them to wait 3-5 days and then they can add fish." I get a bit weirded out by the odd question and the odd advice, but I know this manager is nothing more than one who wants to push sales and really doesn't care for the fish side of things. I've seen many people in and out of that store and it doesn't have a great reputation for quality fish. Anyways.... I inquire further. "Someone is trying to cycle a tank?" "yeah" she responds, looking a bit reluctant or annoyed by the question about cycling a tank. "Just tell them to wait 2 weeks and then come back." I replied. "Yeah, but if you tell them to wait they *freak out*!" she explains. "Ah, I get that. Well, I would just tell them to wait and go ahead and check out aquarium co-op for advice on their tank." "Yeah, I get a lot of great information online" she responds. "Right, but genuinely, send to to aquarium co-op, it'll help". I doubt she will ever recommend anyone checks out the videos, but it was a weird conversation. I just felt bad. A little piece of paper in the store, even a sticker somewhere that says, "Need advice on your new tank, head over to Aquarium Co-Op." I wanted to explain to the manager, elaborate, but I just opted not to. She's busy, she doesn't really care enough about it, and the worst part of the interaction was that I wanted to take the load off of the employees having to answer questions and just say hey... this place has good advice and it's easy to point people to. It is what it is.... but that's my afternoon thoughts. Time to go move a tank.
  14. Molting is good, but let's say a shrimp molts early. Then when they try to molt again they don't (sometimes) have the ability to develop their shell properly. Either too thin or too thick. Stress molts will cause issues with shrimp. Long term. It's not something you see on day 1, but it's something you see over time.... Molts being very off color and the shrimp themselves looking off. I posted a video in the tidal thread. 3-4 pages in. Someone lined the tank with foam and styrofoam. The video itself is difficult to find when searching YouTube, so all I can do is point you there. It's not an argument, the pump intake hole is the input. There is one input and it's gigantic. There is a skimmer that is a cut in the housing that is pointless because the entire input port for the filter is wide open and pointed in a different direction. I use the tidal 35 as a circulation filter. I don't use it in a tank where there is any debris that could clog the pump or where there are fish that would get sucked into it (corydoras in my case). Beyond that, it's "fine" and it works, and it can be used to mechanically clean the tank, but it is not a sufficient design in the sense of safe for fish and reliable due to the plant issues. The 3d printed piece is a nice touch. I don't have one and I've tried messing around with taking the covers off of the tidal 55 and seeing how they fit on the 35. Not useful. Is recommend cutting foam, that will solve the issue if you can find the foam you need and cut it to size.
  15. There is no easy way around it. That filter has no intake. Only way to fix it is to get aquaclear sponge and cut a prefilter. Has to be rectangular shape and big enough to fit an entire pump inside. Manually net out any debris you can. Pump is too exposed and strong for basically anything else to work.
  16. What issues? I'm on day 2 or 3 of the parts curing.
  17. The longer leaved plant in the back gives the tank nice movement. I think that's my favorite part.
  18. Very tragic, my condolences Scaperoot.
  19. Hey everyone, I need to replace my 10G QT tank heater due to a weird issue that cropped up. I've been refunded and all that, I just need to find the replacement of choice. The one I'd like to buy is the Fluval E-Series E50. I can get an E100 but it's a bit too long for a 10G tank. It appears the E50 is only available in the UK for some reason. Previously I had the eheim Jager and it didn't last as long as I'd like. It's adjustable, but once it died on me it really cooked the tank. Yes, heater controller, I understand. Fluval has other series of heaters, but I've seen reviews on them that I'm not quite comfortable trying them out. I've got the stores locally and all they have is the marineland or tetra heaters. Tetra I've seen too many failures with. Any recommendations that you've personally had a good experience with?
  20. @Ninjomao It looks awesome! Nice choice, well planted.
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