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Everything posted by nabokovfan87

  1. Just finished cleaning another one. Riddick (likely a she) is very happy now. Still recovering. Still got some eye issues, but she is still awesome and fun to spend as much time as I can with. The swordtails need a poo net. That's for sure. The trick is..... If you clean them they stay clean and not as mucky!
  2. That's awesome 🙂 What a relief. Such a nice thing, I'm thankful you were able to find some help locally.
  3. Might just superglue it. It's very very small. There's going to a big update here shortly.
  4. They definitely can be reclusive. Happened to me. Randomly one day I saw one more pop up during maintenance.
  5. Which filter? You're very likely going to want to modify things to use sponge and potentially ceramic media. The reason is just that it'll support more bacteria and that bacteria will be in the filter. When you change cartridges, you're throwing out some of your biological filtration, resulting in lower capacity. Looks like an internal one. Something like this...
  6. It has it. But it's a tidal. So..... Gaps. The holes I glued on the pump chamber, taking the cover off the pump, they came out. Leaves small slots for stuff to get into the pump.
  7. Last night (technically very early today), I turned everything off on the tank and I was trying to tidy things up. I pulled out the table on the side of the tank and move it to it's new spot beside the 75G home. (Clearance from the door and all that) I took apart the CO2, moved it to the other side of the 29G where the table was and moved the spraybar down a little bit to make room for routing the CO2 lines. They need replaced. I have the parts, but won't do that until the 75G is up and running. For some reason the tank seems to be losing all the leaves on plants. It might be simply the tank was moved and things got beat up, but I get the feeling something else is up. I was talking with @Lennie about corydoras and measured my big female. 3" nose to start of the tail. 3.5" total length. She freaked out in the specimen container, but she was ok this morning. After lights out and all the work was done, I scooped out leaves, heard a big splash. Didn't hear anything on the floor, was terrified to check on things in the morning. Didn't see anything. This afternoon I knew I had to break down the filter and figure out what was making a little noise in the pump. I cleaned everything and scooped more leaves. The Scarlet temple is basically nothing and I HOPE that something grows. I turned up the lights, will have to up duration next. Dial in CO2 again, repeat it all on the 75G when that gets up and running as well. Got everything back together and I think I still hear a little bit of noise in the filter. Tomorrow is maintenance day and I'll check on that stuff again tomorrow once it's had a chance for the grease to line the impeller shaft.
  8. How is the filter setup? are you using cartridges or ceramic media? A photo of the tank helps as well. Did you add an airstone following adding meds? (an additional one, not having one)
  9. That's amazing. I would offer any advice you need and make some suggestions, but I'd just as quickly send you into the shop and encourage you to ask the staff available there. 🙂 Best of luck, welcome, glad you decided to give the tank a go. Looks great! I enjoy the branch coming down into the water from the top of the tank.
  10. You should always inspect the tanks for damage as you do your maintenance. Things get scuffed, scraped, dinged, and cut into accidentally. The best thing you can do is monitor it. If you have an older tank, inspect it thoroughly at least once every 3-6 months. Make sure it's setup correctly, low stress and on a pad of some kind. Keep in mind that you can't inspect the bottom seam if you have substrate, but you can get a pretty good look at the rest of them. smaller tanks have less of a warranty and less "care" into their production so to speak. Under 55 is another gate/warranty window and above that is the longest warranty.
  11. Speaking of which.... gotta go fix the tidal filter. Leaves got into it.
  12. If you haven't seen it.... no words to describe this one. CRAZY story. Jeremy Wade tore the muscle in his arm during the whole thing, later explained in another episode.
  13. @Cinnebunsmmuch better camera. Look at that dorsal!!! 😍 They will do well, I'm excited for them and for you. 🙂 All you can do is ask for them to have a good home. They do.
  14. Basically, the way some mechanical filtration is designed, you're blocking the big chunks and then some of the smaller debris is allowed to flow through. This is done to "extend time" between maintenance. If you're cleaning once a week, then you probably shouldn't have to worry too much about it being too clocked up. Let's say two weeks, probably fine. A month or three months, that's when it matters. The higher PPI on the foam is similar to using something like eheim mech or sicce bioker. Over time it will clog, it will change how and what is being filtered. First the big chunks, small stuff passes through, then you'll have the big chunks mostly on the outside and medium size gunk gets trapped. Then you'll have medium gunk trapping some of the finer particles. There is also a difference in how the structure of the foam operates to trap debris. Not all foams are equal. Anyways, the sidebar aside..... Just wanted to mention how it works for the sake of what is "best" to do in this situation. You should and should be able to clean it. Worst part about a shrimp tank is that you have to give the muck time to settle in the bucket so that you can figure out if any shrimp got taken out with whatever you moved. It could be a rock, could be wood, there's always something. If you want to have an easier time, there's definitely fine sponge and it'll do the job and we all (Cory included) have ran it for a very long time. It may not be one where you can get an air stone in it, might be one where you have bigger bubbles or a slightly bigger uplift tube or whatever it is. The main thing being that whatever is there for the shrimp to use as cover and as a surface for debris, they will use it. If you replace the sponges maybe find some crazy pitted ohko stone like you saw that I added to my tank, or a pile of ceramic media, or just stacks of things. Ball of moss works too. As long as they are comfortable and doing good, you're doing the right things. Yours are happy and thriving, doing good there. Whatever you decide, I'm sure they will be just fine with it. If changing it makes you clean it more.... Change it.
  15. Fun fact. The turkey baster also works as a feeding tube to get food into the dish. .....and a large flat piece of wood that is shaped like a stump works as a feeding dish if you don't have a glass petri dish or Terra Cotta one.
  16. In no particular order 1. Lizzy scaping tanks (would love to see a long form version on a 20L, 40B, 75G, etc) 2. The "#1 secret to successfully keeping fish" (video about goldfish in the 800G and temp) 3. Treating ich in the 800G before the trip 4. The first Dean tour, "ram breeder tour" 5. Video about Robert (or aquahuna, goliad farms, or so many others)
  17. @Chick-In-Of-TheSea Second vid looks like the panda horde.
  18. I found this.... Might be a bit of hope. Both these bloody Marys look to have the white ring, they seem fine. I can't say what happened to them, but it might be a genetic trait where the shells crack or they grow quicker than they can molt or something. I don't know, can't say, and don't want to guess how common that is in Neo tanks, but it's pretty prevalent in this one and this video is one of the "top shrimp keepers" on YouTube. I put that in quotes because I don't know, just one of the bigger channels.
  19. As always, I'd love to have a tank that looks half that good and I'm excited for your future plans. I see the pandas surfing up front doing their panda things. You probably already got eggs or will pretty soon. Crazy they just so activity that much right now. Not sure what was up that triggered them for so long. Almost daily for 4 weeks now.
  20. Marks shrimp tanks does a technique where he lifts the sponge out of the water a few times to try to give them a chance to get out of the sponge, to get off of it basically. Good practice for shrimp, but they can just hang on and not care (or jump) so it's always a frustration. @Chick-In-Of-TheSeawwas replacing her sponges due to the shrimplettes using it as an actual house. Then I saw Cory do the stream about filter mods and prefilters and it was mentioned that he would just take that same sponge material / porosity and then use that for shrimplette cover. Yeah.... It's something I struggle with and why I tend to want HoB over sponge. Some sponges, different types, are very easy to clean. Something like the AC110 the sponge is so massive you can't get the junk out from the center. It just isn't easy for me. I have the same issue when I go and clean out certain things, looks good, and then put it all back in the tank and all I see is muck trapped in there like I didn't do anything. In terms of "how" I think the method that works best for cylindrical sponges I have to rest the sponge on the side of a bucket with water and then push it against the side. I've tried it a lot of different ways and that seems to do ok.
  21. The fluval one pepere is showing off looks great. There is also sicce ones as well as the pump head I use (sicce syncra nano). They come in a variety of designs, but in terms of a small pump, that's the one that works really well if you can manage a setup that works for the tank.
  22. It's going to mix. Always will. What is the use case for your substrate, do you just want something "good" or a certain visual? Is there something specific in the tank that needs anything? If you want to cap it with sand, then you're basically looking at 2.5" or higher thickness of sand. If the stratum has already turned to mush, then you're probably just at the time where you need to change it out.
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