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Everything posted by nabokovfan87

  1. Second batch of shrimp are en route, finally in stock. They should be arriving middle of next week, but we'll see. Last time shipping was stated to be one thing and arrived 36 hours early.
  2. The tap water will change after 24 hours. This is called off-gassing. Take a same of water from the tap, test it right away for everything. Aerate that sample for 24 hours and then retest. (This is what parameters your tap actually is when stable) Compare that to your tank. They should be pretty similar. If they aren't it could point to a maintenance issue. This is also a good way to track if the water company is changing the tapwater on you.
  3. Not nice to make me choose! I want both. Together.
  4. I'm gonna say yes, but it's complicated. Most times the shrimp just either aren't comfortable or want cover. Even the massive amanos will hide in the dark spots of the tank and others just could not care. At night they are actively thrashing and swimming around. On the neos, I can't figure them out. They basically only come out at dawn and then they are acting like the amanos, hidden and so forth. At night, I'm terrible at finding them. We've established some are there, but I only ever see one. Maybe two. Tank is a bit bare, so I'll see better behavior once the fish are moved. Hopefully she was able to get the food. Sometimes that can happen from overeating too, so just be careful. The females won't molt until eggs hatch and they basically sacrifice themselves.
  5. Sera has an ich med. Looks like you're able to order it from amazon.de potentially. Sera Costapur F Best of luck. That's the closest I could find off the ingredients.
  6. Zooming in. Looks like fungus areas or something, like you said difficult to tell given the lighting and stuff. I don't see ich, just the large patches and sores/wounds. That's really tough, I'm sorry for your struggles. Are you going to order in some ich-x?
  7. Do you have a cull tank or how do you handle that? Very beautiful work with the rock and hardscape. Nice tank!
  8. There's a bit of a mix of ideas here. Let's break things down and try to reach some solid advice for what you're asking. This will also work just by using pea gravel Using gravel to trap particles for plants is more aptly about CEC value or substrate and something like eco complete or seachem flourite might be a better tool for what you're wanting. Not only will those trap food, but also will trap ions from the water and fertilizer that the plants need. 🤔 It came up in the danger zone, so yea. I would find it difficult to say there is a "danger zone", but the reason Miller is asking the actual number value is because of the knowledge he has and the ability he has to guide you on the right path. His tanks are gorgeous and he definitely does a wonderful job of balancing nutrients. What is a bit wonky in my situation is that I have unlimited GH, but very low KH. Once GH is above a certain number I just stop caring. Plants do what plants do and obviously it isn't perfect. If the GH is off the chart you can dilute it by doing WCs with RO water. In the same token you can use something like dilution to dilute the water sample and test to get a better idea of the value of your GH. In my view, and the reason that I bring up my water is that GH does not tell you nearly enough. Knowing only GH is like knowing only TDS. There's "stuff" in the water, but it's difficult to know what it specifically is. This is where plant deficiency guides, specific test kits for plant nutrients come in handy. Again, what is the GH value? What is your KH and PH values as well? What is your dosing regimen? How much, how often? Even knowing water changes is very helpful when you're discussing use of CC. Let's figure it out!
  9. Similar water to mine. So cal also. What is the KH reading you're getting? You can use CC without worrying about GH. I use seachem alkalinity buffer to get mine from 40 up to the 60-80 range. The only reason I don't use CC is because I have black substrate and I don't have a place for any in the filter. (Tidal testing link in my sig) Finally, what do the fish you're keeping need for PH? What's the upper limit?
  10. I think my fish know I don't have a good macro camera lens situation. I took 6-7 shots with my phone and yeah, that fish was just hanging out in the current. This little panda on the top of a piece of wood that is essentially a 4-5" diameter stump. Very charming little corydora.
  11. Sorry, panda Cory's. 3 weeks straight, every day. 3-5 laying eggs. @kneehhas some funny stories about his ram doing this. 😂 It's good that you're able to restore peace so quickly!
  12. Tetra has an app to scan their strips as well as JBL has their pro scan app. Id personally suggest the pro scan just because it's likely a much better product. (Scan app has been available for a lot longer) There is also these types of this and this guy has a discord and is also colorblind. Great resource to ask for advice!
  13. No applicable emoji reply, lol. We need a 😱 My pandas started doing the same thing. Not to that extent but it's just not fun when you destroy a tank because of bad parameters because of spawns you feel like you cannot control without splitting fish. I assume you can do two females together, and two males would fight to the death.
  14. I had no lights. Algae. I had a few hours. Algae. I had normal amount. Algae. Add more plants. Algae. Add more surface movement / air.... algae. You get the idea. Something is just funky and it's often CO2 for me. Maybe this is entirely due to the very high followed by very low temps, difficult to say.
  15. Oh that's awesome! Be sure to take some before / along the way pics. Randy and simply betta and a few others have some really awesome rack videos if you need any inspiration.
  16. depending how long you've been running the CC it might already have leached minerals to the point where it doesn't buffer as much as you'd think anymore. Here it's $25 per bag before tax or anything. I think BDBS is fairly affordable, but that has it's own issues. (not a known thing and batches vary based on location where purchased, but that's it's own thing) Definitely shop around and see what you can find.
  17. I agree low tech is nice. My low tech tank is an algae ball no matter what I do. The one with CO2 at least it's starting to have a fighting chance or sorts. Pressurized / fancy co2 is probably the most overrated thing as far as difficulty. It's very, very easy. The only real thing is to just be careful when you adjust, verify. make sure. CO2 was cranked up, tank was running for a few hours, no issues. Had I not checked it, obviously would've been bad the next morning. The fact I can dump in a ton of CO2 and it does just about nothing, also speaks to some pretty weird issues that I've been working on. I wish I had the skill to disassemble / reassemble the whole regulator to make sure everything was correct and working as it should.
  18. I don't know that the fish has any other issues beyond the spine injury. It could explain the erratic swimming and lethargy. Especially in a higher flow tank with a deformed fish, it's just struggling a little bit.
  19. I vote this one. Looks like a healthy female! Looks basically spot on for this one. Man.... it's close. https://www.planetcatfish.com/common/image.php?species=corydoras(ln5)_bilineatus&image_id=14471 Can you take a side shot from directly on the side?
  20. That's very cool. the adults are in the background of the first photo? Sorry if this is a foolish question!
  21. It looks like a bit of spinal damage to me. The body is bent.
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