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Everything posted by nabokovfan87

  1. One in the back is female. One up front looks like a male.
  2. because you're seeing the results "off the chart" so to speak on the strip on the right. You can use RO / Distilled water and dilute it by 50% to give you an idea of the values you're getting. GH = 300+ (probably close to 400-450) KH looks like 140 or so PH looks like 8.0+ region The test on the left there is a little bit of corruption of the pads, here's a video explaining that:
  3. What amount of water are you changing and how often? How different is the test results compared to your tap water?
  4. Something isn't right.... On those strips, the #2 and #3 pads from the bottom. What is the scale for them? I assume the one on the right sat a little bit or you're looking at near 8.0 PH and very high hardness. If you were concerned at all with KH/GH you can drip acclimate the corydoras over an hour or two and they should be fine with that to move into the tank. The only reason I say "something isn't right" is because I don't understand that second strip and if it's good parameters for the corydoras.
  5. @TeeJay does that marineland one have a hole all the way through? I think ima need to see how that fits on the Tidals.
  6. nope.... I want a guarantee about where I can put them that isn't my tank when they do lay eggs! I also wouldn't mind breeding nerites, but just not setup for it. Snails are fine. Just not 1 million of them in a 10G.
  7. Mine wasn't even real pots. it was mini ones. 😞
  8. Yeah.... I spent a good amount of time trying to sort out which was which. I couldn't tell. 😞 Too small or difficult for me to see. I also heard that males can change gender if need be. No idea. I'm sure one day I'll have them, but for now.... all the clown plecos you could want are in there. I may also add in that single black corydoras fry to live in there permanently if he keeps getting picked on.
  9. The media is generally good. I would recommend looking at the "show us your filter mods" threads for inspiration on setup. @TeeJay has one that he might be able to share some photos with on his setup. Foam first, coarse pre-filter, medium+fine in the HoB itself. Whatever cartridge was in the filter you can just toss that in the tank and let it stay near the input flow path. Second to that wring it out in a bit of tank water and then pour that into the filter box once you mod it with the new media. Parting that, you can dose in some bacteria in a bottle if you run into any issues. Mechanical --> Biological --> Chemical So you'd have the prefilter and the internal foam pads. After your foam you have the rings. If you ever need to run carbon or purigen or phosguard it would go following the rings / ceramic media.
  10. You need a second heater or to raise the temp in the room / house. As @knee mentioned you can also wrap the tank to insulate it and good lids to keep the heat in.
  11. Oh I can guess the place you ordered from! I think I had the same thing happened. They actually charged me extra to take timmings and wrap them in rockwool and ship them. Instead of literally just sending the trimmings. No roots, no nothing, just trimmed and off to my tank. Super weird to me that companies do that.
  12. There's a pleco in there 🙂 These rocks were in the snail tank, so there might be some that magically pop up, but hoping not. I am fine with nerites, just need to get one that doesn't do the spots on a log. I had one before, but it was moved to one of my step-siblings tanks and lived its life out there.
  13. WELL... Hopefully you have some alive and healthy awesome pandas arrive today 🙂
  14. Nah... Nothing like that. Everything seems good. It's weird to me to have something as "import+tank bred" and then have two of their other lines as tank bread (in house vs. local hobbyist) It's just confusing. I messaged again, asked them to send the import strain if available. I already have some of the in house strain and just want to mix genetics. This was the last email, again, I think everything is fine and they are doing the right things. So it seems I'll get the right strain, have a healthy group of each strain and go from there. I think all I need is a feeding dish now. Very flat setup right now but top down there's a lot going on.
  15. Can you show us your breeding box / egg hatching setup? Are the eggs hatching in the tank itself with the rest of the fish? If they are staying in the tank, please go ahead and show up the full tank. Full water parameters including temp helps a little as well.
  16. Nano section. I tried the one all the way to the right. Didn't even look like it was on to the touch. Definitely low wattage use only.
  17. I use both. The seiryu I got came in very pale white and had a lot of minerals. Acid washed it and it's been great ever since. Think of it like crushed coral, same thing, but it's your hard scale. Very nice way to buffer things. It's a beautiful stone as well! Replacement shrimp should be mailed out likely next week. They did offer me that option. Update: 😞
  18. Basically do not include mine. I abstain. 🙂 I figured so! No worries at all. Maybe someone will break the tie. Who knows. 😂
  19. Yeah. I'd lean towards dropsy. 😞 Colu's post above is exactly what to do. As always, a wonderful guide.
  20. I believe I got some amanos and some suss from them. Suss I was very unhappy with. everything else was fine. Definitely an option, but I'm unsure if they have these ones. I'll check em out.
  21. I tried to clean the main stone I found, ended up realizing I had 3. The big one has a pretty major crack through it, but aesthetically I think these two stones are perfect for this tank. Off to go adjust things and redo the tank a bit. Ya'll ready for this!? It's gonna be awesome I hope. Before: After: I'll snag some better photos tomorrow. Look at all those little houses for shrimplettes. I'm excited for them to have that available.
  22. here is water weight for aqueon. as for tanks on wood floors, the only thing I've heard is to make sure the legs of the stand are on the beams of the floor. If you don't position it that way, you could end up with an issue over time of things moving on you.
  23. I mean, yeah, that makes sense and can be helpful. I tend to not want the "other stuff" in there and specifically filter out things in 5-7 stage setups. I don't trust 3, but I hear ya. Should work on either side. at the end it should be RO. If you're talking RODI.... yeah, after the softener.
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