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Andy's Fish Den

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Everything posted by Andy's Fish Den

  1. How afr are you guys @Rikostanand @PhillipHolsfrom Oswego, NY? I used to go up there a few times a year to the speedway to race. Always enjoyed the area there, would like to get back up that way for an actual vacation one day.
  2. I was able to get one when the co-op had them last and I wish I could say that I am being over run with pink flamingo, but mine is barely hanging on. It melted back hard when I put it in the tank, and I have been watching it like a hawk hoping that it comes back, and I have two small leaves poking up through the substrate right now. I've been putting root tabs under it hoping that the roots are still alive and grabbing some of the nutrients so it will grow back. It's supposed to be a variant of the wendtii species, and I have no problem growing others like the bronze and green ones so I figured the pink would do good, but it hasn't.
  3. Congo tetras, if the tank is large enough I like keeping Cyprochromis with multies. the Cyps will inhabit the mid to upper levels of the water with the muilties down at bottom
  4. I had one of these years ago, and it didn't work that great.
  5. I've never been able to visit the Georgia aquarium, but have been to the Tennessee aquarium in Chattanooga, TN and it was really nice. In case you guys didn't know, there is a show on Animal Planet called "The Aquarium" that shows behind the scenes at the Georgia Aquarium, its pretty neat to see all the stuff that goes on behind the scenes, from feedings, vet care training and all.
  6. I would just go with the airstone in that tank. Being that its only 3 gallons and only shrimp, i would feel safe recommending the airstone only. Shrimp don't produce a lot of waste and if you do a small water change weekly or even bi-weekly I don't see any issues. There will be plenty of beneficial bacteria in the substrate and with the live plants in there it will help.
  7. A lot of fish will enjoy the snack of some detritus worms. I wouldn't worry about them, the fish will take care of them when they see them.
  8. Since it's a 3 gallon betta tank, I am going to assume that you have some sort of filter running in the tank? If that is the case, I would take your betta out and put into a specimen container or something while remodeling its tank. scoop out the old gravel, and take out decorations. Replace with new gravel and decor, plants etc. Let the water settle a bit, Do a 25% water change like you normally would, put betta back into tank. Make sure while doing that you keep filter media or sponge wet, don't let dry out. I've done this before on tanks, and not had any problems, actually just did it this past weekend on a 10 gallon tank,
  9. I found at the dollar store one of those silicone ice cube trays that makes small cubes, about a half inch cube. When I do hatch brine shrimp I will hatch so I have extra, and I will put a squirt in each cube then add some clean water and freeze. The next day, after i freezes, I will pop out and put the cubes in a zip lock bag and keep in freezer, then can feed when I want.
  10. Goldfish will also devour duckweed. I have a fishkeeping friend that has a couple tanks that he lets duckweed go wild in and just scoops it out and throws in the tank he has some fancy goldfish in for them to eat. I believe that Cory has shown on video him doing same thing to feed his koi
  11. I usually buy my food in large quantities and just keep a small container out that I refill, and put the rest in the freezer. If you buy what you will use within a couple months you should be fine just keeping out.
  12. I had never heard of this fish, so had to look it up. Looks like a neat little nano fish. I would follow along with what @Fish Folksaid above, one thing I would add is that you might want to consider using either reverse osmosis water or rainwater in the breeding tank. I would assume that most likely the fish are wild caught, and the info I found said that they are from acidic, tannin filled waters, with low KH and GH
  13. The baby shrimp are so small they are hard to see! And the thing I've noticed with shrimp is, it seems like it takes them a while to get going, but then it's like there's more every time you look into the tank.
  14. Moved group of corydoras venezuelanus from 10 gal quarantine tank to 40breeder tank to grow out some more and hopefully spawn this winter. Moved baby weitzmani cory into the 10 gal the Venezuelanus were in to grow out in. Moved some of my PRL Crystal Red Shrimp into another tank I set up to get a second colony started. Planted the plants I got Saturday when I went to a couple LFS, a red ludwigia, Indian red sword, vesuvius. Glued a piece of a buce plant to a chunk of cholla wood. Did water changes on several tanks. Found a male L333 with a female trapped, have to check for eggs here soon.
  15. Yes, they were round glass ball ornaments. I had got one, and when we decorated our tree this year, it was broken in the box it was stored in. I did a quick look on the website to see if there was some still available but there wasn't
  16. Looking forward to listening when the new episodes drop.
  17. The LFS I worked at and would sell my angelfish and discus to years ago would give between 25-50% of what they sell the fish for. There were several factors he took into account such as how long they would sit in his tanks before he sold them, size etc. H would give more in store credit for fish than if you would get cash. I have one LFS near me that has told me he would buy neocaridina shrimps that I breed, but what I would get from him is a lot lass than what I get when I sell them myself or take to my local fish club meetings and sell.
  18. Hopefully the guppies are still alive when they get to you, if they are I would temp acclimate them, get into the tank. You will want to check for any ammonia burn, watch and observe them. You could treat them prophylactically with the med trio and some salt as well.
  19. If you dive deep into the freshwater side of the hobby and end up keeping some soft water species, you would use one to collect rainwater to use in your tanks, or for RO water and to remineralize it before putting into an aquarium. Or if you want to like you mentioned, put water in, aerate it, age and heat it to be ready for a water change. Or as @Daniel said growing a live food culture. You could also just use to grow something like guppies, rice fish in, fill with water, put a sponge filter and some plants in, add fish.
  20. One trick I've learned building a few stands and racks similar tot his is once you cut all the pieces, paint or stain the pieces before you start assembly. That way all the edges are painted and you wont have bare wood areas that water could creep into.
  21. I've gotten a lot of my plants this way as well. I highly recommend that when local fish clubs are able to meets again to check your local club out, I have gotten a lot of plants, fish and other stuff for good prices at the meetings and other club activities. Plus, you know that the fish are acclimated to your local water conditions.
  22. Any sinking pellets, frozen brine shrimp, You may not see them actively eating, but they are, more likely after the tank lights go off.
  23. I've kept corydoras on every substrate that you could use in an aquarium, eco complete, different sands, gravel, and bare bottom tanks. I have never had any problems with them losing their barbels or anything. I always make sure that there is plenty of food available so that they don't have to go digging through the substrate to find a morsel, although they do a lot anyways.
  24. When I was in high school, back in late 80s-early 90s I was breeding angelfish out of my bedroom and selling to local stores, I had three pairs, a black, a marble and a gold. The black were so dark black that if the tank lights were off you would only see their eyes, and they produced pretty much all dark black babies, once in a while I would get a few lighter color ones, which I guess now would be what's called a smoky. I don't think I have seen any angels in a store or at a club meeting or auction that are as dark as the ones I had back then.
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