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Andy's Fish Den

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Everything posted by Andy's Fish Den

  1. I was planning to only do three tanks at max to start, and see how it goes. I had also already planned to use the same diffuser in each tank. I had kind of figured that when I would mess with one needle valve to adjust that tank, it could change things on the others as well. All three tanks are same size, 40 breeder and just use co-op sponge filters, same lights, only difference in them is substrates.
  2. I have found in my years of fishkeeping that when you want to grow a tank of green water, you can't, and then when you do get a tank that turns green it's in a tank that you want clear.
  3. If there are no fish in the tank, then yes adding daphnia will help clean the green water, but they could clean it so well that they eat all the algae and then die off because there's no food left. If you add daphnia to a tank with fish, the fish will most likely eat all the daphnia before they establish themselves. If you want to raise daphnia, you could put a start4er culture in a tank with no fish and let them go, scoop some out to feed fish, and as the water gets less green, add more green water from one of your tanks. As far as getting the water to clear up, first you need to figure out what is causing the green water? Excess light, nutrients? A combination of both? Be sure to check your timer for lights if you are using one, I had one that went on the fritz and wouldn't shut off. I didn't realize for a while because it's in the basement and I rarely go down there late at night, but it started growing algae bad, and I couldn't figure out why, then one night I went down there in middle of the night and ah ha! The light was still on! Solved the problem.
  4. In my experience they have not been difficult to keep at all. They are all pretty much all wild caught, but by the time they get to your LFS they will have had to adjust to several different water parameters, unless your LFS is one that directly imports themselves. But in that case, they have got them acclimated to the local water, so you shouldn't have much if anything to worry about. Green neons do stay small, smaller than neon tetras, so just make sure nothing in the tank can fit them in their mouth.
  5. Have you tested the water you're using for the water changes? You said the tank is three weeks old, it is more than likely still going through it's cycle. Even if you cycled the tank when you set it up, every time you add fish, the tank needs to build up the beneficial bacteria to process the waste from those fish, so if you added all the fish at once or even a few days apart the tank needs to build up the BB, and being that the tank is so new, it will take longer than one that is well established. If you can get hold of some Fritz zyme 7 you can add that in the tank to help boost the bacteria to process everything. You can feed light, keep watching the ammonia levels, do a 25-30% water change if it goes over 1.0
  6. For Christmas, I bought myself a regulator, diffuser, and all the necessary stuff to put CO2 in one of my tanks except I still need to go to a gas supply place and get a bottle and I'm going to get one of the drop checker things that changes colors to indicate if the co2 level is good in the tank. As I was looking on Amazon and other websites last night, I saw a splitter thing that you can get to run several tanks off of one bottle and regulator. Has anybody done this method? I have several tanks I would use co2 in, but having a bottle, and regulator for each tank would not only be expensive, but would take up a lot of room in my small room.
  7. I have no idea about the oyster shell substrate. But, you are wise to use a light substrate for the blue shrimp. I made the mistake of putting my blue shrimp in a tank with a dark substrate, now I don't see them, unless they are on a plant leaf, rock or the glass.
  8. It will grow back, before you know it, there will be runners coming off the plant and spreading.
  9. that was gonna be my answer as well. I hope that you have it in a larger aquarium, it will be a good size plant.
  10. You can make the space between shelves as much or little as you want. There are notches on the uprights that you put the shelves into that you can put at whatever height you want.
  11. In the winter typically when the cold water coming into your house is colder, it will become super saturated with gases, especially oxygen as it is warmed up, it has to do with since cold water will hold more oxygen than warm water, then when it is heated that oxygen is released, that is why you see all the little bubbles floating in the water and on the sides of the aquarium. It can cause issues with the fish similar to what divers call "the bends" that can happen if they come to the surface too fast when diving, where you can get tiny bubbles of oxygen in your bloodstream. Some fish are more susceptible to this that others, discus are ones that I have read about the most having issues.
  12. I don't currently age water, but I have a couple 55 gallon barrels that I am going to start after I remodel my fish room here over the next couple months. I have a well that is about 100' deep, and during the winter I get a lot of air bubbles in the water as I am refilling due to the dissolved oxygen in the water. I want to let it sit for a day or two to settle to let that off gas as well as for the pH to settle. I also have an RO unit that I am going to run some to be able to mix water to a lower pH to try and induce some of my fish to spawn.
  13. I would test your tap water and see if there is nitrite in it. With having the filtration, live plants and doing water changes twice a week already, I suspect there is something going on with the water you are putting in the tank or that you are way over feeding. How large are the water changes you are doing?
  14. A gift card to the co-op would be perfect, then he can get exactly what he wants or needs!
  15. There is a great thread on here by @Streetwise detailing settings, and after that on YouTube @Bentley Pascoehas a great three part series on the Fluval lights. ttps://forum.aquariumcoop.com/topic/131-fluval-plant-30-scheduling-and-programming/page/2/?tab=comments#comment-37275 Ultimate Guide to the Fluval Plant 3.0 LED Aquarium Light - Part 1 - YouTube
  16. I am going to be jumping into the high tech side of planted tanks, and bought myself a CO2 regulator, bubble counter, diffuser, and tubing. Now, I just have to go to a gas supply place and rent a tank.
  17. Currently set up and running 93 cube 4- 40 breeder 8- 10 gallon 4- 5.5 gallon 4- 20long After the holidays, I am doing a remodel of my fish room, I am moving some stuff that's in the area that doesn't get used and putting up another rack, will be getting rid of 3 of the 20 longs and replacing with eight 20 tall, I am keeping one of the 20long because I am going to build myself one of the fry rearing systems like @Dean’s Fishroomhas built, and several others have copied as well.
  18. Definitely check out the threadt that @Streetwise started and linked above, but on youtube, @Bentley Pascoehas a great three part series on the Fluval lights. Ultimate Guide to the Fluval Plant 3.0 LED Aquarium Light - Part 1 - YouTube
  19. Never seen a tank just turn brown. It looks like substrate got stirred up, do a few water changes, if you have a HOB filter, keep an eye on the foam or cartridges they'll clog up quick.
  20. Only thing I would be worried about is moisture causing the gel tabs to stick together or soften.
  21. If you have the tank set up and cycling, you can.put the plants in while cycling. If you don't have the tank up yet, the plants can go in a bucket of water or anything with water for a few days to a week. Or even if the tank is up and you can't get them planted right away just put them in the tank. I do it all the time, will get plants in and not able to plants them for several days. I'll have a couple of the plastic shoebox storage containers I'll throw the plants in with some water until I can look over the plants for hitchhikers and get them planted.
  22. @MickS77 if your tanks are anything like mine, that guppy grass will soon fill those tanks! I like the stuff, but it grows like a weed in my tanks.
  23. I have never seen val plant leaves regrow roots after you trim them. Stem plants such as bacopa, pogostemon, rotala, you trim off the top portion of the stem and plant and they will then grow. Val plants grow by sending out runners and sprout off a new plant. I have heard of people splitting and dividing a large plant, although I have never done that with a val plant, but I have with a sword
  24. If you put some of that water in a tank, add some liquid fertilizers and plenty of light it will stay green. As for the little creatures, you're probably referring to daphnia. They feed on the green water, and then you can net them out and feed to your fishes.
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