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Andy's Fish Den

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Everything posted by Andy's Fish Den

  1. I've been known to hide a new aquarium or two in the garage, as the wife doesn't go in there very often, then, when she is gone I will "sneak" it in and down to the basement. And then, she rarely goes down there, at least to the side where my tanks are set up. She does know I'm planning on doing a remodel of my fish room and has been supportive of it, I think mainly because I am going to be moving stuff in basement around to make a separate room for my tanks and then better storage for all of our decorations for the different holidays. What she doesn't realize I think, is that I will be adding one 40breeder and switching four 20longs for 8 20 high tanks on end.
  2. I have been working down in my fish room since I am off work this week. I have let my corydoras weitzmani tank just kind of be on autopilot, except have been topping off from evaporation with RO water, a couple weeks ago, we had a storm system coming thru so the tank had evaporated about 50% and I filled it back up with RO water. The tank is chock full of java moss and guppy grass as well as a couple spawning mops I had thrown in. I thought I'd pull the plants and spawning mops out and see if I had any luck, and what did I find? Some little corydoras fry! I caught 10 and put in a breeder box, then put all the moss and stuff back in the tank and filled it back up. I looked in a little while later and I saw at least two more swimming around, so they must have been hiding in the plants and spawning mops. My adults are wild caught, I got them almost two years ago at my local fish club's Christmas party, they had a bunch of rare fish that were raffle prizes and I won a group of 8 of them. They get live blackworms when I can get hold of some, frozen brine and bloodworms, and pellets.
  3. The common albino ones sold in most LFS and big box pet stores are of the aeneus species, I have had both albino and normal bronze aeneus in a tank and they spawned together. I have seen on lists from wholesalers albino paleatus listed as well as albino sterbai.
  4. I could hear his voice in my head as I read this
  5. If that is your baseboard, I would be fine with it not touching the floor for that reason. If you spill water, it won't get on the wood and ruin it. You could do the backer rod and caulk to keep water from getting underneath and getting to the drywall and framing, but if it's in a basement or the floor is concrete, it should have a treated baseplate at least.
  6. I love how when someone asks what's wrong with their tank because they've lost several fish, and they are asked what the water parameters are, the response is "they're perfect or normal" but can't tell you any numbers.
  7. It's growing in good! I don't have any water sprite, but I've heard it can grow quickly.
  8. If they keep eating eggs this is probably best idea. Some breeders will make a fence type blockade out of a plastic hardware cloth material and put it around the breeding cone that will allow the parents to fan the eggs but they can't get close enough to eat the eggs. When I bred discus before, usually after a couple spawns they get it down and stop eating the eggs.
  9. Cool water changes will trigger a lot of times. Have some moss or other similar plants in the tank. Do water change with cooler water, they'll lay eggs in the plants, then you can either pull plants to hatch in a separate container or net the adults out and leave plants in tank. I've never left the parents in with eggs and fry so I'm not sure if they'd eat the eggs or fry.
  10. If you don't have or can't get a hold of methylene blue, I have used a couple drops of hydrogen peroxide in with Cory eggs before and it's kept them from getting fungus on them.
  11. Yep, we're supposed to be having a front come through Sunday, so I am going to be doing water changes with RO water on my weitzmani cories, leopoldi angels, and L333 plecos and see if I can get any spawning action. The last time I did get a batch of eggs from the weitzmani cories, and now have some fun growing out.
  12. It could be good enough, but are you planning to try to raise every batch of eggs that they lay? A pair of angels could spawn every 10-14 days if you let them, and you'll quickly become over run with fry. I would say with what you have planned you could do a batch of fey from each pair and then when you get them to sellable size, nickel or larger, and start to sell to a LFS or whatever then put a cone or slate in and let them lay again.
  13. I like to ha e a tank or two available for the same reasons, as well as when our local fish club was able to have meetings so if someone brought in some fish the spawned and I just had to have.
  14. Yea, I have mainly bath towel size ones in my fish room, but I do think a small hand towel sized one with a grommet and carabineer so you could hook it on a belt loop or pocket would be sweet to dry your hands off quick after having them in a tank.b
  15. The host of that, Paul Spiece wrote a series of project books for 4-H when I was in junior high back in the late 80s, and I was excited when they came out with the aquarium keeping projects, I was already in 4-H showing rabbits and chickens and now they had my favorite hobby, fish keeping! The first year that they had the projects I went to the Ohio State Fair for my project and Mr Spiece was there to judge, and I won first place out of the entire state! I remember him being quite impressed that I was breeding angelfish and discus and keeping planted tanks and only being in 7th grade.
  16. I would go with the silent green I'd you wanted to feed them repashy. You could mix in some crushed up egg shells or crush a wonder shell up and mix in for calcium if you wanted to.
  17. I had the same problem when I got one, then for some reason I actually read the instructions, I know weird! And found out about the dial that moves to calibrate.
  18. Nice looking fish, will be neat to see once they are adjusted to your tank and color up.
  19. I've heard so many great things about the towels, I'm going to have to add one to my next co-op order to try it out. You can never have too many towels in the fish room
  20. Those Kessil lights that @Danielhas are nice lights, I've seen a couple tanks personally that use them, but they are expensive. I love how you get the shimmering effect underwater like what you get with sunlight and metal halide lights.
  21. If you are meaning a linear piston pump you will need to make your air loop out of PVC, use either 3/4" or 1". You will need the valves that are then put into the PVC that control air flow to the outlets for tanks. As for the connection between pump and PVC, the pump will come with a piece of rubber, you will need a barb fitting that will go into that, I'm not sure if they are all the same size, mine was 3/4". I would recommend running a piece of flexible vinyl tubing between that and your PVC loop to help dampen any vibration noise. If you go to the co-op's YouTube channel he has a couple videos on hooking up a pump to an air loop.
  22. Welcome to the forum, fellow Ohioan here! I am in NW Ohio near Bowling Green, but I grew up over your way in Grafton area, but I still visit that area frequently. there are some good fish clubs over that way and you are lucky and have quite a few good LFS. Your tanks look good, good luck with the cherry shrimp tank.
  23. My go to is a mix of about 60% eco complete and 40% Fluval stratum. I like that the stratum will help feed the plants, but it is lightweight and I have a hard time getting it to hold plants down, which is where the eco complete comes in since it is heavier, it will help hold the plants down until they establish their roots system.
  24. I dont think that they would climb out by climbing up the glass. I have had shrimp climb out via the airline tubing that is attached to the sponge filter in a tank.
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