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Andy's Fish Den

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Everything posted by Andy's Fish Den

  1. I've never spawned egg scatterers on purpose, but have a few growing out that I plan to work with here this fall and winter. My plan is to separate males and females and give hem live baby brine, frozen brine and daphnia, and mix in some pellets and flake food. When I notice the females nice and plump with eggs I'll put them in the spawning tank with some males and leave them for a day or two and then pull out for the fry to hatch and I will raise the fry in that tank.
  2. I would agree with Bulk reef Supply as well. I bought an RO/DI unit through them when I had a reef tank and the quality and price is better than anything else I've seen. And, their customer service is spot on if you have any questions or issues with their products.
  3. True, I wouldnt use on a multi-level rack either, I was going to see how much that stuff was, but never did. I don't think he has spared any expense with his buidling.
  4. @Daniel do you do anything to remineralize the RO water before pumping it into your tank? Or is it such a small amount at once compared to the volume of the tank that you don't worry about anything like pH crashing or what have that I keep hearing about happening if you use RO water?
  5. Check out Tidal Gardens on YouTube he is using this material for the stands in his new facility that he has been building out. He has some large tanks on it, along with casters so that the tanks can be moved if need be.
  6. A lot of my sponge filters I don't even use the tube. I kept having plecos getting in them, so I just took them off, and others I have done like you and lost an occasional one.
  7. Congrats on being a recipient of one of the care packages. I really like how Cory and the team give back so much to the fish keeping community.
  8. I wouldn't worry too much about a skimmer unless you're getting into corals or have an overstocked tank, and do regular water changes. I always would say a sump with plenty of biological filtration in it, but since the tank is smaller, I would say a good hang on back such as an Aquaclear or even a small canister would be good. I have a 20 long saltwater running now with a pair of black ice snowflake clowns and some shrimp and snails and run a aquaclear 30 I believe on it and one of the med size sponge filters from the co-op. I also have about 20-25lbs of live rocks in there.
  9. This is so neat, I had no idea that banana plants were native to US. I have harvested what looks like a crypt from the edges of the pond on my property and tried to keep them alive in an aquarium but they all ended up eventually dying. I'm, not sure what it was from, water warmer, not enough light etc.
  10. You can always check out things like Craigslist, offerup, Facebook marketplace for deals if there are no stores near you.
  11. The big box pet stores usually have some kind of sales, but with this years, a lot of big retailers outside of the hobby have even said that Black Friday isn't going to be like it has in the past, as a way to encourage people not to pack the stores. If you have any LFS they may have some kind of sales, I know one about an hour away from me last year had certain fish buy 1 get one free, buy one get one 50% off etc. and a deal on frozen foods.
  12. I'm interested to see how this works out over time, I like the idea.
  13. I would say that your stocking list doesn't seem bad. The one thing I would say is what type of clownfish are you thinking of? Some clowns such as tomatoes and maroons can get aggressive towards other fish, especially if they have laid eggs, which is a good chance happening at one point if you buy two, if you don't know about clownfish and their sex changing, research its quite interesting. I'm not sure how many people on here also keep saltwater tanks, I still have one, I have always had one at one point or another for the last 15 years, but I stopped keeping corals after I lost an entire tankful while I was on vacation, so fish only with live rock for me now. Be sure to post updates as you put this together, I would like to see.
  14. They are large, each one would take up a 10 gallon tank
  15. I start out with one root tab per plant when I first plant, then will add more as they grow and get bigger. If I start to notice leaves turning yellow I'll start putting another tab under the plant. I have a couple large swords and crypts that I put 4 tabs under every month or so. Its easy to go through a lot of the tabs when you have several planted tnaks, I was happy when the coop finally came out with the larger pack.
  16. Sometime you'll get plants that you can't get all of the rock wool out from around the roots, it will be fine. With java fern, you can either use some string or fishing line to tie it to a piece of rock or wood or also super glue gel. I go to my local dollar tree and buy it there, I think the last time i got some there's three tubes in a package for a buck. Your sponge filter, you can leave the output, where the bubble come out facing the glass, but most people face it out so the current is across the tank. Tank is looking good, be sure to post pics as it grows in.
  17. Its about to be a full blue moon on Halloween in the year 2020!
  18. Both Corydoras adolfoi and duplicareus don't like the warmer temps of zebra plecos. The only cory that comes to mind that will do good is the sterbai cory. I'm sure you could probably keep the bronze or albino aeneus at that temp as well.
  19. The co-op's fry food is probably a little big for a first food. With angelfish, I never had success without giving baby brine as a first food, I think it's a combination of having movement and also the nutrition from them. I would even notice a big difference in growth rate if I would stop feeding baby brine too soon, they wouldn't grow as fast. Just like Cory has shown in videos, even baby brine is relished by adult fish as well, so when I have fry I hatch extra and feed to all my tanks.
  20. I am following this experiment along. I have used the substrates you are using except the dirt, which I have not done. I've thought about doing it, but I like to move plants around every so often, and I've always been afraid that pulling plant roots out will cause a mess in the tank, so maybe I will see what happens as @Danieldoes this, and maybe I won't be afraid of trying a dirted tank out.
  21. If you are wanting to keep the Biocube hood, you can look into building your own LED light. I know on the saltwater side of the hobby there was a good size following of people building their own for these Biocubes back several years ago. Look up the company RapidLED they were the ones that had kits and part to do if interested.
  22. That's awesome! I have a lady by me that decorates cookies really awesome with great detail. I bake, but I can't decorate like her, so I have her do cookies for all kinds of occasions. I wonder if she'd be interested????
  23. I would say that if you are losing babies at the wiggler stage, then there is a lack of food. Feed them plenty of fresh hatch baby brine shrimp, you can also mix in some of the small micron dry foods such as Sera first bites. When you're feeding lots of food, you will also have to make sure to change the water and siphon out any leftover food, as it will quickly foul up the water.
  24. This is mine as well. I was the saltwater side of the fish keeping hobby for many years, actually still have a small fish only tank. But, I hated on a lot of the reef keeping forums if you didn't do things the way everyone else thought it should be done you would get criticized so badly. I remember I put up a thread and showed how I made an above display tank refugium with a bunch of macro algae. People kept telling me it would never work, you'll flood your house, etc. Not only did it work, but I was selling pieces of the macro algae I would trim (just like how us plant geeks trim our plants) and made a ton of money from that refugium. I did it because I wanted it where I could see it everyday and be easy to work on, instead of being crammed underneath the display tank.
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