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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. I keep meaning to join NANFA, thank you for the reminder!
  2. And if you really want to go deep down the rabbit hole, McMaster Carr is the Grand Canyon of rabbit holes: https://www.mcmaster.com/
  3. I am always skeptical of claims about someone being first at something, but after reading through the supporting documentation on Jeanne Villepreux-Power, I think that 10 years of productive research on cephalopods using indoor aquariums in the 1830s qualifies her as a first!
  4. I introduced a few rice fish to the pool last summer at Cory's suggestion. I was skeptical at first but time has shown the wisdom of adding the rice fish. Temperatures in August reached the mid 90s F at the surface of the pond. In February air temperatures didn't get much above freezing for a week. This video is from a couple of days ago: During this time the population of rice fish continued to increase. I bet there is just about to be a population explosion over the next month or two.
  5. I would raise the temperature, even if that means getting an adjustable heater.
  6. The Co-Op linked to a good video on ich (looks like ich to me):
  7. No nets, hence the fatality...but whole years can go by with no heron related deaths. There are many lakes and ponds in our area so I think the herons have a lot of choices other than this pool.
  8. Maybe they didn't feel well when they were sick and were a bit lethargic? And now that they have been treated, their health and attitude have improved and hence they are feeling frisky? That and the heat will increase your mollies activity level.
  9. I keep a year round in-ground pool next to a large heron rookery with over 100 nesting pairs of Great Blue Herons. It has been a while since a heron related fatality, but by the looks of this crime scene, I would say the prime suspect is a heron.
  10. Not necessarily. The bubble nest I have seen are small and deeply embedded in a fine leaved floating plant like hornwort or Utricularia. Here is a video of a male tending a bubblenest built in Utricularia.
  11. I don't cyanobacteria ever really goes away in any aquarium, even aquariums with no apparent cyanobacteria as it is one the oldest and most widespread organisms on the planet. Last time I had some, it went away on its on (at least visibly) and hasn't been back for years. So I don't think it is worth changing sponges, bio-rings, etc. For me, vigorously growing plants (and other kinds of algae) seem to out-compete the cyanobacteria. I curious as to what you aquarium looks like. Would you be able to post a photo?
  12. Very likely a blood worm which a fish food delicacy and usually sold frozen. Or freeze dried too:
  13. Live foods promotes mating. The fry are very small and need green water for a week or two before they can consume baby brine shrimp. This baby sparkling gourami is just big enough to eat baby brine shrimp, but he is still tracking down rotifers too eat also.
  14. Lots of floating plants and livefoods have always worked for me in the past with sparkling gouramis. They are not too picky about water chemistry. Here is a video I shot of sparkling gouramis breeding a few months ago:
  15. Post photos, that would really help a lot.
  16. The short answer is yes, they can stay in the baskets. What plants did you buy?
  17. I have wild collected banana plants as they are native to the eastern USA. I record the water parameters in this thread:
  18. Got the spring broccoli planted and watered in. Garlic is probably about 6 weeks from harvest
  19. On average you will get an answer from a forum member, but Cory is here and answers questions daily. Many of the Co-Op blog articles are authored by Irene and she is here almost everyday. So post your question and let the fun begin!
  20. The consensus in this thread was that HD Gladiator racks are a good choice for holding a lot of water:
  21. Alteranthera reineckii will benefit from both Easy Green and an enriched substrate.
  22. Yes, Here is a photo of that aquarium. I put the water, fish and plants in first week of November and took this photo on November 30, 2021 And for what is worth, I have never ever done a water change on this aquarium. I am not against it, I like changing water, but this tank just hasn't needed one. Since I took the photo at the end of November, the angelfish have spawned.
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