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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. I try to get mine to eat some sort of pellets or granules just so they can get additional vegetable material in their diet. Not their favorite of course, but they will eat it and I think it helps.
  2. I had not even thought of that. I will look into that. I know those lights can be as you say insanely bright. Thanks for the heads up.
  3. Here is a photo of a pinewoods darter (caught on hook and line) from near where I netted my darters:
  4. Yeah, I was poking around in a creek that was flowing from a field and then under the highway. The creek was unexpectedly cold with a very brisk bold flow. It taught where to look if you want to find darters. I definitely didn't expect to find them in Scotland County.
  5. Those are both very lovely aquariums! Welcome to the forum.
  6. I originally used metal halides on this aquarium for a couple of years but metal halides are very noisy and this aquarium serves as room divider between the livingroom and diningroom of our house so back in the late 2000's when large powerful LEDs became available I switched to those. At least LEDs are quite.
  7. I have collected very colorful native darters in Scotland County, NC but since I didn't have a way to identify them in the field I put them back. But whew! They sure were pretty.
  8. I have a deeper aquarium so getting light all the down has been an issue. But if there is a Tuna Sun version of the new 185 W Kessil 500X in the works, I think my problem will be solved. Currently only the reef friendly Tuna Blue is being released and it is tailored for SPS corals.
  9. The 2 escaped Emu's here were named 'Email' and 'Bill Clinton'. Email was rounded up peaceably, but Bill Clinton died while resisting arrest by Carrboro, NC police officers. http://www.ibiblio.org/carrborocitizen/main/2007/05/24/bill-clinton-meets-an-untimely-end-after-a-week-on-the-run/
  10. Some would call that hole in the head disease. I have never been a big believer in HITH, but your fish is making a case for it. This was said to be HITH. One of the most common cures suggested is better water quality. But I don't know....
  11. I don't know. I don't have an Eheim but most people who own them say they are one of the best heaters available. I think the Eheim's have a built in calibration function, which if yours does is a nice feature as most heaters are couple of degrees off. @Its Hutch had a little trouble with his at first, but once he got everything sorted out, it worked fine:
  12. With discus, 3 things are important: 85 - 86°F water Always keep the water high quality, one way is regular water changes A varied diet, like you are feeding. The 2 favorites foods for my discus are mosquito larva and live blackworms, not essential but nice if you can give them a treat like that.
  13. Yes, if your water remains high quality and the the discus are well fed during this time your discus will be fine. I had discus while I was in college living in married student housing. I had gotten the discus from Jack Wattley when they were nickel sized. I fed them live foods and changed their water frequently (they were in a standard 55 gallon). They responded by breeding and raising fry to sellable size on a regular schedule. It did however take me 6 years to get through college.
  14. The size your discus will achieve is more dependent on what you feed and water quality much more so than the size of the aquarium. If you feed a high quality, varied diet and do frequent water changes your discus will get to be full sized. What is your current feeding menu? How would you describe your water quality? Aquarium Co-Op does not have a phone number.
  15. Bigger is actually better.
  16. I collect fish and plants in Eastern North Carolina from time to time. During my most recent outing in October I found a ditch just on the Kinston NC city limits located both the highway and Duke Power right of way, so I felt free to collect aquatic plants from the ditch. The ditch was not a pretty sight. But it had good stuff. Bacopa, Ludwigia, Parrot feather and more. The parrot feather was especially nice in places Bladderwort was abundant Also netted a couple of Blue Spotted Sunfish and lots of grass shrimp. I usually go further east to get pygmy sunfish (Elassoma sp).
  17. I'd chance it. It is very likely to work.
  18. My angelfish always eating vigorously while guarding eggs. Feeding live foods usually helps.
  19. If it they were mine and they didn't look sick I wouldn't medicate them.
  20. Nothing makes a Petsmart aquarium look better than a couple of Kessil a360x's.
  21. I think Sassafras is just too early in the spring to get honey. Anything the the honeybees get now gets consumed in the all the brood rearing currently going on. Also the trees themselves are widespread but not common which makes it hard to get a flow. But man oh man would I love to taste some Sassafras honey! I can tell you what the tea tasted like though. When you injure the roots or bark of the tree it yields a very strong odor of root beer. I haven't checked but I bet the etymology of root beer goes back to a drink made from either the bark or roots of Sassafras.
  22. I saw honeybees on the Sassafras today. The bees were too wily to be photographed, but the flowers stood still:
  23. Cryptocoryne are the best. This site has all thing Cryptocoryne. Cryptocoryne flowers (being in the Arum family) have the characteristic spathe and spadix arrangement.
  24. Ah yes! @gardenman well said! There is nothing I have more belief in than science, and there is nothing more likely to be wrong than science. Scientist are like journalists. Thank goodness we have both, and both provide the best information we currently have. But don't mistake the best information we currently have for something that is reliable.
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