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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. @anewbie I know your intent was to be helpful, but links to competitors are prohibited by the guidelines:
  2. I've never any problems with planaria bothering shrimp. Planaria just aren't very scary, same reason I don't have nightmares about being eaten by earthworms.
  3. I think quality comes first. I can get a lot black worms so that gets fed daily. Same with the baby brine shrimp. But that is fat heavy so far, so then I alternate with what ever dry foods I have on hand. This always includes Tetra Color granules, and also a couple of Hikari products. I can't get enough mosquito larva and Daphnia, but I feed all that I can collect on these. But then about every 4th day or so, I don't feed anything. This is not part of a well thought out plan, I am just not a good fishkeeper sometimes. Only exception is fry. It is important for them to never miss a feeding when they are small.
  4. I think plants help more than any other single thing. Besides consuming ammonia and it's relatives, plants also provide an important place for beneficial bacteria to live. The surfaces of plant leaves are complicated and provide shelter for the bacteria. Beyond that the surfaces of plant leaves also provide sugars, and organic acids that help nutritionally sustain the bacteria you are trying to promote.
  5. This is a little lengthy but you can see my experience here using the same test kit you are using: This aquarium took a little longer for everything to stabilize: But then the ammonia and nitrites dropped suddenly and the nitrates rose and the aquarium has been stabile ever since.
  6. Yes, the numbers drop over time as the bacteria build up, but sometimes not in a textbook manner.
  7. Every cycle is different. Here is the course of a recent cycle in one of my aquariums. And this was the tank next door at the same time:
  8. Being kind while being helpful is one the things valued highly on the forum. I know I can get frustrated sometimes because nuances can easily be lost in written communication. If more details would be helpful a friendly tone goes a long way.
  9. I had have to change my vote many a time on this forum. It is one of the cool things we have going here. You can throw an opinion out there without fear of someone taking pot shots at you. @KBOzzie59 joined on the first day of the forum (member number 91) and has always been a good source of information about nitrates and all things waste treatment.🙂 @Mitch Norton is from Tennessee and joined in August. Mitch keeps beautiful aquariums and always has helpful posts.
  10. I am leaning towards the dwarf Sagittaria option. It looks a lot like my dwarf Sagittaria, which admittedly does look a like Vallisneria as mentioned by @KBOzzie59 above.
  11. I have not found them to be aggressive. Pushy maybe, but not aggressive.
  12. It is always a judgement call on whether something is just enthusiasm and pride or alternatively is a deliberate violation. Future behavior usually sorts out those 2 alternatives out pretty well. Everyone including me who posts videos on the forum obviously has a YouTube channel, but forum members also know that deliberate self promotion is a no no.
  13. Congratulations and good luck with your new endeavor. I checked out your channel and it does look pretty cool! Just be cautious not to cross the line into self promotion as this could violate forum guidelines.🙂 Can't wait to see your next video!
  14. They do roll their eyes in a way that looks like blinking.🙂
  15. @Stephen Zawacki here is my concern. One the primary duties when keeping discus is maintaining good water quality, and I beginning to think that discus may not be the fish for you at this time. I could be wrong. Someone ready for discus likely remembers what their water parameters are. I am not saying there are perfect parameters when it comes to discus because discus are successfully raised in a variety of conditions. Discus growth will depend on water and food of good quality.
  16. How do you test? What numbers did you get when you tested last?
  17. Probably more important to the discus than tank size is water quality. Do you test for water quality. If so, what are the results?
  18. Probably more important than tank size is water quality. Do you test water quality? And if so, what are the results?
  19. Oh yeah, we know what you doing even when you don't think so.
  20. No one gets special treatment. If I had to drop the ban hammer on Cory....let's just say I hope it never comes to that.🙂
  21. I feed chopped up earthworms to my discus, and admittedly I have a high tolerance for risk. In Daniel logic world by feeding earthworms to my fish, I am boosting their overall health and immune systems by providing them a high quality fresh source of live food. So that if they ever were to be challenged by disease or parasite they would be more likely to not suffer any ill effects. But I could rationalizing.
  22. @icvu123 I would check AquaHuna or Aquabid as a source. I know I was able to find some on Aquabid when I last looked for them. Forum guideline prohibit selling or giving away aquarium related supplies or animals. So the Forum will not be able to help you out. Good luck on Aquabid!
  23. I am thinking about the best way to do this....still thinking.
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