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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. They can get pretty big depending on the species and prey on small fish. Here is one in my tank from a couple of months ago: And they have an amazing efficient and deadly mouth system and can eat prey as large as they are:
  2. Most people do not want dragonfly larva in their aquariums and these are common hitchhikers when collecting live foods. I wouldn't worry about parasites. It has never been a problem for me and I feed quite a bit of wild collected foods.
  3. Checking out this week's Science magazine and the cover story is a fish/cyanobacteria/waterweed 'in the news' trifecta. Cyanobacteria grows on waterweed. Fish eat the waterweed and eagles eat the fish. Eagles have convulsions, become paralyzed and die. Hunting the eagle killer: A cyanobacterial neurotoxin causes vacuolar myelinopathy The waterweed in the accompanying photographs looked just like Anacharis/Elodea to me so I had to look up a key to sort out what was what:
  4. What @gardenman said above. I think don't Val ships well. It has always been brown by the time I got it when shipped in the mail. But somehow no matter how bad it looks, it eventually comes back, although it might takes months.
  5. It is unlikely you will run out of oxygen in the water in 30 minutes to an hour, plus the surface area to volume ratio will keep the 1 - 2 inches water well oxygenated.
  6. I bought the cones 20 years ago from a science supply house. The cones are the biggest drawback with my system as they can be pricey. But the rest of it I made. The wood is a piece of teak with big holes drilled in it and then securely mounted to the wall. It has been there 17 years with no evidence of coming loose yet.🙂
  7. Very, very briefly - you drain all the water out the aquarium leaving only the minimum to cover the fish, say 1 to 2 inches of water. This way 2 people can move the aquarium with the fish still in there to the new location. Once at the new location set the aquariums up again on their stand's and slowly refill with good quality water.
  8. Yes, I should say more. Many years ago I tried a no aeration method of hatching baby brine shrimp. At best I was able to achieve an 80% hatch rate and most of the time even less. Having each batch be 20 - 40% unhatched eggs was both time consuming and I didn't want my baby fish to consume unhatched brine shrimp eggs of which some always remained. Then I graduated to a suspended 2L Coke bottle with an airstone and got much better results. Eventually I found the system I currently use which consists of 3 cones in which I start a small batch of brine shrimp eggs every 12 hours. Below is the very first video (speaking of anniversaries🙂) I ever posted to the forum back in July of last year: It takes me about 2 1/2 minutes in the morning and about minutes 2 1/2 minutes in the evening to setup a fresh cone. What I get are easy to harvest (see video) just hatched baby brine shrimp at the peak of the their nutritional value when they are still mostly egg yolk. I can make batches off any size large or small and I never, ever get any unhatched eggs in what I feed my baby fish. That is why I voted for the Ziss. I didn't care for the no aeration method but the Ziss is the most similar to what I currently do and is what I recommend.
  9. Most people only want colorful fish and for guppies and Endlers that equals males. And the other thing (and I totally do not get this part) many people are fearful of a population explosion and therefore do not want female guppies.
  10. I hereby declare 'nerm' to be an official English word and have written a stern letter to the head lexicographer at the Oxford English Dictionary* requesting an immediate update.
  11. I have a female angelfish that one my cats snatched out of an aquarium and played with for a bit. After I got her back in the aquarium sometime later all of her fins melted off. That was about six weeks ago and her fins have now have grown back in normally. If your fish is otherwise healthy and in good water and eating, there is hope.
  12. I have experienced large numbers of cardinals dying off upon being introduced into my established large aquarium when none of the other fish already in the tank had any problem or deaths at all. It happens and wasn't likely anything you did.
  13. Are you putting root tabs in your aquarium?
  14. It looks like anal prolapse. I would do 'watchful waiting' because there is little you can do, but this might get better on it on, so you watch and you wait.
  15. I would begin to put baby brine shrimp in a day or so after the betta fry become free swimming.
  16. It is a good thought but the idea that the unhatched eggs will hatch soon has not been my experience and before too long the unhatched eggs will be bothersome. Also the liter bottle operates as a nano-aquarium that gets pretty nasty without water changes or some sort of biological filtration. Some things for different reasons work better in discrete batches like cooking or driving. With my automobile I could put in a couple gallons daily, but I find it better to do one whole batch of gas once a week. Not really a good analogy but I hope you get my point.
  17. I am so excited by how much progress has already been made! To streamline communication and planning @Anita has graciously volunteered to coordinate with @CorydorasEthan's assistance. I look forward to seeing how this unfolds!
  18. Your dwarf hairgrass is likely Eleoacharis, which flowers at its tips. This is very likely what you are seeing.
  19. All I’m saying is I’ve seen mass die offs happened initially in Rummynose, Cardinals etc. And after that everything is stable. The transportation process just seems to be stressful. I’m not sure that the fish are sick in the conventional sense, but something about moving them around can cause problems.
  20. A forum highlights reel by @Daniel (I saw you’ve already started so I’m assuming you’re committed enough for me to write your name down 😄) I have started collecting forum history!
  21. And no full moon? Waning crescent 3 days prior to new moon.
  22. Rummy noses can be iffy at first. Here was @Brandy's experience back from the 1st week of the forum:
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