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Ken Dyer

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Everything posted by Ken Dyer

  1. The buffers you are adding may very well be adding to your TDS number. Is there a specific reason for trying to achieve a specific gh/kh? I tend to take my tap water as it is, but can understand you may be looking towards stock with more demanding requirements
  2. White clouds Golden white clouds Celestial Pearl Danios Long fin white clouds Long fin golden white clouds 😄
  3. I had no idea that the update allowed for more granular scheduling! Must update and program all the lights! 😆
  4. Probably not, I would absolutely love to have cyclops in a tank. They are a wonderful food for a lot of smaller fish like tetras and white clouds.
  5. I have been thinking about getting CPDs and trying to breed up a colony as well. Very interested to hear your results and learn how it goes! Good luck and lovely tanks!
  6. @Cory Turns out I am turning 50 on Monday and evidently my family thinks they need to buy me crap, so figured they may as well buy me all of the Coop crap 😉 Is there any way to email them a link to my wish list? How else are they going to know I want a khuli loach sticker and more root tabs hehe. If the site can't do it no worries, I suppose I can always just talk to these people they are either my wife, daughter, father, or mother, etc. 😄
  7. Welcome! Love the long tanks, so much room for activities! 😁
  8. Me personally I would start off with clean water and low stress. There are a lot of things that can damage fins and medications can tend to add stress in my experience. If after a day or two of clean water things start to improve you know you are on the right path, if things aren't improving or start to get worse aquarium salt is always great for fighting off infection and invigorating the slime coat.
  9. Long fin white clouds are never a bad choice, but I may be a bit biased as they are absolutely one of my personal favorites 🙂 Great hard scape and looking forward to seeing how the tank progresses!
  10. I have a few tanks that have made that transition (adding eco-complete over sand) and for me it has worked out fine. I do find some plants seem to struggle a little to get established compared to a "no sand" tank (dwarf sag) but then take off fine. But as I have never really started two similar tanks and compared against each other it is always hard for me to tell if this is just an observation bias (watched pot never boils) 😉 The tanks I have taken this route with were sand for a few years so I am hopeful that the sand is full of old food/fish poop to feed the plants. As such I treat the sand layer like a dirt layer in a "dirted tank" and cover it with about an inch or two of eco-complete. I did see a small ammonia spike with 1 tank, which I assume was disrupting the bacteria on/in the sand when I covered it with eco-complete so do be mindful that regardless of covering the sand or fully replacing it you may disrupt your bacteria in/on the substrate. As a note: I have also had plants in coarse sand as well, they do take a bit longer to get established but can do OK in a coarse sand so as always I would suggest go with what you think you will like to maintain most. If your plant plans are mostly water column feeders (anubias, java ferns, etc.) then the substrate is less critical and more of an ascetic choice in my mind. And as always, the worst that is going to happen is you are out some money on substrate, but will have learned how that change works for you, in your tank, with your water and style. That is a lesson that can definitely help you make future decisions 🙂
  11. Welcome to the forums and what a beautiful betta! Very nice tanks!
  12. Hehe, I forget how different we all are. I actually spend quite a lot of time laying on the fishroom floor watching a bottom row tank while listening to a coop live stream. Yes if you don't like to hunker down to watch a bottom tank then a utility style tank may be a better plan 🙂 Though I would say I really do want to be able to observe a quarantine tank to make sure the fish are healthy so maybe not a quarantine tank.
  13. Yeah the 120 used to be discus several years back, but I found them to be to skittish for a living room tank. The rainbows don't panic when a visitor walks up to the glass to look at them, the discus occasionally would literally bounce off of the sides when not approached slowly. Not sure who was more stressed when they were in the living room, the discus or me 😉
  14. Goes to show what a great medicine salt is, and so happy to see your betta is on the mend!
  15. Eco = Eco Complete? Dirt I am assuming is dirt 😉 and Nerm?
  16. Looking great! Very nice platies as well 🙂
  17. My experience is clean off the silver skin well, don't worry about losing some of the meat. The I would dice the meat and add in thawed frozen spinach, garlic, and some vitachem. Next mince with a stick blender until smooth and portion into freezer bags. My discus and angels loved it and grew like weeds with beef heart, but it is definitely a messy food so you'll likely need additional water changes. Also, no more than 1/4 inch in the freezer bag when on its side or it is a pain to snap off a chunk for feeding.
  18. You could also gravel vac into the breeder net above your bucket and use that to catch the fry 😉
  19. I would do a few more in that group of cory cats, they are a social critter and seem to be way more outgoing in groups of 6-8+. In smaller groups they can tend to hide quite a bit. Other than that the stocking looks fun 🙂
  20. A common tip is to also test your source water and see if that reads similar results.
  21. Wow what beautiful tanks! Welcome to the forums! 🙂
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