3 month update . Planted tank with 10 fish and 17 snails ..reading 7.2 ph ammo 0 nitrite 0. Nitrate 10ppm . I have not cleaned my fluval fx6 yet. Plants are doing amazing. All plants purchased from Coop..I have lost none. Shout out to Cory's Videos !
Hello all. My black moly has. Some light grey tint on half his body. Looks like his fin is partial open.. Water is testing good.. We moved him to hospital tank and starting treating with Kanaplex for fungus.. Any suggestions
My kid wants to keep them.. We have 3 of them and i am just going to try to keep algae under control to control growth.. The shell look great with nice color. Just fyi and now we have Swordtail fry.. Its like the whole aquarium is coming to life.
We are starting with Shrimp and snails. Its going to be a community tank with angels maybe 3-4 later as shrimp and snail get settled in. I want to slowly stock and watch and journal testing as tank progresses .. Thanks for the compliment also
update on 75 planted ph 6.6 ammo 0 nitrite 0 nitrates 20ppm and falling. explosion of growth. Are the plant eating nitrogen cycle. Must be where all of its going. I have only fertilized 2 times and a few root tabs
light cycle consistent 10 hours a day.. Its on a outlet timer, ..Nitrates are moving up to 40ppm however ammonia 0.5 and nitrite 1ppm. They has spiked few days ago. Still figuring out when to fertilize .
Thanks Brandy
There are no fish in tank yet. I would prefer a fishless cycle and move to a natural balance in aquarium. I test water evey few days and journal it.. Notice a few brown spot hole on the "Windelov" java fern. I super glued them to a driftwood. Was reading and it might be potassium issues. May need to grab a bottle of Potassium at my local fish store. Seachem ok