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  1. While some fish can work, like the list above. I've kept flowerhorn, and while it can be done, the fish display much much nicer alone. There's no competition for food, sparring to mark them up etc. You can grow a very attractive fish alone. Unless you really want to have tankmates.
  2. I dont know a lot, just what I've been reading lately. They are the marbled crayfish. Or nickname self cloning crayfish. They are all female and reproduce with no interaction from another. One lone female will carry and hatch eggs over and over. I've purchased 8 young ones about 3 weeks ago. So I can't say from experience yet. But I have found a lot of folks on the web that seem successful with them. Care seems to be just like the common feeder crayfish.
  3. I feed my fahaka ramshorns I breed, mystery snails sometimes. I'm trying to get a large enough colony of them growing. Fresh and frozen clams of any type I find, crayfish, red claw and fiddler crabs,, mussels, shrimp, krill. I just recently got two colonies of self cloning crayfish going, so that will help a lot.
  4. I've kept a lot over the last few years. But I've found my favorites and settled with my two current aquariums. One 8x2x2 fahaka puffer tank, with a few plants. And my 6x18x21 goldfish tank. I need to get a newer pic of the goldfish tank because it's slightly different now. But thats where I'm at and enjoying it.
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