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  1. Yes. I use JBL biotopol water conditioner. thanks
  2. Dear all, I've had my first fishtank for 4 months now. it's 30 a gallons tank. I have a good number of growing plants, a few platies that reproduce nicely and a few corydoras. my problem is that since the beginning I've struggled to reduce ammonia to 0 and to increase nitrates. basically, I'm at the same level of my tap water (0.05 ppm ammonia, 1 ppm nitrate and 0.025 ppm nitrites). I've added nitrifying bacteria several times but nothing changes. is there anything else I should do? is this a problem or not? thank you very much for your help! Andres
  3. I'm a new aquarist from Austria. I started my fishtank 2 months ago with a few platys and plants (now I have 7 adult plays, 5 corys, 2 siamese alga eaters and 10 baby platys). from the beginning I've had a constant level of ammonia (according to my test it's always around .05), constant nitrites (.025) and almost no nitrates. it's seems that no matter what I do these levels remain the same. I started doing weekly 25% water changes, then I left it for 2 weeks, I added bacteria too. my hang on the back filter has half sponges and half media. i'm not sure if this is problem or not. thanks! Andres
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