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Everything posted by Ken

  1. Once again CoOp to the rescue: https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/iron-fertilizer?_pos=3&_sid=44899cea2&_ss=r
  2. I'll get my lid out the the drawer and try it out. Thanks.
  3. @MickS77There you go. Right on the front page of Dan's page on Get Gills. For $150 you could have a nice little school of them. A little much for me but there are sure a lot of good ideas in this thread.
  4. That is pretty. Having never even seen it mentioned anywhere I googled it. Lot's of luck finding some. If you do post pictures.
  5. @ELRThat tank runs about 76.5 degrees. I didn't really target that but that's where it settled out while I dialed in the heaters.
  6. I still haven't seen an egg, my tank is just too overgrown but... so far I've seen 3 a one time. One finally stayed out long enough for a picture.
  7. My local fish store and I'll bet most others buy their fish from breeders/wholesalers in Florida. Has anyone been to one of those places and measured the water's temperature? We all seem to be wrapped around the axle about the temperature of the fish's home waters in some far off land when in fact their home water is a fish farm.
  8. What tempature you keep your's at Got any pictures
  9. My 40B from across the room just now. Those are Cardinals.
  10. This might be why the Black Diamond sand seems to be okay with corydoras despite what internet wisdom would have you believe. I have never seen my corydoras dig into it, they can't, it's just too dense. The food and everything else just lays on top.
  11. This was posted the other day on the CoOp YouTube channel. It's only 37 seconds long but answers the Corydoras substrate concerns. BTW my Pandas do great on Black Diamond blasting sand.
  12. I never added plants but always had a feeder goldfish or two in my troughs. Where I lived at the time it hit zero degrees fairly often in the winter, I had to break a little ice in the morning even with the heaters going. Cows and horses didn't notice but every now and then I would see a goat giving the goldfish the stink-eye.
  13. My experience. My plants weren't doing as well as I thought they could because they were constantly coated with whatever the current crop of algae was. In my mind denying light and fertilizer to a plant (thus killing the algae) that is already struggling was counter-intuitive. So I started dosing Excel, As soon as it started killing the algae I added 1-1/4 hours to the light cycle and increased EZ Green liquid and root tabs. The plants have really taken off. It's only been 3 weeks but I'm hoping the giant increase of plant growth has got the tank closer to balance and Excel won't be needed in the future, but it's still in the cabinet. The plants are: Vallisneria Dwarf Sag Crypt Lutea Amazon Sword Java Windelov Guppy Grass Pearl Weed and a couple Marimo Moss Balls
  14. As I was rooting around in my 40B for the next delivery of Cherry Shrimp to the LFS tomorrow I happened across a baby Panda Cory that has made it to be big enough to not be food. Cute little feller. Pretty cool. No pictures, it's pretty fast and I put the blob of Java Moss back so as not to stress it out. Netting out Cherry's is a bother in a heavily planted tank.
  15. What's on the radio? Sorry, Grandpa joke. I'll bet the fish is fine.
  16. Get the Python. I only use a bucket to carry the end of the Python in so doesn't drip on the carpet.
  17. I finally put plants and water in the 20L. The water doesn't look great right now because of the bubbles and I cleaned the filter media from the 40B in it to help the cycle get going. Now... what fish? By the way, the new MarineLand Pro filters are pretty much silent.
  18. This is my quarantine tank, The Lemon Tetras in there now are about the fifth occupants, the plants and snails have lived there the whole time. The only effect I have even seen is the silicone went blue.
  19. Cory has addressed this topic before. It's not an issue.
  20. @Irene did some extensive testing on getting rid of hitchhikers (and not killing the plants in the process), she did at least one video and a blog on the topic. She settled on alum. I've been using her method successfully.
  21. That's a great idea! I'll be using it next water change.
  22. I want an aquarium light that doesn't affect plant growth. So I can have a light on during siesta time if I want.
  23. We were using it to decontaminate chemical weapons and the people doing so. It was important. We eliminated 44% of the US stockpile of chemical weapons. You're welcome.
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