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Everything posted by Ken

  1. You are looking for freshwater epiphytes. There are lists all over the internet (often on competitors sites so not linked here). I wish the CoOp would add epiphyte as a way to sort their plant selection. As it is now you have to read the planting suggestions and look for the ones that say "We recommend attaching Java fern (or whatever plant you're looking at, my edit) to rocks, wood or decor rather than burying it in substrate. We find it easiest to attach using thread or super glue gel."
  2. When you're fixing dinner and there is a pot of cholla wood gently simmering on the back burner.
  3. Welcome from across the lake. I'm over in PG. Are you the guy I heard was spawning Discus in our super hard-high Ph water?
  4. Here's a good how blog from the CoOp website. It explains it well. https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/how-to-treat-sick-aquarium-fish
  5. Shrimp don't get the same diseases and parasites as fish. No need for the med-trio.
  6. This is my solution, well it helps. An algae wafer and a jam jar. This is when the lights came back on.
  7. I have found that wood decomposes enough that after a several months the super glue isn't holding any more. I've had slightly better luck with silicone. My advise would be to find a way to hold it in place without adhesives.
  8. Did my every other week delivery of Cherry Shrimp to the LFS, also took 19 Baby Panda Corys that have been turning up in my community tank over the last several months. She had some wild type Endler's Livebearers that somebody had brought in. Pretty little things, I think they'll have an new home tomorrow.
  9. That is just way too easy. You can't imagine the time I have spent gluing pieces of screen and backer bar and whatnot to various containers with holes cut in them attempting to make something that does just that.
  10. My 40 breeder has a Marineland Pro 275 centered on the back and a medium CoOp sponge filter in each back corner. The HOB has a CoOp intake and just course sponge in it. The HOB is for water movement, I have become convinced that fish and plants like water movement and algae doesn't. I have to clean the intake on the HOB about every other week, the sponge inside about every third week and the sponge filters in the corners once every blue moon.
  11. I wouldn't use it to support any weight. I didn't put hinges on either of them. The 10 gallon has a narrow piece (3") that I can take off to feed, the rest is one piece. The 40 breeder has 3 sections, a narrow one at the front so I can take it off to feed, a quite wide center piece that I can remove when doing tank maintenance and the back piece with cutouts for the filter, airlines and heater cords. After I cut the pieces and realized how light and handy they are a decided hinges would be more of a bother than not having them.
  12. I don't think it diminishes it at all, it does spread it around. I like the effect.
  13. When I was looking it was listed on Amazon for a lot more money.
  14. I had to order that size at Home Depot online, it took about a week to come in to the store. I don't think scissors would work, it would crush rather than cut. Drill littles holes at the corners of any inside cut outs it helps minimize overruns with the utility knife. The video Cory put out on making them he cut it with a table saw. I don't have a table saw and had visions of a horrible failure with a skilsaw. After having the material in hand I could see that Ryo's solution was a very good one and went that way.
  15. I believe I used the same stuff they do. It's Palram Sunlight Polycarbonate Clear Twinwall Sheet 5/16". The 24" X 48" sheet I bought ($28) did my 40 breeder and a 10 gallon with enough to do another 10 gallon when I get to it. It cuts just fine with a sharp utility knife (thanks to@Ryo Watanabe for that, I saw him do it on a video). The handles are Self-Stick Drawer Handles from Amazon they were about a buck each.
  16. What @ChemBobsaid. Each time it turns on or off is separate setting. You have to tell it when to turn on. Save it. Then set the off time and save that. They will then show separately in the schedule.
  17. Not on purpose. But I did have some baby Panda Corys show up in a tank I had wrung out a CoOp sponge filter into. I'm sure the eggs were on the filter. My Corys spend a lot of time hanging out on the sponge filters, it makes sense that they would lay eggs on them. Having them lay eggs on the sponge would certainly be easier than getting the eggs off the glass or finding them in the plant leaves before they get eaten. Just watch for some egg laying action and chuck the sponge in a tank set up for them. I have no idea how you would convince them the sponge is the best place though.
  18. I've bought fish at Fish4U also, I thought they were kind of expensive. I've bought fish at Jay's Jungle, he has limited stock but it is always really good. Go see The Waterfront in Midvale it's nice store and they carry Extreme Foods, @Guppy Guru and @Wel-Don Tanks own and operate it. Most of my fish have come from Animal Ark in AF, she will bring in whatever I ask for and I think she's a neat lady.
  19. I gave my shrimp tank a good clean today. There still a few Ramshorn snails left. So it didn't get them all, and wasn't a long term thing in my tank. The pond snails are gone though. Doesn't hurt my feelings at all.
  20. Hi neighbor, do you ever feel sorry for the people on here that don't have a good LFS? I can think of 6 I can drive to in a half an hour, not counting the 3 Pet-something big box stores. If you're ever in AF buy some Cherry Shrimp at Animal Ark, I happen to know that get them from a swell guy.😉
  21. I just checked mine. It bows at least an 1/8". It's had water in it since Sept 2020.
  22. Check this out. A lid from Dollar Tree by Joanna at The Small Scape. $2 for a serviceable lid.
  23. No. Looking at their website and facebook page they are inactive right now. I hope they pick up again, I'd like to go to a sale and maybe a meeting.
  24. I got Hornwort from a local on a Facebook group. It grows fast enough I feel like Charles on Goliad Farms, pulling it out by the handful.
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