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Everything posted by Ken

  1. I'm pretty sure if I had a pool there would be fish in it. If the pool in question were mine there would be an assortment on common goldfish in it tomorrow.
  2. My Grandma used to pickle them with some onion and celery in the jar. They were to die for. If there is a written recipe I don't know where is would be. She put in a good size head of dried dill in each jar.
  3. I've been listening to more than the normal amount of ZZ Top. RIP Dusty Hill, it was a heck of a run.
  4. As I was feeding the 20L today I notice something new, one of the Buce plants is flowering! The tank has been running since January and the Buce (multiple varieties not sure which is what) took months to look like they weren't on the verge of death. I have always thought they were just kind of hanging on, but I guess they're happy. ☺️
  5. If you silicone the bulb to the dollar store ones it helps quite a bit towards making them no-drip. I use it for slurping stuff up because of the volume and size of the hole. For feeding BBS I bought these. Not quite no drip but close. The hole is really small so they're not much good for cleaning or catching babies. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08DXTMPWG/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o07_s02?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  6. I bought these, super easy and way cheaper than Command. There are lots of color and size options just search self stick knobs. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08HKK51Z7/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  7. Right you are. Sorry for the misquote @Josh333.
  8. I've used Panacure C in my shrimp only tank to get rid of Planaria. It works great for that the recommended dosage is 0.1mg of the powdered kind for 10 gallons. It will kill snails, but the shrimp were all fine. There this a lot of info out there on the internet, I found the article by FishLab to be the most concise and easy to follow. It has a formula to get you dosage correct for whatever tank size.
  9. In keeping with a couple posts above I'm from Utah, the only State the USA went to war with. Google Utah War if you're interested.
  10. My "Hillstream Loaches" I still don't have a clue what they really are, they don't look like any of the pictures on the internet, but that's what the LFS called them. I have three of them in a 20L designed to look somewhat stream like with plenty of flow and lower temps. When I feed them I break up Extreme Bottom Wafers so I can spread the pieces around the tank... then they then spend the next hour chasing each other off the food. Nobody gets to eat. The food is gone by morning so I guess they eventually work it out.
  11. I use one of these. I assume it's accurate (it agrees with my in tank thermometers). The picture shows shooting the glass but I usually hit the water directly. It's also great for cooking and just all 'round playing with. It's an ETEKCITY from Amazon about $27.
  12. It also started out as about 6 little tufts tucked over in the corner. It's now a patch about a foot by 2 feet.
  13. Dwarf Sag roots in straight medium grit Black Diamond Blasting Sand. Lots of root tabs, stuffed clear to the bottom. The sand is about 3 inches deep at that point. This is nearly a years growth, they just sat there for a least four months.
  14. See if this helps. https://www.aquariumcoop.com/pages/water-changes
  15. Probably. It seems to travel host to host in the water column. I'm trying a water column treatment along with aggressive culling. I'll report back.
  16. I think you're right on the naming. I have well over a hundred shrimp in the tank, I've identified 6-7 with the green stuff on them. I'm hoping for a whole-tank solution. Taking them all out, dipping them and putting them back is more or less impossible. I'm hoping someone chimes in and tells how they accomplished treating a whole tank.
  17. When and where can we expect a scholarly report on what was found?
  18. I wish you luck. I read the article also, every single question on the internet of the topic ends up there. What part made you think misidentification?
  19. Like the title says I have Ellobiopsidae in my shrimp for profit tank. I'd like to find a way to cure it that is effective and permanent, I don't want to be selling people a nasty surprise sometime down the road. One thing that stuck out to me in all of the reading I have done is that many of the treatments use products intended for parasites that are animals yet Ellobiopsidae is a parasitic algae. I wonder if Easy Carbon or Excel would kill it? Has anyone read anything like that, or had real success with any of the published cures long term? Sorry no pictures, I immediately culled the obviously infected ones.
  20. Why not have a slow continuous water change going? A 100 gallon tank at 30% a week is about 4-1/4 gallons a day or 0.18 gallons an hour. At that rate I don't think temperature would ever be an issue, or the rate at which you can make filtered water. Even if you have 10 of them (1000 gallons of aquariums) you're still only up to a couple gallons an hour. With an overflow system I would think that would be the simplest system you could come up with. But, people don't do it that way, I wonder why not?
  21. Here's a good thread on what you're wanting to accomplish. He doesn't talk much about what it does to other components of the water though (GH/KH/pH) I'll bet if you tag him he'll elaborate.
  22. I wonder if there is a list of Brand Ambassadors? Some of them are fish breeders/shippers.
  23. My daily driver is a 1999 Mazda Miata, year 'round, in Utah. I put a 10 gallon aquarium in it once, it took up the whole passenger side, it wouldn't fit in the trunk. The car is very impractical but I throw the top down and drive it like I stole it grinning like a fool.
  24. Two with medium grit Black Diamond Blasting Sand and two with sand, gravel and small rocks from up the road on the side of a mountain.
  25. The Lemons are more fun to watch. The Cardinals just kind of drift around, even at feeding time. The Lemons are "busier". Something funny that happens occasionally is a Lemon will zoom across the tank with a Panda Cory hot on it's tail, I've never seen what brings it on but it's amusing.
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