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Everything posted by Ken

  1. It always amazes me to watch how fast snails get around when they feel the need to go somewhere.
  2. I don't know a thing about purigen but know a little about bleach (sodium hypochlorite solution). Household bleach can be anywhere from 3% to 6% sodium hypochlorite and can contain all kinds other stuff you probably don't want in your aquarium. It has a surprisingly short shelf life, 1-2% drop in sodium hypochlorite in as little as a couple months. The labels are somewhat useless as far contents other than water and sodium hypochlorite go but the MSDS will get you there. Where I used it we bought plain clorox brand and got rid of it after 6 months from date of manufacture. We were pretty worried about purity of contents and strength.
  3. Thanks for responses folks. The seven they had just hit my quarantine tank. I can't wait to get them through that and colored up with some good food.
  4. I still have plenty of room in my community tank and saw some Lemon Tetras at the LFS today. I quite like the look of them. I haven't seen them locally before nor do they get mentioned by a fish-tubers. Google says they are long time favorites in the hobby. Are they just old hat and I don't know it, or is there some reason they may have fallen from favor?
  5. Sold some Cherry Shrimp to the LSF. The owner was happy to get them and thought they really looked good. Made enough to buy plants for the 20 long that's been on hold while shipping settles down.
  6. Some days all 6 of my corys glass surf together for hours. Other days they hide in their cave. I fed a few minutes ago and 3 are too busy glass surfing to be bothered and three are eating. Before you add more have a plan on how you'll react to the whole bunch glass surfing together.
  7. I don't think my dressy cowboy boots are under 18. My birth certificate says I'm 60, my body say's I'm a hundred and eleventeen, but like @lefty osays some days my mind is still a teenager. I just got back into aquariums also, there's a lot to learn and I don't think age matters at all.
  8. I'm an old stick-in-the mud, I think everything but red looks too man-made.
  9. I got my Pandas from Aqua Huna. They were a lot less expensive than local, shipping and all, about 6 months ago and they are all doing great. There is a discount code on the CoOp site under "Live Fish" on the menu.
  10. That is gold. Have you measured how much is dispensed per pump?
  11. I would get rid of the cyanobacteria first. Killing it may give your newly cycling tanks trouble, and it may take more than one treatment. I wouldn't want to be dealing with that and the hiccups you're likely to encounter when you start adding fish. After that the first fish in a tank are in quarantine. There isn't anyone else to pass stuff to. No need to move them around. Follow the med trio instructions and you're good to go.
  12. I'm pretty sure it's just over half of a carton chocolate milk and just over half of a box of donuts per slightly older person. Kids it's much higher.
  13. Just circumstantial evidence. I would see the white clouds rooting around in the moss in what appeared to me to be hunting mode. I had very few shrimplets. After I moved the white clouds out within a month or so I had little shrimp everywhere. Google white cloud minnows with shrimp and see what they say elsewhere.
  14. I don't have long fins but have the regular ones. I would guess behavior is the same. My cherry shrimp didn't really take off in my 40 until the white clouds moved into their own 10. I'm sure the white clouds were eating the babies (to the point of rooting through the Java Moss). Right after I moved the white clouds they had fry and I managed to get two into a fry holder before they all disappeared... we'll see how that works out. They are tiny and I've not raised fry before. My water is 8.2pH and my API Master Kit doesn't measure hardness, I haven't felt the need to buy a test kit for hardness because all the local guys say our water is super hard and even if I knew exactly how hard I'm not going down the rabbit hole of trying to modify it.
  15. I feed both. They look to be the same size and fish seem to like both. I think the Hikari sinks way too fast for everybody but the Corys.
  16. The small CoOp Filter Media bag fits a Python perfectly to keep from vacuuming up your little friends. Aquarium Fish Tank Filter Media Bag WWW.AQUARIUMCOOP.COM Easy to Fill and Empty Keeps Loose Filter Media Contained Less Mess During Filter Maintenance Keep your loose filter media better contained with a...
  17. Please search the site and watch some video's about corydoras substrate before you spend a bunch of time and money changing substrate.
  18. Corys are omnivores. I'd try some fast sinking high protein community pellets. My pandas like the Extreme Nano pellets and Hikari Micro Pellets. I overfeed in the evening so plenty gets to the bottom. It's always gone by morning.
  19. With a big cushy chair in the middle, I love it!
  20. Hardscape in. The colors pop a lot better when it's wet. Plants will have to wait until after the first of the year. Come on CoOp gift cards!
  21. I think it would look good, I'd be trying to think of something red to put in there to complete the look😃. If you're worried about moving your pH too much get your favorite big lemonade pitcher and fill it with the water you're going to use and set it out for a few days with an airstone running and check the parameters you're concerned about. Then put in a bunch of crushed oyster shell and check again after a week or so and see what did. My shrimp are breeding like crazy in my tap water at 8.2pH.
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