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Everything posted by Ken

  1. Not a supr nerm but. Back in the olden days... before I got back in the hobby this time there was talk of compressed gasses trapped in the water that needed to dissipate (think "the bends") I used to get my water from a well on my property that was about 150 feet deep in an area that was 5043 feet in elevation and it did off gas for a while. I always let it sit overnight or warmed up enough. Don't know if it mattered at all. Current location is at about 4600 feet and the water comes from a city culinary well just up the road that I'm guessing is way deeper than a couple hundred feet. Now I use a python and ignore the bubbles. And here I have to deal with chlorine, that's the other reason people let it sit.
  2. I don't have any direct experience but here's a thought. Try taping some opaque paper on the outsides of the tank to block out anything that may be making them nervous like a tv flashing, people or pets moving around, lights coming off and on unexpectedly or whatever. My corys dive for cover whenever I forget to turn the hall light off and walk into the room casting a shadow.
  3. I would buy the med trio kit and have it on hand. Then, buy the additional fish you want and put them in the community tank and hit the whole thing with the med trio. Assuming the tank is large enough and established enough to quickly catch up to the additional bioload. Be standing by with a test kit. If that feels too risky or it's smaller tank, then hit the existing fish in the community tank with the med trio and buy, quarantine and medicate small batches at a time before adding them. I wouldn't worry about wild caught if using the meds in quarantine. Use the med trio as instructed here: How to Treat Sick Aquarium Fish (Even If You’re Not Sure What’s Wrong) WWW.AQUARIUMCOOP.COM Treating sick aquarium fish can be difficult, especially if you’re new to the hobby or have never seen this disease before. Based on years of experience...
  4. I'm slowly winning the battle with algae in my 40 breeder. What that has exposed is pretty fun, I have a bunch of baby cherry shrimp. Never saw them before. The pictures don't show as many as there are, we started with 10 a few months ago and the Mrs. counted 57 last night, I'll bet there are lots more.
  5. That really looks cool. I wonder if the light is diffused enough you could leave it on during the main light "siestas" for viewing?
  6. Boiled wood. Over and over. The place I bought it sells all kinds of birds, reptiles and bugs. I'm pretty sure the dust all over it is not good.
  7. Anubias Nana 6 months in. Only glued on the rihzome. A little too much glue but it seems to be doing well. Hopefully that snail gets that little bit of brown algae. Notice the root growth.
  8. Here's a guide done by the CoOp. There's a link in it to a video @Irene did. How to Plant Anubias or Java Fern on Rocks WWW.AQUARIUMCOOP.COM Anubias and Java Fern are two excellent freshwater plant options for low light tanks. Unlike most freshwater plants, they can go in aquariums that feature...
  9. There's someone advertising in our local want ads that will come and measure your PAR for $20 a tank. I don't know if that's a thing anywhere else.
  10. The corys will be fine. They will love the hut and spaces under the rocks.
  11. I've been messing with trying to get a rockpile look without using up all of the space in a 20 long. Most of the rocks have been broken and the flat side attached to the tank wall with silicone. So far I think it looks pretty decent. The center section is filled in and has a piece of wood sticking out, I think I like it. The side sections need work. The sponge filter is sitting about where I want it for flow but it sticks out like a sore thumb. What would your next steps be?
  12. Every time I check up on this thread that Better Homes and Gardens cover reminds me of the aquarium in the Principals office at my elementary school. No, it wasn't the 1930's and I don't remember why I was there often enough to grow fond of it. I'd have angels but current knowledge is my 40 breeder isn't big enough.
  13. I looked at it but the list of collateral damage scared me off. I am on day 5 of Seachem Excel and am happy with the results thus far. EZ Carbon is the same and I'll be switching to it for the ease of use and price.
  14. A trip to the local natural history museum?
  15. I'll bet I'm not alone in hoping this happens before I need another.🙂
  16. Think about front to back coverage. I started with a Finney Stingray and realized that either the front half or back half of my 40 breeder got light. Most lights are designed for a 12 inch tank. So I bought an Aquaneat to fill it in. That's a lot of light. I'm currently trying to balance time and fertilizer to grow plants and not giant globs of algae. Buy the Kasa timers when you buy lights they are the bees knees.
  17. When I put my first batch of fish in my newly set up quarantine tank it couldn't keep up with the ammonia either. I hit it with some Fritz complete to bind up the ammonia but allow the bacterial colony to grow enough to process it. Tested every 24 hours and hit it again but with progressively smaller amounts. By the end of 3-4 days the ammonia didn't come back and the tank has been good since. It's now on its fifth group of occupants.
  18. A heating bucket wrap controlled by by an Inkbird or something along those lines? Home brew guys do that kind of stuff.
  19. The Val responded well to being separated from the others. Still no forest yet but have more hope. Dwarf Sag didn't care.
  20. Ken


    This thread has just now given me an aha moment that I hope is the answer to my algae problems. I have been treating my 40 breeder like a low light tank, but based on the above it is not. I have the same lighting as @Daniel but fertilize like it is low light. Most of my other plants in that tank just survive. Maybe the only plant life that can thrive like that that is algae?
  21. 3 Tanks 40gal Breeder slowly becoming a planted community tank. It takes forever when you add fish slowly and quarantine. 20gal Long Waiting on USPS from the COOP for the last couple things. Then hardscape and plants. 10 Quarantine tank, albeit with substrate, plants, and decorations. When I don't need a quarantine full time it will be a shrimp and snail home and I'll buy something else for quarantine and try to leave it plain...well that's the agreement...no I don't believe it either.
  22. Is there such thing? I'd like the look of Val but can't seem to grow it.
  23. Try to find a local breeder. On a video I saw recently Guppy Guru and Wel-Don tanks talked about some locally bred (for us) discus that were born and raised in 8+ph super hard water.
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