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Everything posted by Tanked

  1. A school of dwarf Black Ghosts would be impressive A bit of serendipity here. I was researching Endlers yesterday before responding to @Tory's shrimp vs Endler vs Guppy purchase poll/topic. A knife fish was included in the search results for Endlers. It occurred to me that I haven't seen a knife fish in years, and forgotten all about them. Now I've seen them together twice in two days.
  2. A cross between a fish and a Roomba with an appetite for beer cans, bottles, KFC buckets, tires... and other wrongscapes.
  3. If three is good, than six or more is better. You already have 20 shrimp so given the choices I would go with the Endlers.
  4. I agree with the black. It does help to hide some of the plumbing and make everything else pop. When I go to the LFS, I tend to see the background first. The background is not supposed to be a distraction. That being said, I have seen some great backlit aquascapes, and one of my experimental tanks has a dark red, (oxblood/burgundy) background. which seems to compliment the hardscape and plants.
  5. Lefty and Brian already said it: There are too many variables to answer your question. Have sensitive items shipped to where you work, or a friend's house who will take them in. Find anther vendor. Frozen = dead. Your plants may already be dead or damaged before they are delivered to you.
  6. I went with the H2O2 treatment. It is super cheap, and mostly harmless if you are careful. Treat what you can out of the tank. You can spot treat with a syringe or spray bottle. Spot treating submerged BBA may need to be done several times a week. If you are using a spray bottle in the aquarium, it is best to drill a hole in the plastic nozzle and insert a piece of airline tubing. Submerging the spray bottle under water dilutes the H2O2. Each pump puts out about 1ml. For better results: Turn off all pumps/filters and treat just before the lights go out. You can startup everything in the morning. Adding a cleanup crew and cutting back on food and fertilizer will help get the BBA under control.
  7. Honestly, I did not know about Perseverance or the helicopter until today. I just watched a YT video about the drone. I'm not sure what they can learn with a 90 second flight time, but it sounds like fun. Its good to know that I can send and receive a signal from the drone on Mars in less tine than it took AAA to answer the phone on earth..
  8. My whitewater rafting guide said "If you don't remember anything else I said today, remember this: drink water, breath air, don't get them confused!" It may apply here🙃.
  9. Now I'm curious! What does Duckweed taste/smell like? and, can it out run the Barbs? They love a good salad.
  10. My fish usually have to somehow earn their names, so most are nameless. My first common Pleco was Leviathan. At 16" it would cast a shadow as it swam across the tank. The oldest and largest of the Barbs are 3 of 9 and 6 of 9. Trekkies will understand that thought process. The cleanup crew is known collectively as the 3 SAEsons. I can't tell them apart.
  11. There is a rule book, but there is no owner's manual. Each aquarium is different and your owner's manual only applies to your aquarium. It sounds like you are attempting to do too much too fast. Planted aquariums are only fast on planting day. Stop buying things until your plants begin to tell you what they need. The people here will be glad to help with those problems if they arise. As far as beauty is concerned, make the tank yours. watch the videos, write down what make you happy, and take it from there. There is nothing wrong with your gravel mountain, you already said you like it. The Anubia will definitely like it, build from there. Good Luck
  12. I would also go with picture #1. Readings taken flat against the white background will be more accurate (consistant) for color rendering.
  13. My 4-5" pleco became a 16" pleco in a 29 gallon for most of it's life, and later moved to a 75. I don't think they ever bother the other fish except when they vacuum all of the food from the water surface at feeding time. That coil of rope from the aft compartment can be disturbing. There is at least one fish rescue video on YT. I believe they are in Ohio. They might be able to point you in the right direction. The Craigslist and LFS mentioned above are better ideas
  14. I don't have a precise answer for you, but my guess would be that they will school together, when they are of a mind to. All of my adopted fish seem to seek out others of the same size, speed and temperament when they don't have others of their own kind. As I am typing this, my lone tiger barb is swimming with the ember tetras.
  15. Bettas. When I see the Bettas lined up on shelves like a vending machine at the LFS, I have to wonder why you would want a fish that can't stand to be around it's own kind. I can understand why people like the colors and variations, but I haven't seen one yet that looked good in those baseball sized prisons.
  16. If I could go back to the my initial attempts at aquariums I would have skipped the 10 gallon tank and thorough cleaning and water change every week. The 29gl. and better filtration was a game changer. If I could start over today, I would have a fish room of sorts, matching tank sizes, and more plant friendly fish.
  17. A rimless tank is going to make it tough. There are rimless lids available. Some of the posters here talk about flat corrugated polycarbonate panels if you can find them. If you aren't concerned about evaporation, a piece of egg crate used for light and ceiling panels combined with rimless tank clips from Amazon can be had for <$30.
  18. Shut down my 3 month old no effort/no tech project tank to make room for a similar but larger project.
  19. I vote for all three. My ten gallon has always been my project tank. A 10 gallon bad idea is a lot easier to fix than a 75 gallon failure. It is currently a no tech/effort planted tank. The next project however, is likely to be a breeder
  20. Interesting experiment. If everything else is equal, I would guess that the plants on the bottom of the 17 will always be a little less developed than the others. There is less light available. It will be interesting to see how the plants on wood develop.
  21. One of my dream aquariums would be one I can swim in. Decades ago I passed through a small Indiana town where the city pool was as you described. Theirs had short flight of stairs into a cave-like tunnel alongside the pool. It would have been so much better as an aquarium
  22. Freshwater 5gal. to 75gal. low tech, DIY. I want to combine two hobbies, not take on a second job.
  23. If you have not already done so, I would remove the sand and give it a very thorough rinsing, agitating the sand until the water runs clear. I would also rinse out the tank as best as you can. The dust cloud you are seeing will settle eventually, but I've also noticed that it may stick to the sides of the tank and cause other clarity issues later, depending on your filtration water movement etc.
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