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Everything posted by Streetwise

  1. Go @Jungle Fan for life! Those photos look awesome, and you squared-up everything for those shots! So much life, so much green!
  2. @a tired fish keeper, You can dial the brightness down to match the size of your tank. I have them on small tanks. And a note to everyone: With daylight savings time, make sure to go into the app and touch each of your lights to update the time!
  3. For the last bit of gravel, I would be tempted to siphon it out to a bucket, and save fry from there.
  4. Looking good @ChemBob! Fine adjustments in the Fluval app have improved, but they can still be finicky. When doing a new Pro schedule, it helps to delete everything and start from scratch.
  5. Two plows with sand and/or salt drove by within 30 seconds while taking those last three photos. This is a normal March in Vermont, and I love it! We even have special sidewalk plows. I don’t think my driveway has been plowed yet. The best thing about working in a school system is snow days! I think we have had four so far this school year. It is all based on bussing on the mountain roads. We are in-between Stowe and Sugarbush. Ice and freezing rain are actually more of a concern. Snow below freezing is more simple to deal with.
  6. I consider utility tanks as a superset that includes quarantine tanks. I use spare tanks and buckets more often to store extra wood, and stage new plants before planting. Sometimes having extra wood can offer the side-effect of ready tannins that might be helpful for certain conditions. Spare plants can also be useful.
  7. This happens to me sometimes when I squeeze out mulm. Many snail species will help, but I often stir the water over leaves to brush it off.
  8. If you didn't tell me the species, I wouldn't be able to guess!
  9. This might be the reference thread: https://forum.aquariumcoop.com/topic/8540-aquatic-acronyms-tlas-for-days/
  10. Fan-made poster after casting news. I loved her in Black Widow!
  11. If you want to try a siesta or a dual siesta, don’t be scared! I have had all my tanks on a dual siesta for a few years now. I get to view my tanks more, and don’t have any negative side-effects. You could do more power with your setup.
  12. This is a Gen X love letter! Just what I needed today.
  13. @Wrencher_Scott, I misread a post with quotes as spam. I fixed it this morning. I have been playing a lot of defense behind the scenes lately. I didn’t catch the PM settings change, and just took care of that for your account. Sorry for the misunderstanding!
  14. I feel really lucky that the chlorine treatment in my water district is so minimal, that I don’t have to worry at all. I fill my buckets from the tub, and I only off-gas if I smell any chlorine. Otherwise, I just let buckets sit to hit room temperature.
  15. I’ve been thinking about how my usage, participation, an attitude on the forum have changed since I joined. I had been active on various live streams, a previous forum, and the test ACO chat that ran for a bit. I was feeling so isolated, working remotely, and not able to hang out with my friends. Work IT was stressful. I found a home on the forum. Now I feel like I don’t have to prove anything. I can just be helpful and funny.
  16. @JoeQ, excellent point. I have seen plants be more aggressive about going for light when my substrate is more fertile.
  17. This is just a guess: is this about phototropism? Perhaps the crypts on the right have all the light they need at depth.
  18. Central Vermont seems to be climate zone 8, and hardiness 4b. Am I reading this correctly?
  19. Havana is an Amano shrimp, and Montréal is a ghost shrimp.
  20. Cairo is a neocaridina shrimp!
  21. Most of my tanks have organic soil with a gravel cap. When I plant, I usually use tongs to press the plant into the substrate, and then drag sideways and release, pulling the tongs out at an angle.
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