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Everything posted by Streetwise

  1. I’m just guessing, but perhaps it could be weeping moss. Hopefully someone here will know.
  2. I think so. How are they doing now? Cheers
  3. Lovely fish! You may want to edit and re-upload your first image.
  4. Can you edit your post and try again with your image? I would love to see what you did.
  5. I hadn’t heard of these until now. Wikipedia says they were discovered in 2002/2003 in Burma, and don’t even have a species name yet! They do look cool. I have kept different types of Danios together, so you might be ok. Maybe someone here has kept them.
  6. That is an amazing photograph! Congratulations on the spawn.
  7. 2.5 months later, I would say you have found your fish nerds. Cheers Brandy!
  8. That is some great DIY right there. Look at all the room you have to work in now.
  9. Bill, I'd like to be the first one to welcome you to the forum. 😉
  10. This forum is already a great resource for tubs. Lots of us have threads on the topic. With all the tagging that goes on, they should be easy to find. Cory's thread would be a great jumping off point, as many of the folks in there will have their own tub journals, and you can click those tags too.
  11. I think it is a terrific idea! You could take them the New England Aquarium, collect stuff from a tide pool for a marine project, forage in the local streams, and of course setup tanks together. I would worry a bit about pranks related to the tanks. Here is a project that one of our middle school science teachers has going:
  12. Those things are cool. I've used several in my marine tank days. I tried one in one of my freshwater tanks for a while, but I think it was more powerful than I needed. You can also use them right at the waterline as a way to stir in air and agitate the surface. I really dig the design of the Aqamai KPS
  13. We are enjoying a nice autumn day here in Vermont. One of my schools is right on a brook, and I had never been back there to check it out, so I decided to go on an adventure! And what an adventure it was! After I took this shot, I jumped over to a rock which had a lovely bit of algae on it. I spilled gracefully into the brook, slamming my phone on that rock, and walked proudly back to the school with wet jeans, a soaking sweatshirt, and a very lucky iPhone. I love you too, nature. 😉
  14. That is nice rack setup you have there. Is it hard to get plants and fish in New Zealand? Cheers
  15. Great stuff Jen! It is nice to have your family involved in the hobby with you. I'm envious that you get to shop at the physical Co-Op! Cheers
  16. Hi Maria! Your tanks are lovely. It looks like you are as big a fan of Mopani wood as I am. That's awesome that you got to meet Cory in person. Cheers
  17. Hello from Vermont. Those are some cool photos. I love watching shrimp graze, and they do enjoy the foam. Now I kind-of want a Baby Groot like yours. Cheers
  18. Those photos are terrific. It is great having more tech people here—all about the systems!
  19. You found a clever way to show both hobbies in one photo! Cheers
  20. Beautiful tanks and fish! How is that passive CO2 unit working out for you?
  21. Duke, great having you here! It looks like we are both part of the Bastille Day club. PS, your meme ability is top rate.
  22. Welcome to the forum, belatedly. It looks like we joined on the same day! Cheers
  23. That is really cool. Good job managing the focus in your video. Are they still in your tank?
  24. Thanks Brian. I don't use any additives, I rarely change any water, and I never gravel vac. If you are interested in organic soil tanks, I highly recommend getting Diana Walstad's book, The Ecology of the Planted Aquarium. I have the Apple Books version, so I can annotate and keep bookmarks. https://dianawalstad.com Cheers
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