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Everything posted by Streetwise

  1. If you want to plant in your substrate, you will probably need more depth for the roots.
  2. I currently limit myself to 20 gallon tanks and under, for fear of moving. I love the perfect 12" cube, 7.5 gallons.
  3. I would encourage folks to share what they know, ask good questions, be respectful, and don't be afraid to show mistakes, or say you don't know something. I have achieved stability with a few things in the hobby, so I feel good about giving some advice on those topics. On other topics, I am a spectator, but I still want to learn in case I have the time to try more. We all have many responsibilities, and probably multiple hobbies. Please don't feel like you are doing more or less than someone else with aquariums. I would encourage everyone here to start a tank journal, or more than one. Take photos, shoot videos, tell the story of the tanks, and ask questions along the way. For general topics, use the search function, and see if you can add answers or good questions to an existing thread. If you are in a choice thread, where someone is asking for the best this, or the optimum that, try to avoid a sales pitch. Cheers, Jason
  4. I have used under-gravel, canister, internal, and foam filters. I have researched hang-on-back filters, but never tried one. I got a Top Fin PF20 as part of a kit, since it was the only cheap way to get a black silicone 20H. I already have a pair of Co-Op Nano Sponge Filters picked out for this tank, and a 24" Fluval 3.0, so everything from the kit will probably go into storage. However, I still wanted to check out the filter, and I may see what AquaClear foam fits in it. Here are some photos:
  5. Here is a photo of the breeder box and a partially-assembled tumbler. I love how everything is so symmetrical. I am looking forward to trying them sometime in the future.
  6. I try to avoid needing a heater whenever possible. Because I was once young, I would never use glass. I happen to have a Fluval here and there, just cause I got one with a tank, and bought a matching one, and they are not glass. I have some pico fixed heaters, but I only use one now, for a Betta. I would use my Apex or a controller for anything temp-sensitive.
  7. What makes you think your nutrients are depleted? Check out Walstad, VIII. G. 5.
  8. There are many folks here running organic soil tanks who can help. Can you please share some photos, and more details of your lighting, and filtration?
  9. Your pieces are very clever at hiding hardware! Sometimes you have a tank you can enjoy only from the front, and sometimes you can look in through the sides too, so it is is nice to be able to adjust. Cheers
  10. To paraphrase @Cory, sponge filters and plants are both green. Don't lock yourself into specific filter locations. Maybe you start with the back corners, and then maybe you move to 1/3 and 2/3 tank positions.
  11. I think we got the same gear. I have only bred shrimp, so this will be new territory. I misread the initial email, and thought it was the brine shrimp unit. What an adventure!
  12. I’m not sure I would treat for anything. Just let the shrimp outcompete the snails.
  13. My most successful shrimp tanks have algae on the glass, biofilm on the wood, and floating plants for upside-down snacking.
  14. I returned the 29 gallon tank I got for my folks, and picked up a 20H instead. The furniture piece they wanted to use didn’t have a flat top, so we tied some other pieces. They were still undecided, so I drove to another LFS to pickup a 24” Fluval 3.0 since the Co-Op is out of that size this week. I also picked up a few plants and a female koi Betta. I’ve got to get this new tank cycling and planted soon so I can empty the tubs before we get snow.
  15. @LynzeThis is the light I like for small rimless tanks: https://www.aquariumcoop.com/products/fluval-plant-3-0-led-nano Cheers
  16. Start browsing the Co-Op plants, and add the plants that you are interested in to your wishlist. https://www.aquariumcoop.com/collections/live-plants Then check Co-Op videos, blog posts, and forum topics, with each plant as a keyword. I was going to list some of my plant preferences, but I think trying new plants is one of the best parts of the hobby.
  17. I had some glass cut at a local hardware store, but they didn't chamfer the edges. I tried again with an actual commercial glass store, and they got me something nice in about 15 minutes. If you have an LFS that sells used gear, they might have a bin of spare parts, including those clip-on plastic hinges.
  18. Beautiful build! @Lynze That would be perfect for a Plant Nano. You can run the metal L piece the opposite way for more height if you want. This makes the little slot available to run an airline thru for a centered sponge filter!
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