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Everything posted by Streetwise

  1. That’s all for today. The tub inhabitants have been caught, and are slowly reaching room temperature in a bucket. I am going to try to keep the tubs inside just to keep the substrate going with some plants and lights. Fish and shrimp are in and happy! It is really nice having them be able to fully see the fish and shrimp they have been feeding this summer.
  2. Final photos before I pull the plants and wood. Bittersweet, I must say.
  3. About to start setting things up on this chilly day.
  4. I found a no-wobble spot on the slate. Antiques were the only way to get a tank in this room. I think I also kept a tank on this slate as a kid.
  5. I would just go for it if your ecosystem is good. Do you also have plants, snails, perhaps shrimp, perhaps bottom-feeders?
  6. All these tank photos are are from my 84-year old father. Here are some more.
  7. This is where I shop for substrate, not including cap. I don't move plants, I don't mess with my substrate, and I don't gravel vac. $1 per gallon scoop. I pick the topsoil on the right, not the compost on the left. There are many paths, but mine is organic soil. I grew up on a dirt road, with well water, a septic tank, and a leach field. A bit of grass, lots of trees, a river. The whole ecosystem. Vermont now actually mandates composting organic waste, so I may end up bringing my own food scraps to this place. I made sure to get the industrial sifter in the shot.
  8. I want any debris for bottom-feeder and shrimp grazing, and to rejoin my soil.
  9. @James V.I think so on the plant. It has sent runners all around the tank.
  10. Has anyone tried the Dymax Slim Flo units, in particular, the symmetrical SF-500?
  11. Here is the beginning of the setup. I found a nice piece of slate in the basement that just happens to sit perfectly stable on the slightly uneven surface of the antique table that they want to use. There is another similar slate piece that I might setup between the tank and the wall as a vertical background. BTW, @DaveSamsell, I returned the 29 for a 20H to be safe. I think the scale is nice between the table, the slate, and the tank. I've got some soil in, with more in my car from my $2 trip yesterday. I'll be using 1.5 inches of soil, and 1.5 inches of cap, first black sand, and then some Peace River and/or Rio Grande gravel. I'll be adding in the plants from the tubs, a few more I got, some of the Mopani from the tubs, and maybe some rocks. Then after a little cycle time, I'll catch all the shrimp and White Clouds and drop them in! This is a pretty cool project for me, because as a kid, 30ish years ago, I had a 20H right in this very spot! Cheers
  12. Here is a little brainstorm idea. Make your own powerhead sponge filter mounted on the bottom, without drilling, using foam, and one of these: https://ecotechmarine.com/vortech You could have the tank on a little riser to hide the outside part of the powerhead. You could even try lighting from underneath, maybe with glass cubes or cylinders in the substrate directly above the light source(s). I love your idea!
  13. I've seen some stuff online of folks setting up old, out-of-date laptops, or even just keyboards as decoys for cats!
  14. I'm going to bring him some Duckweed tomorrow.
  15. @Cory, can you filter out blocked posts from the Unanswered Topics feed? Cheers
  16. I would be wary of lotion, sunscreen, and perfume/cologne on anything going in a tank.
  17. If you have a photo app, you should be able to export a photo with a choice of size and quality.
  18. I stopped by the bar after work for a couple scoops of the good stuff. $2 to fill a small bucket.
  19. I did a search, not sure which of these is the best chart: https://www.google.com/search?rls=en&q=neocaradina+shrimp+color+chart&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8
  20. Thanks @Brandy, Silvertips are now on my future list!
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