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Everything posted by Streetwise

  1. I have a Classic 150 and like it. I currently just have foam in it, so it is quick to squeeze out when I need to. My generic canister suggestion is to keep it in a bucket or tub. Mine is in a 20 gallon tub below the 16 gallon tank.
  2. That's great! Your shrimp will love all the bits of biofilm, mulm, and algae in your tanks. Enjoy watching them graze and multiply!
  3. Would it be easier to just make an extra set, and bring them to the store in the PVC? And then on your next visit, you get your old set back and leave them with the new set, and repeat?
  4. My aquarium insurance is an Apex EL with a leak detection kit, and a UPS.
  5. Would adding welded triangle elements be enough?
  6. I thought of more stuff. If you have outside fuel tanks, turn the valves off at the tanks. If you have cars you won't be taking, drive them to high ground anywhere. I lost my WRX by not driving high enough; however, I got my money back on the home heating fuel when they found my tank miles down the river, valve closed.
  7. The view looks great! The wood paneling looks great. That bar structure with lighting looks super-useful. It would make a great spot for product demos and even small tank builds. That ceiling access looks great for hiding wiring and cameras. You could capture every angle. That big garage actually has room to park cars in it! 😉 Here is an idea that might not be too crazy: plumb that lawn into your water-change system. Congratulations on a great new spot, and the freedom that comes with it. Plus the hard-water well!
  8. The only other thing I can think of to add would be to consider anything that might float and damage things, and maybe put those items in a closet or a different room. My thoughts are with you!
  9. Good luck! I don’t know how the storm is supposed to hit you, but put what you can on high counters and such. I was flooded out by Irene, and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.
  10. I think the only reasonable option would be to add some leeches, and a pet lamprey to your collection. You have to keep your theme going.
  11. I have a limited-edition Aquarium Co-Op branded Apex! 😉
  12. Thank you! I would say that on the knobby Mopani wood, the wicking is good for about 1.5 inches above the waterline. I just added a tiny bit more above that, so we will see. I do pour over it when doing water top-offs every few days. When I tried some moss on some spider wood, it drooped over and took on too much water and got a little mold on top. It is a little like a houseplant that you don't want to over-water.
  13. This happened just as I was about to turn off the lights last night.
  14. I added some more plants to my Pico Zen tank, and moved the nano sponge filter to the far corner for a better fit with the wood. I also added substrate to my 1.25, and put in a smaller piece of spider wood, and some more plants.
  15. Cheers Hutch. I try to contribute a little bit.
  16. I’m here! Chat was fun while it lasted, but the forum is awesome.
  17. I have run a few marine tanks, but never a full reef setup with corals. I just did what they call FOWLR: fish-only with live rock, and it was pretty simple once I learned how to mix salt. I ran more filtration and powerheads than with freshwater, and kept some really cool fish. My first marine tank was gifted to me when a buddy moved out of Boulder. I can't remember all the fish, but I think it had a big puffer, a tang, a trigger fish, and some other stuff, plus little creatures that came in on the live rock. The puffer was amazing and so much fun. I could pet him, and he would squirt frozen shrimp out of my fingers above water. Years later, back in Vermont, I setup a couple of other marine tanks and enjoyed them for a while. I simplified to just one, but it was wiped out in 2011 when Irene came through and flooded my apartment 4.5 feet. I may try again someday, but my most recent return to the hobby was falling in love with planted tanks. Cheers
  18. Please be selective when quoting. If you feel that a quote is necessary, you can edit the quoted text to just contain the specific part to which you are replying.
  19. I should warn you, this forum is full of kind people, who are full of good ideas.
  20. You could even go for a big UPS for more time and a bigger battery. Just don’t turn off a UPS when the power is out. We had a massive storm outage here and I brought my UPS to help my local restaurant close out tabs. I had to stop in at the local FD with a generator to power it up again before delivering it to the the restaurant to use on battery power.
  21. All the new Tetras are doing great, and the Blood Fin Tetras are the most active fish I have ever kept. Unfortunately, my Betta jumped out. I found her when I went to take a photo. She hung on for about another day and a half before passing. I’m really sad about it, especially after losing my Rainbow Shark last week. Everything has been so stable and healthy for so long, but these two events have been tough. I’m glad to have a community here in these times. Jason
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