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Everything posted by StephenP2003

  1. I just started a growout for my 70+ pleco fry (not to mention the batch inside the male's cave that I also moved to the growout, along with the male to give him a break). Before moving them to the growout, I kept them for about 4 weeks in two different breeder boxes: The Fluval/Marina Breeder Box It hangs on the outside of the tank and recycles water using an airlift system. It can be super noisy/gurgly unless you reduce the airflow enough that the water trickles in. I wanted more flow than that, so I actually modded it with a cheap USB submersible pump. Info in this thread: The Ziss breeder box that the co-op sells: Hangs inside the tank, uses air to circulate water as well, an overall drastic improvement on the traditional net breeder. I preferred this one for my plecos. In the marina, I was using a turkey baster every day to remove veggie/repashy refuse and poop before the next feeding. In the Ziss, the mesh on all sides allowed a lot of the broken-down uneaten food to fall through and feed the other fish in the tank. My pearl gourami hung out by the breeder box all day waiting to grab a snack. Much less cleanup, less noise without modding, and a great amount of flow throughout the whole box. Here's Dean showing it off: I only have one small complaint about it, which is that you have to keep the top of the box above water or it will float away and let your fry escape. With the suction mount option, I would like to have a top that you can lock in place, and a feeding hole that can snap shut -- merely because it is kind of a pain to move the box down and then back up during a water change. There's probably an easier solution I'm not thinking of, though. Anyway, those are my experiences with the "high tech" breeder box solutions. I think both work great overall despite each having some minor inconveniences inherent in the design -- but if pressed to pick one, it would be the Ziss.
  2. I subscribe to: Aquarium Co-Op and the More channel KGTropicals Bentley Pascoe Steenfott Aquapros Girl Talks Fish Fish for Thought King of DIY I end up seeing more channels in my recommended but haven't yet subscribed -- mostly just the time factor, but I do find myself watching videos from relatively unknown channels and enjoying them a lot. I love when I find a video with like 6 views that ends up solving a major problem I had.
  3. I have dipped other crypt species in 3% h2o2 for a few minutes with no issues. Spot treatment works too, maybe day 1 H2O2 then day 2 Excel/Easy Carbon. I don't think any fish/snails/shrimp eat it, except when it's dead or dying.
  4. I just hatched a tablespoon for kicks. Crazy good. Gonna have to freeze some cubes.
  5. That's what I love about pygmy corys. They are minglers. I only keep a half dozen or so in nano tanks but would love to get about 100 of them to have the run of a larger tank.
  6. I've had success in putting fresh media in an established tank for two weeks before moving it to a new tank. I've heard two weeks minimum, so that's what I went with.
  7. I've had the urge to correct the descriptions on a number of their product listings, but I didn't want to be THAT guy!
  8. First hatch with these eggs. I expected them to be slightly better or same as the best "small batch" eggs I've ordered elsewhere. Nope. These put everything else I've tried to shame. I'm used to a clump of unhatched sludge at the bottom even though I only do a teaspoon a day. This is basically a flawless hatch.
  9. I dunk my anubias in 3% percent peroxide (no other water added) for 5 to 10 minutes with no issues. It has been able to handle it no problem.
  10. Yes, I removed the cave and hoping that works. The one juvenile that survived the first spawn is now breeding age, and frankly I'm concerned my male is going to starve to death with all the egg fanning.
  11. Got the grow out set up for the plecos. I got what I thought were two pieces of Malaysian driftwood, but one of the pieces just will not sink. Going to have to screw some slate to it I guess, because these suction cups are not going to hold. And it looks stupid. The perfect place for a 29 gallon is underneath the petco stand for the 40 breeder.
  12. 285 / 31.7 / 9 Biggest is 90 and smallest is 10. I've added 3 tanks in the past 3 months. Now Alexa thinks I order lights and dimmers on a regular basis and just today reminded me it's time to order another one.
  13. Most of the ones I've heard are covered here, though I'll add that someone at Petsmart about 15 years ago told me Ich is just a generic term for fish disease.
  14. Honestly, the only reason I hatch baby brine daily is because I'm growing out live bearers in a 10, 20, and 40 gallon tank. I personally wouldn't do it nearly as often if I had only display tanks with mostly adult fish. My LFS sells frozen BBS, so I'd use that for nano fish and larger frozen brine for the most part. But for feeding my platy, guppy, and endler fry, it's worth hatching them every day.
  15. In louisiana, June July August are mostly 90 degree days. But now would be a perfect time I think, since weather is peaking mid 80s now.
  16. Mulm doesn't provide all the nutrients a root feeder might need, FYI. If you're using inert substrate, consider root tabs every few months or so.
  17. How hot was your tub? Winters aren't so harsh here but summers here could cook the shrimp if outdoors. I've been breeding them in a 40 with my live bearers. I started with a dozen and probably have a couple hundred now. I don't want to part with them because they look like little Christmas ornaments on my plants.
  18. Seeking validation from a secret fishtube overlord.
  19. Repashy super green or soilent green. Or zucchini or Cucumber... But I couldn't get my otos to eat the vegetables at all. Seriously, I've never seen a fish so unwilling to live that it refuses fresh food. With the repashy, you can smear the mixture on decor, driftwood, glass, plants or wherever and sort of trick them into eating it in the way they are used to grazing. That worked for me, and I've got some fat and happy otos.
  20. Good news, because it means the forum is active enough to warrant it!
  21. I almost got one for the 90-gallon I built late last year. I even had started intentionally letting pond snails go nuts in my other tanks for a few months in preparation, but I sort of talked myself out of it, or let my LFS talk me out of it -- they go for $200 there, and one employee told me they tend to get sick often. It's not off my wish list, though.
  22. When Facebook first started to become mainstream (i.e., not just for college students), I never would've suspected people to act the way they've always behaved on forums -- I figured having to use their real name would give people more of a filter. But nope, it wasn't the anonymity that made people vicious; it's the lack of face-to-face interaction.
  23. Watching cobra Kai. Still need to catch up with the final season of Future Man. Looking forward to the hour long covid special of South Park, and of course mandalorian season 2 whenever that may come. Watching The Boys every Friday.
  24. The footprint of the 40 breeder is hard to beat. I don't have anything bigger than a 90,though. Once I get more wall space in a bigger house I may change my mind. Anything over 18 inches depth would look too obtrusive in most places in my house.
  25. Check out @Bentley Pascoeon YouTube. He's been doing a series on substrate and does pretty in depth explanations on the pros and cons of different types, including kitty litter of all things.
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