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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. Sometimes I find cicada molts outside. I always think I'm looking at the actual bug, as the molts are usually just sitting attached to a leaf. (Not as cute as shrimp)
  2. Oh yeah man. We got some nice blackwater vibes goin on after today’s water change. This looks pretty dope. Well, also the light is still on sunrise mode which is helping with the orange hue as well.
  3. https://www.ebay.com/itm/174781669103?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=BYu5wT8ZRR-&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=K4RQRc2NSwW&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  4. Yes! Look at how handsome he is! His buoyancy is perfect! Bravo, @xXInkedPhoenixX! You should be very proud! Beautiful aquascaping too!
  5. Holy smokes, I was not prepared for all that cuteness! 😍
  6. It’s pretty obvious the dragon would eat atomic fireballs. Favorite condiment is Liquid Smoke. Helps light all the candles in the house.
  7. We aren’t dogs but we think the info applies and we thank you! We eat Hills and have silky soft coats since we started on the Hills food a few years ago!
  8. I saw or read something about wet food that is labeled “dinner” or “entree” is bad - maybe it has too much filler or something? I never know what to believe, there are differing opinions. Interested to know a vet’s point of view on that one!
  9. Aw, that's too bad, @Bev C. Sorry to hear that. After my baby snails got big enough, I posted on the Nextdoor app, and local hobbyists contacted me wanting snails. I did charge $1 each because I didn't want people just getting a bunch of free little snails to feed to their pufferfish or whatever. I wanted them to be loved as pets, as I loved them when I was raising them up. I think feeder snails are sold at the store for 25 cents each so I didn't think people would pay $1/snail if it was food for other fish. And I know that mystery snails go for like $3.99 or $4.99 at the stores so it was a deal for people that wanted them as pets. I also gave out care sheets with the snails and made sure that the hobbyists had cycled tanks to put the snails in. You could extend the time you have the snails by setting up a plastic tote as an extra tank. Just an idea in case people are slow to adopt them.
  10. Mine works great. He custom makes them based on your needs. I told him I keep a lower waterline, and he made a baffle for that.
  11. I have one Bolivian ram in a community tank, he is very peaceful with the other residents.
  12. I don’t see why not; bettas are insectivores. @Odd Duck?
  13. Unfortunate news. Sadly, Dodger has passed... He was adopted from the big box store where he was relentlessly bullied by fish who wouldn’t let him come out of his shell. I had adopted him on July 17. Parameters are ok. 0/0/30. I believe he had a nice time during his stay with me. Here’s a little look back. Adoption day: Dinner date: Exploring: Exhilarating adventures: Beautiful new shell growth:
  14. I had this exact thing happen with a sick tetra. The fish in the main tank can tell he’s been sick so they’re trying to “get rid of the liability”. The solution for me was to move the recovered fish back out to quarantine and wait a long time til I thought he looked healthy/the same as them. I let him in QT a good extra month or two, but it worked and I had success returning him the second time. It takes patience but you can take that time to bond with the fish. Feed him one piece at a time, watch him eat. Talk to him. Name him (he’s been though an ordeal - has earned a name!) Observe him. Weekly water changes, no meds. A little salt if you want to (1 Tbsp/3 gal). By the time he’s ready to go back in you’ll be great friends. 🙂
  15. What we did is gently tap or rub their nose and when they released it, we immediately threw it again and they began to realize giving it means they get it right back. If you crop the photo even just a tiny bit, it should not post upside down. Mine broke her leg. She had the dog on a leash, was checking the mailbox, the dog pulled, and down she went. Lay there until the neighbor spotted her. (When we lived up north)
  16. I try to vary the environment a little from time to time, offering different swim throughs and floating things. I noticed he loves to bubble nest when I first add a catappa leaf, because it floats for awhile. But it sinks in a day or so, ruining his creation. So I attached a little piece of cork to silk leaves and they remain floating and he bubble nests under those now. Recently I added another silk leaf at the waterline held in place by a suction cup. Something that doesn’t float around. He loves hovering under it. I attached an anubias to the wall with an heater suction cup, and he uses those leaves as resting spots, similar to what the fake betta leaf hammocks that you can buy do. The most recent addition to the tank is a swim through that looks like a rock. He likes interacting with me. I give him one piece of food at a time and he hunts it. I vary the diet- frozen bloodworms, betta pellets, frozen brine shrimp, daphnia. I play this game with him also. Usually once a day. No more than maybe 10-15 seconds. It makes him think he’s defending his turf and gives him purpose, I think. You could try offering a swim through. A lot of bettas like these floating logs. My tank is 5g and the log was a bit big for the space, but he does have plants he enjoys in there. And this is the rock he has to swim through. He seems to get excited and interested when I add something to the tank. Such as this floating plant. Based on his interaction with the fake fish, he will not be getting tankmates. He has a bad attitude. That’s why I agreed to adopt him. He wasn’t getting along with my friend’s mystery snail. For your lighting- you could try placing parchment paper between your light and your lid. It softens the light. One more thing - make sure there is little to no current in the tank. Bettas do not like current. Use a sponge filter or put a baffle on your hang-on-back filter if you have one. Girl Talks Fish has a great video on YouTube for reducing current. Bettas like warmer water and need a heater, but white clouds are cold water fish. See if you can look up the temperature range for each type of fish and set the heater for the temp that overlaps, if that makes sense.
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