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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. Mine has a bunch of stuff (boiled veg) in it. I used this video as a guideline. I would not recommend using molds. Unless you plan to freeze them. Then they pop out ok. Even easier than gelatin is Repashy, if you have some.
  2. Sorry you lost a fry. It’s easy to lose track of small creatures. You wouldn’t be the first person to have an accident like this during routine maintenance.
  3. Water change day. His colors always seem more vivid when he is at mid- or bottom-level. I did a trimming on the dwarf sag but somebody was very involved. I had to be careful with my scissors. This gent might be as nosey as Snoopy! Over the last few days my hand swelled up, is painful, and I lost some functionality. Especially turning things (jars, twist-on flashlight, bottle of Prime). So I have to take it easy and keep the tasks to a minimum. The cats seem to be getting along for the most part. Almost back to normal. An occasional hiss. But if they both see a bird out a window Mouse completely forgets she’s mad at Tony, and they share the viewing area.
  4. Maybe you can put the shrimp in a breeder box so they don’t eat the food
  5. I would go by @Colu’s recommendation above given your particular livestock.
  6. I love that you are researching the needs of your snail friend @Torbay
  7. Hey! It’s 2023! 🐟 Happy New Year! Let’s get a fresh start and check all the expiration dates on fish food and fish meds and restock for our aquatic friends.
  8. My gang does not like spinach either! Lol. It seems the only leaf they eat is cabbage. But another calcium option is a piece of cuttlebone (plain, unflavored, found in the bird section) added to the tank. They will occasionally graze on it and it also dissolved verrrrrry slowly and releases calcium into the water as it does. A snail will get a ridge in their shell when moving from one tank (such as the pet store) to another. The ridge will appear to run around the shell in a circle, if that makes sense. It’s caused by a difference in water types, even if the difference is slight. Now if that snail has an actual crack in its shell, that can be cause for worry. If the shell is thin (overall, not just the edge where new growth occurs), that could mean the snail did not get proper nutrition w/ calcium before you adopted him. @Guppysnail is there something in spinach that prevents a snail from absorbing or digesting the calcium that is in that spinach? green bean cabbage carrot (she is carrying it around) - LOL
  9. The carrot needs to be really soft. I boil mine for 20 minutes or until a fork effortlessly goes into it. My snails don’t really care for lettuce but they love boiled green bean, zucchini, squash, cucumber, cabbage. I leave veggies in the tank for 24 hr or less. They don’t mess with parameters during that time like a processed food would because they don’t rot that fast. They do need a calcium source for their shell. Such as crab cuisine or banquet food block. And protein, such as sinking fish food pellets. @Torbay
  10. Wow, I’m so sorry about Patch. Glad you’re ok. Today I took a cucumber slice off the salad, rinsed the cheese off, and served it to them. 😂 I just buy the veggies. I used to grow veggies but with the rainy season here the plants 🪴 would get too soggy and end up with disease and bugs. Not to mention due to the heat we have to be very careful not to water any foliage or the leaves will burn.
  11. Rough couple of days for Chick-In-Of-TheSea. Tony got dental on Thursday. All went well. He had to have 2 teeth pulled, so he has to take some medicines and eat soft food for a couple days. Meanwhile, Mouse has been hissing and screaming, I mean SCREAMING at him. At first it was when she smelled him, I think, and he smelled like the vet. But now it’s every time she even catches any glimpse of him. So the petting them both with the same towel hasn’t worked because even at a distance she freaks out. Since Thursday the screaming has stopped more or less, replaced by multiple hisses. She acts like her sole mission is to track/hunt him and just keep him in her sights at all times, ignoring everything else. So the poor fella stayed tucked as far back in a corner as possible in the living room all day yesterday. 😢 But today he moved around the house more and both of them were wanting to look at birds out the window, they got too close to each other and things went south. I had to restrain her and I got hurt. It was 2 punctures and it took time and pressure to get the bleeding to stop. And I needed ibuprofen too because man, this one hurt. my intervention was foolish, yet necessary because my fellow on the meds cannot defend himself right now and walks wobbly. Might I note that neither cat has EVER shown any signs of aggression. They’ve been very sweet cats, and best friends, for years. So we are backtracking social progress and confining her to the bedroom periodically. She gets to come out every so often and is carefully watched. On the plus side I got to try these new bamboo/charcoal bandages. In the background my first coffee of the day awaits, not even sipped yet. For ease, I just fed raw cucumber to the inverts today. First on the scene were these two ladies:
  12. Looks beautiful at first. But when mixing colors all the offspring are gonna be brown! He knows that though. He said something like the red gene skips a generation or whatnot.
  13. Sanitized the quarantine tote and everything that ever touched the qt water. My patient made a full recovery from columnaris. I saved 3 lives this year in this tote. All from columnaris.
  14. Yeah I mean I never see him actually travel. Sometimes I will see him turn. Later I find him in a different spot. He’s very efficient at his job and has been enjoying a buffet fit for a king.
  15. Recall that the biowheel itself is biological, and spinning renews the water and provides aeration for the bacteria that reside on it.
  16. If you are keeping live plants, yes. You would not want to use a filter cartridge containing carbon because it removes things from the water that the plants need to feed on. If no live plants, you can use the cartridge. The carbon also helps to remove medicines from a tank after you treat fish. Know that you don’t have to spend $$$ on cartridges all the time as filter manufacturers will have you believe. Most of us use our own media such as coarse sponge and floss and we just cut it to size. Saves money, last longer, and can be maintained by squeezing in a bucket of tank water. I will let @nabokovfan87 answer the AquaClear questions. I opted for the ACO coarse sponge + filter floss. This is the floss I used. Comes in a massive roll but you’ll use it over time. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01J5MV86S?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
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