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  1. I like to feed my Bolivian Ram a sinking pellet. She has come to recognize that the aquascaping tongs bring her food to her. But within a minute or so of feeding the pellet, the tetras swarm in and steal it from her, then fight all over the tank with it. Now, I do feed the tetras flakes first to try to distract them. I also give the ram a new pellet if they steal it, but I'm wondering if there's a better way to feed her so that she doesn't feel like she has to fight them off? She kind of does a little charge at them when they are being jerks, not hurting them or touching them or anything, but warning them. They don't care and they steal the food anyway. Any suggestions? 5black neons 5 pristella tetras 1 bolivian ram 1 mystery snail 1 nerite snail
  2. This is a 75G tank you can see the single Oscar bottom center. He is approximately 6-7” now and he is getting smarter by the day! There is a pictus catfish that lives in the tunnel under the wood on the left have two bristlenose in tank as well. At first I could drop food on the right Oscar would start eating then I would drop food on left catfish would easily have time to get a few pieces, all good. Then had to start feeding in center and flow to the right so Oscar would follow trail of food then jump back and feed cat. All good? Then very purposefully kept him all the way right with big feeding jump back left and most days enough got down for cat. Not really all good? Now he acts like (YES ACTS LIKE!!) he is interested in the middle sweeping right or right end feeding, waits for me to drop on left then attacks food as fast as possible gobbles up every pellet, wafer, not even a chance for frozen to get through on left then takes his time wagging his tail at me like he’s struting and pecks every piece from the right!!! good news he’s going through a growth spurt. I think my next move will be finding a repashy the cat likes put a chunk on a stick and target feed. any suggestions? Any non Oscar related target feedings you have to do?
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