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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. Oh yeah that’s what I meant! I had flowers on my brain since the Aponogeton was making one. Also, here’s a video I “tried” to make…. About Geppetto using his favorite plant as his beds. But!!! Well, this is a floor tank and the video was hard to make. I wonder if @Odd Duck , @Guppysnail, and @xXInkedPhoenixX can relate!!!
  2. I give my betta Geppetto some daphnia once a week just as a preventative, to keep him regular 🙂 Thanks @xXInkedPhoenixX and @Odd Duck for helping out on this thread ❤️
  3. @Seattle_Aquarist and @Mmiller2001 are good w/ plants - let's see if they can answer this question.
  4. There are a lot of small microfauna (organisms) that can appear in fish tanks. Ostracods, copepods, etc. In general, seeing microfauna means you have a healthy tank and ecosystem! If you have a betta, it probably enjoys eating some of these! Microfauna benefit your tank by consuming algae and fish waste.
  5. That's nice, isn't it? That is water sprite. It looks very happy! I like your tank @Trevir and welcome! The marbling on that piece of driftwood is lovely and really adds to the habitat. A few of the plants you have do not like to have their roots in the substrate and may suffer down the line. They feed from the water column. Javafern windelov is one that doesn't like to have the roots or rhizome (rigid part near the roots) buried. Same for anubias and regular java fern, if you can confirm those are the other plants you have in there. Water column feeding plants can be kept in place by attaching them to rocks or driftwood. Or you can put a plant weight around the bottom of the plant to keep it held down. Here's a helpful video link ---> click
  6. Tank lights feature blue light to simulate moonlight, and my fish seem to know that when the blue light is on, it's time to start settling down. They become way less active than they are when the white light is on. However, fish need a period of complete darkness so they can sleep. They will not be able to sleep with the blue light turned on. I find it useful to use white light during the day, blue light at dusk, and lights off during the night. When I go to bed, the fish do too.
  7. I use pool filter sand. They sift through it and find things to eat.
  8. My cats can't/don't get up on the tanks, but somehow I always have some cat hairs floating on the surface. I think it's because I put stuff on the tile floor, then put it back in the tank. LOL I believe that is some type of drum fish.
  9. Well, only one bud so far. I want to see what it does! 🤗 There are other Aponogeton in there too, so if one goes dormant, no big deal. Also there are reeeaaaaallly little pink leaves coming out of 2 of those lily bulbs.
  10. Good morning! It’s a nice day today, even thought it’s been in the 40s and 50s at night. Did tank maintenance this morning. Figured I would start with nitrate tests first though just to see where we are at. 2 tanks were high, but Geppetto’s was the real concern. Last nitrate test was last week, Monday, and nitrates were in ideal range, so this spike happened quickly. Some of his plants (grasses) died, and so I guess the nitrates are not being sucked up like they usually would be. Not only that, but Kratos ate a massive MASSIVE amount of algae out of there. I can’t believe that little snail ate so much so fast, so the algae is not there to utilize nitrates either. Not to mention Kratos is a waste factory so that’s a factor.. but I love him anyway. And Geppetto leaves him alone. I changed 50% water for them and also threw in an additional anubias barteri to help out. Which means more little beds for Geppetto. ☺️And fortunately the grasses (dwarf sag) that died made runners and baby grasses came up before they died. But since those plants are small, they are not using many nutrients yet. This is a 5.5 gallon and as we know, smaller tanks are more sensitive with regards to parameters. Lastly I put a big ol, catappa leaf in for the fella to hang out under. He loves those. I don’t use the big leaves all the time though so as not to shade out the cryp. Will test nitrates again later as well. Also!!!! How cool is this?!! One of the bulbs that @Guppysnail sent is trying to make a flower in the 29g! (Aponogeton)
  11. My friend and I did goat yoga last year! This was their entrance.🤣 make sure you have the sound on, it’s hilarious! Here my friend gets to feed “Dash”. Afterwards I got to feed him, then we had yoga with them (but mostly we were just feeding them leaves and stuff and not really doing the yoga) 🙂 Here my friend tried to take a selfie
  12. @Cinnebuns this thread was a great idea. But we don't know how to tag "one person". 😅 Thanks for creating this!
  13. Sometimes nerites will do weird things that concern me, then the next moment they are cruising around again. One time my zebra nerite was on his back writhing around and was gripping a bunch of sand in his foot. I thought he was dying or suffering. Then he dug a little hole, and then resumed cruising the tank and cleaning glass as usual (?)
  14. The tank got plenty of frozen brine shrimp today. I noticed Snoopy is very excited and assertive when he gets these. His whole attitude changes. He does fin fluttering and backwards swimming. I am almost out of these. Time to restock and feed these more often. Since these go all over the tank, it’s easy for him to have a chance at them. As we know, the tetras are like a pack o’ wolves. Look how much color he has when eating/hunting brine shrimp. I think this food makes him really happy, and I think he is displaying colors because he is being territorial about the food. Bloodworms do this too. it’s settled then. More frozen foods for the Snoopster. The LFS also sells bags of live brine shrimp at the counter. Will snag one of those too this week.
  15. Yep. This is the shrimp tank. Guaranteed they are all up in that water sprite. That’s their favorite hangout. Some snails are in the tank too. The betta tank is under this one.
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